داداش دمت گرم!
از اينكه اين اسكريپت روي براوزر شما اجرا شده خيلي خوشحال شدم. من فكر ميكنم شما سكيوريتي كامپيوترتون رو يه جوري كمش كردين. اگه در اين زمينه با من موافق نيستيد پيشنهاد ميكنم بريد به:
About Cross-Frame Scripting and Security
اگه یه زحمتی بکشی و بگی چه جوری شده که براوزر شما این security restriction رو اعمال نمیکنه خیلی ازت ممنون میشم.
اينم بخشهايي از اون صفحه:
With Dynamic HTML (DHTML), content in different windows and frames can interact in powerful ways by scripting with the object model. However, since a browser can simultaneously display unrelated documents in its various windows and frames, certain rules must be enforced to protect data integrity and privacy of information
For most content, only interactions with content from the same domain are allowed. For example
The range of permissible access for a page can be expanded when a script assigns the document.domain property to a suffix of the site name space, up to the second-level domain
Scripts that attempt to access parts of the object model to which they do not have access are blocked with a "permission denied" error