I am an Iranian and I wanna be a reseller.
Can you tell me Do you have any problem with Iranian customers?
If not, for how long can I sure about it.
DO you think your politics, will change about that in the future?
Thanks in advanced...
اين متنها كه شما نوشتيد همشون اشتباه تايپي دارن!
بابا خيلي راحت
I'm Iranian
Do you service me?
Do you have any problem with iran or iranian?
Thank you
مهندسي اجتماعي هم نمي خواد
خيلي راحت جوابشون يا آره يا نه
البته اكثرا براي سرويس پرداختي كه ازش استفاده مي كنن, مثل paypal يا 2chekout قبول نمي كنن كه در اين صورت
ok, but if I pay the payment with another ip or another country (outside iran)??