کتابهای مرجع فلش


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كلي كتاب ديگه هم توش هست حتما بريد ببينيد

موفق باشيد ...


Active Member
این کتاب برای انیماتورهای حرفه ای خوبه. هر چیزی درباره رسم و انیمیت کاراکتر در فلش رو داره (سیکل راه رفتن، lip sync، انیمیشن bitmap)... فایلی که پیوست کردم دو تا از انیمیشن های ساده شه که قبلا داشتمشون.


Chris Georgenes, "How to Cheat in Flash CS3: The art of design and animation in Adobe Flash CS3"
August 6, 2007 | 280 Pages | PDF | 40MB


پیوست ها

  • mudbubble_boy.rar
    36.8 کیلوبایت · بازدیدها: 52


Active Member
یکم حجمش زیاده!!!

اوهوم. ولی ارزشش رو داره. :wink:


این یکی خیلی روده درازه!! تقریبا 200 صفحه اولش فقط راجع به اصول انیمیشنه. بعد شروع می کنه فلش رو آروم آروم توضیح دادن. می گه ب، پنج صفحه توضیح می ده. چیزی از اکشن اسکریپت نداره، ولی برای مبتدیها خوبه:


The Art of Flash Animation: Creative Cartooning
2007 | PDF | English | 20.6 MB | 450 pages


Active Member
آموزش انیمیشن با Flash با معرفی یه سری extension (این کتاب پله پله فلش رو توضیح نمی ده). یه سری نکته و تکنیک برای انیمیت کردن کاراکتر داره. آخرش هم با After Effects کار رو می بنده.


Foundation Flash Cartoon Animation
Tim Jones, Allan Rosson, Barry Kelly, David Wolfe
English | 350 pages | PDF | 8,3 Mb


Active Member
Flash ActionScript: Your Visual Blueprint for Creating Flash-enhanced Web Sites

اکشن بلد نیستم که بگم کتاب خوبیه یا نه. ولی عکس زیاد داره. به نظر می یاد خوب توضیح داده باشه.


Flash ActionScript: Your Visual Blueprint for Creating Flash-enhanced Web Sites
320 pages | PDF | 9.8MB

This great guide uses the VISUAL approach to cover features of ActionScript.

Take in all the information in two-page spreads, so there is no flipping back and forth between topics. This book was created for the professional, advanced level visual learner.

Flash ActionScript: Your visual blueprint for creating Flash-enhanced Web sites covers how ActionScript works with Flash, actions, objects, properties and functions, operators and variables, Flash movies, and program debugging.



Active Member
3D for the Web: Interactive 3D animation using 3ds max, Flash and Director


3D for the Web: Interactive 3D animation using 3ds max, Flash and Director
(Focal Press Visual Effects and Animation) by Carol MacGillivray, Anthony Head
Publisher: Focal Press(November 30, 2004)
PDF | 7,4 Mb | 328 pages

Make sure you benefit from the explosion of new and exciting applications designed to let you create 3D animation for the web. See how you can use the power of 3ds max, Flash and Director to make your 3D fame or project a reality for the internet as well as learning generic skills allowing you to use many applications.

Ideal if you are a web designer with little or no 3D experience and need an overview of how 3D could transform your work and how best to put it online, or if you are a 3D animator wanting to produce work for the web and need a guide to which applications to use.
Insteadof being bogged down in code, this user-friendly, highly illustrated book teaches from a practical, technique-orientated stance, with only a minimal amount of code typing needed. Use pre-written code modules to create interactive are, animated characters and commercial websites. Then you can learn the techniques needed to make your own 3D games.
Each chapter contains tutorials which you can do yourself, using the files on the free CD included with the book. Interviews with successful professionals show you what you can aspire to by sharing their tips and tricks as well as details on the pros and cons of each software package.
For extra tips, information and help visit www.3dfortheweb.info
* Learn how to successfully translate your 3D work to the web without the need for code
* Get inspiration from professionals at the cutting-edge of 3D web design and games from interviews and examples of their work throughout the book
* Use the tutorials on the free CD to practice your skills and stay ahead of the rest




مرسی از کتاب های خوبی که معرفی می کنی
اگه میشه زبانشم مشخص کنید
که as2 و یا as3 هست


Active Member
مرسی از کتاب های خوبی که معرفی می کنی
اگه میشه زبانشم مشخص کنید
که as2 و یا as3 هست

کتاب قبلیه با اکشن اسکریپت 2 هست. سال 2004 نوشته شده. :wink:

دیدم یه مصاحبه هم با سازنده neostream داره. سایتش رو اگه خواستین ببینین. خیلی باحاله:

جدیدترین ارسال ها
