picasa.v1.618+Crack((يكي از بهترين برنامه ها براي ساختن آلبوم و...))


خوب همون طور كه ميدونيد اين برنامه يكي از بهترين برنامه هاي جمع و جور براي جمع آوري تمام عكس هاي توي كامپيوتر و درست كردن آلبوم و ويرايش عكس و خيلي چيزاي ديگه هستش ! 8)

خوب اينم توضيحاتش :

Finding, organizing, sharing, editing, and printing photos was never this easy or fast. Designed for home users, this software replaces what came with your camera. Picasa detects your USB camera driver to import digital pictures and automatically begins to organize them into visual albums by date instead of in files and folders. Putting all pictures in one application allows you to find and view any picture on your PC without wasting time searching your computer files or hardware devices. Picasa works with JPEG, GIF, BMP, PSD, and movie files. Editing includes crop, fix red-eye, enhance - even switch from color to black and white. The new Hello feature gives you instant sharing plus instant messaging all-in-one: now send one picture or a dozen in seconds. You can also send pictures through your own e-mail application or using Picasa's built-in client. Order photo-lab quality prints and have them sent directly to friends and family, or print at home in standard or custom sizes.

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اميدوارم به دردتون بخوره! :wink:

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