(P2P (Peer to Peer يعني وجود ارتباط بين دو كاربر بدون استفاده از يه سرور . عملا يعني شما كه دنبال يه فايل ميگردي اون فايل رو از تو كامپيوتر يكي ديگه پيدا و دانلود كني. براي اين كار بايد نرم افزار هاي مربوط به p2pرو دانلود كني كه kazza و dc+ و imesh و winmx و ... از جمله اونهان. با كمك اين نرم افزار ها هروقت فايلي رو جستجو كني اين فايل از هارد هر كدوم از كامپيوترهاي موجود در شبكه كه اونو داشته باشن روي كامپيوتر تو دانلود ميشه.
Peer-to-peer is a communications model in which each party has the same capabilities and either party can initiate a communication session. Other models with which it might be contrasted include the client/server model and the master/slave model.
IBM's Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) is an example of a product that supports the peer-to-peer communication model.
This term was suggested by Donna Wolff.
Sources: George McDaniel. IBM Dictionary of Computing, Tenth Edition, McGraw-Hill, (1993).