با سلام
اين هم يك نرم افزار توپ با افكتهاي زيبا
من خودم زياد سر از برنامه در نيوردم
ولي سايتش رو نگاه كردم ديدم چيزهاي قشنگي داره
اين هم توضيحاتش:
اين هم سايتش:
اين هم لينك دانلودش:
فقط با فلش گت بگيريد
راستي پسوردش فايل زيپ هم اين است
با تشكر
مجيد( 8O )
اين هم يك نرم افزار توپ با افكتهاي زيبا
من خودم زياد سر از برنامه در نيوردم
ولي سايتش رو نگاه كردم ديدم چيزهاي قشنگي داره
اين هم توضيحاتش:
Using plugins, tubes and other materials in a graphics, video or animation application can be a frustrating experience. As your effect collection grows your application needs longer to start up and your menus and lists become cluttered making it very difficult to find the particular effect you are looking for.
Now you can take control of your effects using Plugin Commander. It allows you to manage and preview your plugin, tube and add-on collection quickly and easily. You can disable the plugins, tubes and materials you rarely need and define how your favorite effects will appear in the host application.
With Plugin Commander you can download and modify thousands of Filter Factory plug-ins as well as easily grab specific PSP tubes that are freely available on the net. Plugin Commander lets you apply Photoshop-compatible plug-ins to images, batch process images with ease, display the effects of your plugins as thumbnails, preview your tubes and other PSP add-ons, define your own plugin and file types and even create your own plugins.
اين هم سايتش:
اين هم لينك دانلودش:
فقط با فلش گت بگيريد
راستي پسوردش فايل زيپ هم اين است
با تشكر
مجيد( 8O )