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در تاپيك هاي قبلي كه در مورد swift 3d در اين سايت ديده بودم
ورژن 4 اين برنامه را نديدم
فكر كنم ورژن جديد باشه ( البته فكر كنما)
اين برنامه براي ساختن طرح هاي 3d استفاده ميشه
حجمشم 19 مگ هستش
حتما دانلود كنيد
اينم اطلاعات انگليسي
بهتره اين فايل را طبق سايتش با FlasgGet دانلود كنيد
در تاپيك هاي قبلي كه در مورد swift 3d در اين سايت ديده بودم
ورژن 4 اين برنامه را نديدم
فكر كنم ورژن جديد باشه ( البته فكر كنما)
اين برنامه براي ساختن طرح هاي 3d استفاده ميشه
حجمشم 19 مگ هستش
حتما دانلود كنيد
Create intense 3D Flash animation in a vector-based environment without advanced knowledge of 3D animation. Swift 3D 3.0 is a simple, stand-alone application which will help you quickly and smoothly create impressive websites which feature dynamic 3D animation. Swift 3D is designed to fill the specific role of a 3D modeling, animating and rendering application for the non-3D professional. Built primarily for Web designers who employ Flash technology to create rich-media experiences, Swift 3D's feature set is geared specifically towards creating animations that are useful to these people. Due to the fact that 3D on the Web, specifically in Flash, is a frame-based process, Swift 3D's modeling and animation tools provide users with the features they need, not the features that are just fun to play with. Everything within Swift 3D's interface is geared towards providing designers with a quick and easy solution to creating 3D for Flash.