Where Photoshop blends with the salted sea air Let your Photoshop create a relaxing, imaginary world and make your image a part of this scenery. by Panos.atn
Mosaic Effects
A set of 6 great mosaic effects Give your images an alternative, tiled look with this set of actions. The set will work with images of any size. The best results are achieved with square images. There are 6 effects:
100 Tiles
25 Tiles
Enjoy! Effects by Panos.atn
Video Wall
Video wall effects You can have your images appearing within a 16 monitors video wall with this set of 4 actions. I have written them in a way that allows you to have a great degree of control over the final product's numerous details.A number of effects such as speakers, reflections, buttons in red glow, e.t.c. are included
Triqui's Space
Random starfield, planets and sun Generate a random space scene with a starfield, two different kind of planets and the sun - Realistic
Van Gogh's Lost Ear
Eight scripts inspired the four seasons & van Gogh Amazing abstract effects can be achieved, when combining the effects together. For example, the Van Gogh script, which is achieved without no third party plug-in and is quite realistic.
To use a Marc Action, load (or replace) the entire set (choose Load Actions from the Actions palette's pop-out menu). The Marc Actions set will be added at the bottom of the Actions palette.
Parahamsa Linen
Give a linen / sepia look with a texture Inspired by the nature and a poet named Kabir, not even a poet - a medieval Indian prophet.
To use a Marc Action, load (or replace) the entire set (choose Load Actions from the Actions palette's pop-out menu). The Marc Actions set will be added at the bottom of the Actions palette.
Workflow Actions Set
Actions designed to streamline daily PS tasks The 'Workflow Actions Set' has been created to bring reguarly used Photoshop menus to the function keys of your Mac OR PC. The idea is efficiency, so simple tasks like rotate, image size & flatten image are now just a button press away. Add to this basic color correction & a number of sharpening methods and you start to see how the 'Workflow Actions Set' might make your PS usage more streamlined. Actions Set
Puzzle Effects
Turn your image into a jigsaw PUZZLE EFFECTS allow you to turn your images into impressive jigsaws. There are 3 core actions that create 20, 30 or 56 pieces jigsaws. A number of complementary actions that give you great control over the final product are included. The powerful characteristic of PUZZLE EFFECTS is that each piece is actually a separate layer; this allows you to create numerous additional effects.
Photo ageing
Ageing your Photos Ageing your Photos in minute. by Jenny.atn
Vivid Fog
Enhance saturation Add a vivid fog effect that will enhance the saturation of your image.
Actions creating see-through patterns This set of actions creates colourful seamless patterns which when are applied on an image allow you to see the background (as through a grid). This is handy in creating a number of image effects.
At first you have to run the pattern generator action. A set of 4 patterns will be created. Then use the Add a Layer Style button to apply a pattern overlay on a layer. Each set is unique in terms of colours. Patterns.atn
Whitening Teeth
Whiten teeth using a layer mask. Most people don't have perfectly white teeth and it can sometimes turn into the center of attention in a photograph. This tutorial will teach you how to make teeth whiter.
Gradient Vector
Transform your photograph into a gradient vector artwork
Generates Kaleidoscopic random patterns @ 300ppi & 800x600 px for text effects and BGs. Can make rather neat flaking fx on txt if used as txture.
B&B Animated
The animated version of B&B effects! 3 different effects are included. Watch the preview example on the right (wait until all frames are loaded) Animated.atn
Filmstrip Frame
Filmstrip frame effects After B&B filmstrip, I received many requests for an action that would create a flat filmstrip frame effect (no shadows or bends). So, here it is. There are two versions: one for 3:2 pics (35mm photos) and one for 4:3 pics. In addition, you can choose between a basic version, or a more real filmstrip copy. The 3:2 version was created on a hi-res scan of a real filmstrip, with the photo being horizontally aligned at the end.
Picture book effect This action will create a picture book and will place your image on top of it. It will add effects such as (a few) mat sheets, copper rings, image holders etc. The dimensions are proportional to the original image. Once again, the goal is to offer you an alternative way of presenting your pics, rather than replicating the exact look of such an item.
B&B set of effects
3D photo effects
Spider's NVG-2 Effect
A night vision effect This effect can not only create an updated Night Vision image, but it can created an Animated version in ImageReady too's NVG-2
Nova 1 and 2
Super Novas Created on an 800/600px canvas @300ppi, these two actions (especially if results are combined) create rather explosive results. (You might have to right click on the pic to the right and select loop & play to get it to play the 2nd pic.) Not OK for international versions.
Weave it!
Turn Photoshop into a knitting machine Weave your images with this small action. Easy to customise! it.atn
Paint Master
Painting Effect Easy turn your photos into cool paintings.
Rain Drop
Makes rain/water drops on image This is actually from the PDF of tutorials that comes with Photoshop CS. I took the time to make it an action. The action works best on high res images, 200 to 300 dpi. First it will make some black spots on your image then, using layer effects, it will turn those spots into transparent water drops. The drops will also be on their own layer so as not to alter your original image's Raindrops.atn
Jelly Bomb
A not so bad bomb effect Bomb.atn
Velvia Effects
Adds Velvia Film effect to digital photos This simple action reproduces the selective color, contrast, and saturation boost of Velvia film. The effect is fully adjustable from minimal to maximum. All steps are done on a copy of the original photo.
Akkia's Color Sketch
color sketching effect Applies a color sketch like effect Try messing with levels and/or contrast-brightness after action runs.'s Color Sketch.atn
Winter Wonderland
Adds realistic falling snow to your image. Three layers of different snow sizes and blurriness give the effect its depth.
Turns any image into a reflected water scene. Waterscape reflects an open image, then adds a water texture on top. Results are fairly realistic with a hint of impressionism.
Turn an ordinary photo into a comic book page. This actin does a good job converting high-resolution images into a comic book like page. It's especially useful for assembling images from various layers to create some sort of scene. In this sample Aragorn is a separate layer against the background. Both layers have the same effect applied to them.
Give image as a E-6 to C-41 look. Give image as a E-6 to C-41 look,With a hard color.
Realistic 3D Clouds
This action makes very realistic clouds.
3D texturing helper.
help with repetitve tialing and FX! here is a 2X2 mirror effect, and a 3X3 maker + 3X3 undo+ a split horizontal and vertical to work on the edges of the image(to make tialing seemless). actions.atn
Generates a realistic starfield from scratch.'s starfield.atn
Baby Blue
Baby Blue makes a soft blue dream effect!
Romance Color
Vasoline effect with enhanced color/contrast Adds a vasoline effect to a single layer image and enhances the color and contract to create a soft focus, weighty image.
Recommended: Run an Auto Level to your image prior to running this action, or make sure your image isn't too dark.
underwater correction
fix that blue hue in underwater pix Ambient light shots underwater are often blue. Add the red back in with this simple action. Cudos to Mandrake for the technique.
Romance Lite
Make any image soft focus and colorized. This action creates a vasoline lens effect with a burnt sienna colorization to boot. It is quick and easy, and the effect is subtle, yet create a dynamic photo. Great for wedding photos or portrait work. This is my own blend...a simple one, yet effective.
Creates a vasoline lens effect with colorization. This action allows you to customize the look of the romance_lite action. It take a single image layer and creates a vasoline lens effect with colorization that works great for wedding photos, portraits, etc...
subject focus
image effect This will bring out the subject from the background. Be careful while extracting the subject coz it will affect the image at the end. focus.atn
Nice Edges 1.0
Apply different effects to image edges. This actions allows you to apply different effects to image edges. Edges 1.atn
Flaming Lightsaber
Makes a cool flaming sword effect. Lightsaber.atn
Magic Mirrors
Why symmetry is beautiful. Yet another collection of eight awesome actions. This set mirrors portions of the given image, to make a symmetrical image. I've included four bi-splits and four quad-splits, each action representing all sides to be mirrored. These work great, and can make anything look awesome.
Image effects
Nice Action Edges.atn
Make edges Make nice edges in to youre picture Krete edge.atn
PJ Photo Enhancers V3
Photo enhancers Sharpen, color balance, increase details, bring out shadow details, etc Sharpen
Master Oil Painter
This action will convert your photos into masterfully crafted oil paintings.
Simple Effective 2
Eight more colorful, exciting, simple actions. 1. Color Grid Generator - detailed mosaic 2. Color Memory - color & shadow 3. F&F Art - fast but art 4. Hallucinations - new colors and shadows 5. Melted Mosaic - light tiles, dark melted 6. Pencil Sketch 3 - a pencil drawing 7. Raw Heat - radioactive 8. Revolution - new way to look
Mysterre Hardcover Book
Make a 3D hardcover book It taks any flat image and creates it as the cover art for a book. You need a couple extra steps at the end, but it's easy.
Your pictures on TV. Working in the video industry, I spend a lot of time gazing at monitors and television sets, so I thought -- why not make an action that looks like a TV? This action has many customizeable features, including metallic and wood casings, hi & lo resolution screens, personalized text, and of course your own picture on the set. The action is also left in layers so you can make changes easily.
DK's Watercolor effect
A nice smooth painting effect This is a technique that happened from a bunch of experimenting with Filters and layer blending modes. It works very nicely on animals and landscapes but it doesn't do much for images of people, especially low rez ones.'s_watercolors_v3.atn
Space Blast
A fiery explosion effect A fiery explosion effect that looks like something exploded in space. Can be used for battles scenes, suns, etc. Works great in any resolution. NOTE: This image doesn't do justice to the effect! visit the demo site for higher resolution images (Site now works).
Run the SPACE BLAST - FULLSCREEN action first, then if you wish to make some minor adjustments, you may run the FINISH actions. In the end you may run the CUT action to extract the explosion from it's background. Blast.atn
Fiery random effect action out of it and decided to upload it.
Ray's Image Bubble
Makes Soap-like bubbles Makes a reasonably realistic Soap Bubbles using an image (image must be square and on a seperate layer from the background)
1) Equal Height, Equal Width
2) No Background. (otherwise it moves the wrong layers for some reason.)
3) image is on the only layer in the document. (same as above)
4) layer is not transparent in any area. (otherwise you get lilly-pad shapes)
5) Then play and follow pop-ups.
6) Before allowing it to merge visible (last stop), you can tweek the layers.
Woven strips with deckeled edges. Similar to a DreamSuite2 effect that turns your chosen photo into a woven 5x5 pattern with that torn edges look.
Cut your pictures into layered strips. 2 actions that emulate an effect found in DreamSuite2. One is for landscape oriented photos and the other for portrait. Make sure rulers are set to percent before running.
Amelie Effect
Images look like they came from the movie Amelie. This action creates a new layer that can be adjusted to your liking. It gives your photo a similar color adjustment as seen in Amelie. Effect.atn
Water Drop
Makes water drop background effect. Makes some nice water drop effect. Drop.atn
Draws a sunset over the sea Just press play on the 'sunset' action and it will create a beautiful sunset for you
Geth's Soften Face Grain
Removes grain or crud from flat colour... ...areas but maintains detail elsewhere. Inspired by use of glowing edges in the excelelnt soften face grain.atn
Ray Of Light
Creates a burst of light behind your text^.zip
This is an action set with twostyles for sand making
Makes a watercolour pic out of a normal colour img A very simple atn. Just make sure the pic is a big one...the bigger the better.
Photo Sharp Black & White
Change your Color Pictures to a Sharp Black and White, without passing trough a simple Grayscale mode. Great for Image contrast and Sharpness. to Black and White.atn
Hell Flame
A hottest flame without plugs Burn it!
Karl 'Mongo' Erikson
This action duplicates your photo/current layer and adds a night vision filter to convert regular daylight photos into night vision scope...Cheers!
Black Ice
A small action file that "Grooviefies" the image colours, then makes it look slightly frozen.
Gold Chain Link!
This Action makes a Single Chain and Link. The author who I learned to make this chain and link from is DaVinci. Chain Link.atn
Old Parchment
This action will create an 8.5 x 11 image (@150 dpi) of very old, cracked looking paper that you could use for letterhead or whatever you desire. I created it for a project and found it useful. Background is a seperate layer, so you can change it to white for printing. Enjoy.
Reto's Eye Drops v1.1
Simulate the infrared film art. Two actions result in b/w and one for color result. Enjoy.'s_Eye_Drops_v1.1.hqx
The Moon
Quality & Style
The first action will make your photo more lively without risking the quality of your JPEG image. The second action will generate line effect to your image.
X-Mass Lights
Makes cool X-Mass lights. I used it on my site. I got the from DBM.
True Watercolour
Turns any image into a realistic water colour and pencil piece of artwork. This action was made specifically for use with video stills but works well on any image.
Ripped Picture
Ripped picture effect.
Dreaming Awake 2
It's more customizable than Dreaming Awake. Now you can modify the shape, placement and size of the gradient Awake 2 by JMK.atn
Cool Edge
A cool edge edge by Sky.atn
Frame-it! 1.0
This action adds frames to pictures. It gives the pictures a distinctive 3D feel. In this first version you can add gold, silver , red, green and blue frames to your pictures. it!
Edge Collection 1.0
This powerful action consist of TEN edge/border effects. All the effects are highly detailed and you can choose to have a shadow on the finished image if you want. Works on all kinds of images and requires no extra plugins.
Soft Focus, Soft Edge...
This action allows you to make a soft focus effect on any image. It also allows you to make a soft edge around the image. All you need is any copy of photoshop that runs actions... Focus and Edge.ATN
Edge Collection 2.0
Edge Collection 2.0 is a collection of 10 highly detailed edges. You can use the actions on any kind of images. Check out for new Edge Collection releases.
Ol' Age (atn)
You know when you really need that old looking effect. I thought everybody would like it so i made to, try them, neat effects.(updated so that the .atn format was included)'age.atn
Under the table and dreaming....
Takes a dull colorless photo and turns it into a dreamy/arty image the Table.atn
Figure transformation
Foggy Photo
This action will make a colored fog over an image. The color is easily changed and you can also change how thick the fog is by changing the opacity of the second layer. Photo.atn
Microscopic View
Creates an image similar to a Electron Micrscope. This action can turn any image (or blank page) into an image which looks like a view through a Scanning Electron Microscope.
Rotoscopish v2.0
A better version of my previous rotoscopish action Similar to my other action, but i think this one looks a good bit better. v2.0.atn
Photo Quality
Better your images in two seconds This action is good to use on all your images, to better the color, resolution and contrast in one simple stage. Quality.atn
Resaturate jpeg image
Resaturate compressed jpeg image without artifacts This action resaturates washed out, highly compressed jpeg images, without introducing artifacts. Also incorporate the excellant 'Image Enhancement' action.
1. Colour correct image 2. Flatten visible layers. 3. Run action. 4. Optimise saturation manually by changing the opacity of the 'Resat layer'. jpeg image.atn
Chrome Ball
It's a chrome sphere! Use this effect on an image. You must use a distort > spherize effect to your image. Ball.ATN
Highly Explosive
This creates a random explosion. This action creates a random ball of fire and smoke. It includes motion lines.
The Great collection
Sick, explosions an water effects to cool you down These are a few sick, explosion and water effects I assembled. Collection.ATN
Hello! My name is...
A simple nametag... With summer here, and all those family & company picnics, everyone should have a nametag to let others know who they are. Here's mine... This is my first action uploaded - any suggestions are welcomed -!.atn
Random Wash
Creates a wash of color from any image. This extremely simple action (one you could have produced yourself! Im just saving you the bother) will create a wash of colour from any image for use as backgrounds etc. Wash.atn
Tymoes Polaroid Action
Creates a Polaroid snapchot image with frame This action creates a frame for an image looking like the images you get from polaroid cameras. I also uploaded this as template with 4 different skins. 1000x1000px @ 300 dpi RGB
Load Action, press play, follow instructions. After opening your image scale image and place it on the layer called back. (or rename layer to back and delete old back layer
Photo to Pencil draw Convert any photo to pencil draw.
Tymoes Copies
Opens image and makes either 10 or 30 copies
Pack of 2 Actions: 10 Copies makes 10 copies of the image you openend, transforms each image and places it on random spots. 30 Copies does 30 copies scales them and places them on random spots. Well, i thaught i should share because i really used this effect very often, so i did an action. Please visit my website, too and rate this action or send feedback, i really like to see what people do by using my stuff.
Draw It! v2.0
Makes High Res images look like a drawing IT! v2.atn
Unpixelate images like poor quality JPGs This is a really basic action, which i could not find that anyone else had done it, so posted it up! Hope i'm not ripping anyone off! It will smoothen out your Pixelly images with better results than a gaussian blur. Word of advice, the last stage might take a while on large images!
Depth Charge's 1 to 3
image enhancement for all digital files 3 actions to add depth and sharpen images, each one gives a little bit more CHARGE'S.atn
Zoom a Photo!
Zoom part of a photo Apply this action to create a impressive effect of zoom over a object (more effective on persons) Photo_jl.atn
Enhancing Sunset Photos
Increase contrast without overexposing. Increase contrast and saturation without overexposing the image.
AMR Web Content Boxes
Ever want to make website content boxes? Well has created an action that comes with 3 different boxes for use with all your web designs and it's 100% free. Enjoy
Random Earth
Create a realistic Earth Create a realistic Earth with random lands and clouds in a space background. Every result will be different.
cd maker
quick and easy action to make a compact disc an action to make a reflective compact disc/dvd simply press start cd maker.atn
cool background background.atn
Starburst v1.1
starburst effect v1.atn
Snow Globe 1.0
Make a Snow Ball from your own pictures! Globe 1.0 by 9Co.atn
Neopanic 2000's Twist
A cool whirlwind image, with changable colors'S Twist.atn
Smiley moods v.1.1
Make smileys in different moods . . . moods v1.1.atn
Pro Box Photoshop
Pro Box Photoshop is a Photoshop action that turns any picture into a product display box. This is the freeware preview version of a soon to be released Photoshop action package.
Winna New iMac 1
This action makes a screen like New iMac
Smiley`s - 9Co
Smiley`s for you to use! - 9Co.atn
Random Lightning
Makes a random lightning effect! Looks very realistic, and I use it alot! I hope people will download it, and if not, too bad for them! This is truly a very cool effect. Creates a different lightning every time!
Alien Goop v1
Of all the Textures I've seen none of them compared to this.(little conceded but its the truth) So I put this in the Miscellaneous. Works great as a semi 3d wallpaper
Burning Alive
Night Skies
This action creates a seascape background. (I work with a lot of print so the resolution is set at 300dpi and I kept the layers seperate and cataloged for you, which will make a big file, you can size it down after it's done to fit your needs.
Synap v1.00
Synap: Sign-up. "Synap is a tiny action whose sole purpose is to imprint your signature inside every image you create, easily and fast. "
Canvas Center
Quite simply, this action places a horizontal and vertical guide at the center of the canvas.
Ice Cube
Ice cube simulation
Hologram V2
Open your Image. Select the area of the image that you want to use for the hologram, using any of the lasso or marquee selection tool options. Press Play! When you are finished you can move the hologram layer to another area on the original image, or copy/drag it to a new image!
This set contains two actions. The first action renders a realistic, yet somewhat cartoonish eyeball, while the second action turns the eyeball sideways. As with the older action, you get to change the Iris color! Enjoy!
Follow the stop instructions. Run the eyeballs.atn action first, then run the "sideways eyeball.atn" second if you wish for the eyeball to face sideways. Enjoy.
Soft Edge Fade Out
This is a great tool to softly fade out or blur away the surrounding unwanted area of an image selection. I find it is useful when you do not want to just crop the image. The advantages here are that your image remains the same size, the fade is graduated, and the selection pulls itself to the foreground. This action is also great for creating a romantic/dreamy feel to images.
First, Open your Image. Second, Select the area of the image that you want to preserve, using any of the lasso or marquee selection tool options.
3d Balloon
This is what has been Featured on the Cingular Wireless Commercials. Thanks to Photoshop User Magazine It has been made for using on anything you wish.
gutsy revised
This action takes off where The Den Gutsty's left off. It allows for the user to select his/her own colors and also goes further with a rad space type melting effect. But that's not all. It also does a text effect. Truly something that must be seen to believe. Note this is still being worked on.
Faded Rainbow Frame
This action creates a faded rainbow frame for your image. Note - this action creates the frame inside the border of the canvas, so if your image goes to the edges part of it will be obscured. [I'm still working on a version that will make the frame around the image. Will post it when I do. The effect fades nicely into the centre.
Felt-tip pen
It's felt-tip pen action with felt-tip pen's cap add-on. There is two actions: 1st the same felt-tip pen action (makes an felt-tip pen) and 2nd makes cap for pen.
Copy Cat
This action includes two types of reflections, one called reflect and another called mirror, which have a few different options and a custom for each... this is a pretty simple action, but about 10 steps up from my other action, reflect. in the sample picture shows the reflect and mirror version (for the mirrored, i used perspective which is described in the action), and a sample pic to show some of its potential.
Glass Aqua Gel
I took the popular gel button and glassed it with eye candy I really like the look. Hope you do to.
Cool Swirl
This is a really awesome looking swirl. I've put both version 1 and 2 in the download.
Shaun's Exploding Ring
Makes an awesome explotion with an expanding ring around it like in "STAR WARS: A New Hope". Pretty Fansmeggingtastic if you ask me. There are a few of these about but this one rules!'s_Exploding_Ring.atn
This action simulates a chalkboard containing text of your choosing.
The Anti-Aliaser
The Anti-Aliaser is a set of two simple Photoshop actions. They scale/filter the image, giving quite similar results to anti-aliasing. Great for 3D previews! You can apply it as a batch to a folder of images. How it works? It's simple. It first upscales the image, then applies median filtering to it, and then downscales it again. The difference between faster and better is that faster upscales to 200%, and better to 400%. That's it in all it's
Got stuck watching Saturday Night Fever. Came up with this. Makes new document, and creates an icon from an era that most want to forget. But the Ball was cool, even if the clothes weren't. Press Play. No plugins needed, all language compatable.
Ray's Skyscapes
A SkyWriting Action for white on black... Two Galaxies. A starry Night. A sunset. 2 Super Difference Clouds routines, 2 Clowdy routines. On the right, 2 Galaxies and a very small resize of the Skywriting Text.'s Skyscapes.atn
Utopia 2.0
Utopia creates an earth-like planet. it's the best I've managed to come up with so far...and I think it's pretty impressive! Come to my new site for more actions and photoshop stuff! no extra plug-ins required! Planets.atn
Soft Faded Edge
I don't create many actions, but I've had to repeat this procedure so many times that I finally took time to make an action out of it. Many people have posted actions that help give a soft or faded edge to a picture or selection. Most of them look very good on screen, but have a dirty smeared look when printed. (Even the best printers have problems with soft gradients fading to white) This action gives a soft edge that looks good both on screen and it print. It lets you choose any selection you wish to use for the edge. When it's finished, the edge fades to transparency so that you can then drop it onto any background you wish.
Take the layer you're going to use and duplicate to new. Make sure the layer is centered on the new canvas with the canvas at least 70 pixels larger in width and height than the selection will be. Name the layer "Layer 1" Make sure you're in RGB mode. HAVE NOTHING SELECTED. Run the action. *Note* this will not work well on selection much smaller than 150 pixels in width or height. Feel free to mess with the settings. ;o) Edge.atn
Ray's Super Glass Bubbles
Makes text and white circles/ovals into bubbles of glass. There are lighting effects and reflection/refraction shadows. This version doesn't include the text glass effect, and in order for it to work on text, you must run it seperately for bubbles and again for text. Use the text selection tool and fill with white.'s Super Glass Bubbles.atn
Star + Planets
Creates a burning star and Earthlike planets. Also creates a starfield background, although you cant see it in the picture. Planets.atn
A pack of Five actions of light Fx: Explosion,Fireworks, Fireworks2,Laser and Volumetric light. More actions, a gallery,and other things on my website at