شما با اين كد ميتوانيد رجيستري ويندوز را دستكاري نماييد.براي استفاده از اين كد بايد كمپوننت رجيستري RegistryAccess روي سرور شما نصب باشد.
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<TITLE>Registry Access Component</TITLE>
<H2>Registry Access Component</H2>
The <B>Registry Access</B> component provides access to the registry on a local or remote computer.
Dim objRegAccess
Dim strIEVersion
On Error Resume Next
Set objRegAccess=Server.CreateObject("IISSample.RegistryAccess")
If IsObject(objRegAccess)=False Then
Response.Write "The Registry Access component object can not be created at this time. "
Response.Write "Either you do not have this component on the server machine or it "
Response.Write "is not installed properly."
Response.Write "You may try to fix this problem by installing IIS Resource Kit."
Response.Write "The Registry Access component object is created successfully !<P>"
strIEVersion=objRegAccess.Get("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version Vector\IE")
Response.Write("Internet Explorer version - " + strIEVersion)
If Trim(strIEVersion) <> "" Then
Response.Write("You got something useful !")
End if
End if