كرل x5 بتا "CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 "


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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 beta | 659MB


CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 - complete set of advanced applications to create visual layouts of pages and illustrations, photo editing and conversion of raster images into vector. Pack enjoys well-deserved recognition among the millions of professionals and amateurs around the world. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 includes new tools that facilitate the creative process, simplify project management and optimize the work of graphic design.


Now, thanks to the wider functions of creating illustrations, page layouts and photo editing, functions trissirovki raster images into vector graphics, and new functional training tool that integrated graphics package combines a huge range of excellent design capabilities, speed, affordability and ease of use, which can not provide any more software for graphic design.

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 is perfect for the following audiences:
• Experts in the field of design - the artists working under contracts, or employees of advertising agencies;
• Professionals in the field of applied design (creation of signage, screen printing, manufacturing of awards, engraving and embroidery);
• Small businesses that develop their own accompanying materials on marketing;
• Students and teachers who are creative use of graphics in educational process, projects and reports;
• Employees of government agencies and commercial organizations (technical experts, marketing specialists, engineers, scientists and administrators).

Year: 2009
Platform / OS: Windows all
Developer: Corel
Enabling | reg code: enclosing
Language: English
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پیوست ها

  • x5231.JPG
    25.1 کیلوبایت · بازدیدها: 77
  • x52.jpg
    14.5 کیلوبایت · بازدیدها: 71
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mahoo painter

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mahdi pour

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