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فرق میان high quality با press quality موقع خروجی گرفتن PDFچیه؟
فرق میان high quality با press quality موقع خروجی گرفتن PDFچیه؟
In standard printing, the choice of profile would be determined by matching to that being used by the printer however CS uses a proprietary print profile and has not released any details on it. So....
The first question to ask is what is the native color space of the images you are using. you want to select a profile that will not affect the existing color space (ie with PDF/x-1a RGB images will automatically convert them to CMYK which can cause out of gamut issues). The other issue that comes up with some profiles is transparencies. CS does not do well with transparencies and some profiles will leave them in place.
Below is a short list of profile options and what each will do in regards to color space and transparencies.
High Quality Print: Use this preset to create a PDF document for high-quality printing on desktop printers and proofers. Color and grayscale images are downsampled to 300 ppi. Colors are left unchanged (they aren?t converted to another color space). Transparency is retained (Acrobat 5 compatibility is the default).
Press Quality: Use this PDF preset for high-quality commercial printing where the printer is comfortable receiving a PDF with live transparency. Acrobat 5 compatibility is selected, and transparency isn?t flattened. Color and grayscale images are downsampled to 300 ppi (considered an industry standard for commercial printing). RGB images are converted to CMYK; CMYK values are unchanged. This would be a good choice if your printer is sending this to an imagesetter or platesetter out of Acrobat 7 Professional. Acrobat can handle live transparency and produce high-quality separations. The next two presets follow PDF/X standards: To reduce printing errors and enable the successful exchange of files, Adobe worked with other vendors and professional users to develop the PDF/X standards?a family of ISO standards which are a subset of PDF designed for print workflows. Many printers are encouraging their customers to use PDF/X. They?re also a good choice if you?re not sure what your printer wants.
PDF/X-1a:2001: Both of the PDF/X presets in InDesign set Acrobat 4 compatibility which flattens transparency. (Therefore, if you choose either of these choices, be sure to visit the Advanced panel and select the High Resolution Transparency Flattener Preset to retain the quality of your type and vectors.) PDF/X-1a supports CMYK and spot colors but doesn?t allow color management. RGB images are converted to CMYK; CMYK values are preserved. Image resolution settings are the same as the Press Quality preset.
PDF/X-3:2002: This PDF/X preset is similar to PDF/X-1a except that it also supports embedded RGB profiles and color management. This standard is more widely used in Europe than in North America. Choose this option for color-managed environments where you expect the printer to optimize color reproduction for the specific printing environment.
[COLOR="#FF0000"]I suggest using[/COLOR] a PDF/x profile, the determination of PDF/X-1a:2001 or PDF/X-3:2002 is made by the original color profile of the images (RGB or CMYK)
One other consideration is to bear in mind is that there is a drastic difference between an image seen on an RGB backlit screen (which may or may not be calibrated properly for accurate color and brightness display) and a CMYK print image. The best way to get a feel for the actual color, brightness etc is via a CMYK print in either a proof or even on a decent home printer.
کار مشابه با عملکرد فرمت پینتر در ورد رو برای ایندیزاین کسی میدونه؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
سلام . برای زدن نیم فاصله در برنامه ایندیزاین در ویندوز 8 باید چکار کنیم.
alt+ctrl+shift+m رو بزنی نیم فاصله ایجاد میکنه برات
راه کوتاهتری هم پیدا کنم بهت میگم
سلام . برای زدن نیم فاصله در برنامه ایندیزاین در ویندوز 8 باید چکار کنیم.
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