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ضمنا نظرتون رو به معني كلمه Dedicated Server در سايت wikipedia.org جلب ميكنم:

A dedicated hosting service, dedicated server, or managed hosting service is a type of Internet hosting where the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone. This is more flexible than shared hosting, as organizations have full control over the server(s), including choice of operating system, hardware, etc. Server administration can usually be provided by the hosting company as an add-on service. In some cases a dedicated server can offer less overhead and a larger return on investment. Dedicated servers are most often housed in data centers, similar to colocation facilities, providing redundant power sources and HVAC systems. In contrast to colocation, a dedicated hosting service provides system administration and owns the server itself.


اگر واقعا اين امكانات و اختياراتي كه اينجا گفته رو داريد پس واقعا بهتون تبريك ميگم كه در اين شركت و كمپاني بزرگ اينقدر نفوذ داريد و واقعا مايه افتخار ايراني ها هستش اما اگر در غير اين صورت هستش پيشنهاد ميكنم در انتخاب كلمه مناسب دقت بيشتري بكنيد.

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