چند ماژول مفيد براي ناك>ساخت پرشين بلاگ براي هر ناك


ماژول ايجاد يك free subdomain توسط هر كاربر ناك
..... نامحدود ساب دمين

ماژول ايجاد يك صفحه وب براي هر كاربر ناك با امكان دادن امكان ويرايش به كاربر از داخل Your_Account

ماژول ایجاد یک وب سایت سه صفحه ای برای کاربران ناک

با استفاده از این دو ماژول ایجاد یک صفحه و ساب دمین و قدری کار روی ماژول
ژورنال ناک که البته ورژن پیشرفته اون نسخه 2 هم وجود داره
یا بررسی crossnuke که یک وبلاگ متداول رو ایجاد می کنه
می شه یک ماژول برای ناک ساخت که چیزی شبیه پرشین بلاگ رو در ناک ایجاد کنه


Active Member
ساسان جان ممنون.

ولي اينكه براي مامبو است. ميشه بيشتر توضيح بديد.


آقا ببخشيد اگه لينك دانلود مستقيم ندادم بخاطر اينكه خيلي سايتها بايد عضو بشين و بنام كاربري خودتتون برنامه رو بگيريد


در حال تعريف يك پروژه هستم در چندين سايت يار جمع مي كنم اين لينك ها رو دادم كه كار از كجا شروع مي شه و چطوري جلو مي ره تا نظر دوستان چي باشه و كار بهتره چطوري انجام بشه


چشم قربان ما كه اصلاح كرديم يك لحظه متوجه منظور آدرس مستقيم فايل نشدم تو افكار خودم بودم


Active Member
آقا دستت ندرده.
خيلي حال دادي. ولي اگه بتونم فايلهاش رو هم گير بيارم كه .... تو ... ميشه.
دستت درد نكنه.

اگه كسي تو سايت عضو شد و لينك دريافت برنامه رو پيدا كرد حتما خبر بده


Active Member
ببين ساسان جان امشبه رو كلي باهات حال كردم.
بابا تو ديگه كي هستي.
دمت گرم گرم گرم.
فقط يه سوال اينا رو لوكال هاست هم كار ميكنه؟ يعني براي لوكال هاست هم ساب دومين ايجاد ميكنه؟

ساسان جان قربون دستت اگه يه مقاله آموزشي كامل در مورد استفاده از اين برنامه ها پيدا كردي اونو هم حتما بزار.
اگه انگليسي بود هم خيالي نيست. ترجمه ميكنم ميزارم همينجا. اگه خودت هم بلد بودي كه آموزش بدي كه نور تو نور ميشه. آره قربونش.
آخه يه جاهاشو نميتونم هضم كنم و بفهمم كه چطوري اين كارها رو ميكنه .


عزيز جان حرفي نيست ولي اصلا منظور من از اين تاپيك ايجاد يك ماژول جديد با كمك اين ماژولها بود مي خواستم ببينم كسي هست كمك كنه يا نه ولي به دليل خواست و نظر ديگران شده معرفي و لينك دادن اين ماژولها باشه چشم من هرچي مطلب در مورد اين ماژولها جمع كردم اينجا مي ذارم همه انگليسيه يكم مهلت بدين


Signifies what the FullExtra?

Only few words exist in the world that are written and said in the same way in all languages of the Earth and their meaning is exactly the same. Said in any language of the world, everybody knows what these words mean. (Whether they speak English, the primary language of the Internet or not.) Moreover, there are hardly any words that are in accordance with the above-written and are important in business, that is they are mobile, flexible enough.
They are in alphabetical order: auto, bank, business, money. No more!
- However, there are two words (that are positive, valuable in themselves, too) by means of which the above mentioned words can be emphasised, made even more favourable.
These two words are unique all over the world. They are -extra- and the even more emphatic -fullextra-. There is no other word that would be more stronger, more quality reflective, emphatic and would strive for completeness in a better way.
It is uniquely flexible, can be contracted with any other word (a product, service, car or travel) to call attention to it, to increase its value. This word, -fullextra- is therefore able to lift out anything from the mass, to raise its owner or beneficiary from the grey crowd. (Just like a trade-name.)


The Gateway module is a set of scipts that allows members of your site to register for free webspace consisting of a three page website, userblog, journal or whatever you want to call it on your server.
Thus creating a name like:


The script will create a site within a folder in the root directory with administration access to edit the website.
Gateway v3
The administration panel allows you to change the site's keywords, description, password, website content, links and upload a single image onto the front page. There is also an wysiwyg html editor for people with lack of html knowledge.

Added in this version is administration for php-nuke. Better theme support

phpGateway version 4.0
The administration panel allows you to change the site's keywords, description, password, website content, links and upload a single image onto the front page. The wysiwyg editor has been left out of this version due to some bug reports.

دلیل من که علاوه بر 3 4 رو هم گذاشتم برای دانلود
بدلیل کم حجم بودن ظاهرا مثل پچ فایلها یه سری فایلها رو داره و در فاروم خیلی افراد از ارورهای اون گفته بودن


Journal 2.0
This is a PHPNuke Journal update no database changes are
required for use.

If you want to use your forums smiles or some other ones
located within your nuke site you can change the path in
/* Change Smiles Path Here */
$jsmiles = "./modules/Journal/images/moods";
To use Forum Smiles set the path to:
$jsmiles = "./modules/Forums/images/smiles";

Styles have been added to the Journal directory.
This is the structure:

To enable the use of Font changes you must make a copy of
your Themes style.css and remove the line:
FONT {FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 11px}
from it and place it in the Journal/styles in a directory with the
same name as your theme. We included all of the default themes but if
you have made changes to them you will want to follow this copy
proceedure so the Journal pages display with the same styles as the
rest of your site.

Change Log:
Added more variable checking!
Added stronger user checking!
Added Admin Edit/Delete Journals feature!
Added Admin delete Comments feature!
Added htmlArea2 visual mode wysiwyg editor!
Added some missing english language defines


بهترین مطلب در مورد ماژول ایجاد یک صفحه برای هر کاربر ناک خود فایل من رو بخونید بقیه ماژولها رو که باز کنید راهنما دارن

PHP-Nuke Webpages 1.4 README
by Wm. Wong, 06/24/03
[email protected]


The Webpages module lets registered users create a
single web page. The page can contain HTML tags
and some of the more common ones are listed on the editing
screen. A list of active user web pages is provided by
the module or by blocks included with the package.

Administrators can edit any page but users can edit only
their own page. Anyone can view the pages including
anonymous users.

Pages can be displayed within the PHP-Nuke context or
as full pages. There are optional titles that can be displayed
with the users name. Links to the home page and to the list
other pages is added automatically so users viewing a page
cannot get stranded on an empty page.

Web pages can be grouped. There is a default group that cannot
be deleted. Group names can be changed and each group has its
own webpage that can be customized. The list of user web pages
within a group are listed at the end of the page.

Systems supported:
Webpages was developed and tested on PHP-Nuke 6.0 and 6.5.
Webpages was initially developed and tested on PHP-Nuke 5.6.

New Installation Instructions:
1. Copy html directory to the PHP-Nuke root.
2. Change owner (chown) and file permissions (chmod) if necessary.
3. Create the MySQL table using webpages.sql.

# mysql nuke <webpages.sql

Note: edit the webpages.sql file first if you use a different
prefix for the MySQL tables.

4. Merge Your_Account/change*.index.php with Your_Account/index.php.

This is the hard part. There are comments in the change file
that indicate the lines that must be included in the index.php
file. With version 6.0, changes are also in the navbar.php file.

The lines are bracketed by the following comments:

/* === Begin Web pages support === */

/* === End Web pages support === */

Copy everthing between and including the comments and put it in the
matching place in your version of the file. A straight replacement
may not be possible if you have edited the file or changed in from
the standard 5.6 or 6.0 version. Using diff may help.

If the only difference is the lines between the comments then just
rename appropriate files.

For PHP-Nuke 6.5 or later:
mv change65.index.php index.php
mv change65.navbar.php navbar.php

For PHP-Nuke 6.0:
mv change6.index.php index.php
mv change6.navbar.php navbar.php

For PHP-Nuke 5.6:
mv change56.index.php index.php

Also for PHP-Nuke 5.6:
Edit the modules/Webpages/user.php file. Locate the /* 5.6 compatible version */
comment. The line following must have the /* and */ comment indicators removed
and added to the matching line below the next comment. This handles the alignment
of the icons in the personal page.

These changes add the icon for the web page in the user personal page.

Alternatively, activate the UserWebpage (block-UserWebpage.php) for
registered users. The icons on the personal page will not be shown
if the changes to index.php listed above are not made.

5. Use an image editor and change the file type of /images/admin/webpages.jpg
to /images/admin/webpages.gif. Unfortunately the PHPNuke administration
interface only recognizes the latter and this module is only supplied with
JPEG files. Hopefully newer versions of PHPNuke will recognize JPEGs or PNG

6. Activate the Webpages module from the administrator's Modules module.

Block Installation (optional):
There are two blocks included with this package.

The block-Webpages.php file displays a pulldown list with active pages.
The block-Webpages2.php file displays a listbox with active pages.

Activate the blocks in the normal fashion. The code can also be copied
and used in other areas such as the header. A background in PHP is
recommended for this type of change.

Instructions for use:
Users simply need to click on the web page icon that has been added to their
personal page. This brings up a screen where they can add text as they would
with a news story. This can be saved and then viewed. Changes can be made when
a user is logged in. The web page is automatically included in the list of
web pages.

The list of web pages can be obtained using the blocks provided or by selecting
the module assuming there is a module list available. If modules are statically
linked then a link must be added for the Webpages module. Web pages are listed
and sorted by the user account name. The user name is included as well.

Administrators will find a new entry in the main administration screen.
It is actually active even if the module has been disabled so you can edit
pages when things are turned off. Disabling the module simply prevents users
from finding a list of web pages or being able to display them.

The administration interface provides a list of web pages. These can be
edited by the administrator. The global settings can also be changed. These
affect new page creation (show name and full page) and disabling of new page
creation. The latter allows users to create new pages only if this option is
enabled. Administrators can allow users that already have a page to edit it but
new pages cannot be created.

1. It is possible to restrict editing of user pages to
super admins by editing the admin/modules/webpages.php
file. See the comments in the file for details.

2. Language support is limited to English but all
text has been isolated into modules/Webpages/lang/lang-english.php

3. There is no facility for uploading graphics for the web pages.
Users can reference files on other sites or ones uploaded to the
host by other means.

Things to do:
* Remove entries for deleted users (Note: they will not display but
they do take up space).
* Multiple page support.
* Improved editing and insertion of HTML text.
* Search support.
* Feature to allow an administrator to create a page for a user
when the global create new page option is off/disabled.

Why I did this:
I have PHP-Nuke setup in a school I support. The normal facilities of
PHP-Nuke are great but teachers and students wanted their own web pages
and mananging a system where people uploaded graphics and HTML files
was a royal pain. This provides a more controlled interface and gives
the users enough ways to express themselve with text and hyperlinks.

License: GNU General Public License
See the COPYING file in this distribution for details.

Copyright (c) 2002,2003 by W. Wong ([email protected])

1.4 06-24-03 Fixed empty database bugs (so much for regression testing)
1.3 06-21-03 Fixed default value bug in webpages.sql
1.2 06-01-03 Added edit/create link on index page
Enhanced editor with IE support
1.1 11-24-02 Group link for each active user on the admin page
1.0 11-20-02 PHP-Nuke 6.0 support
0.9 11-11-02 Bug fixes-group administration
Added Person Info link to web page
0.8 10-01-02 block-UserWebpage.php support added
0.7 10-01-02 Bug fixes
0.6 10-01-02 Added formatting options to webpages
Allow renaming of web page groups
0.5 09-29-02 Added group pages and user group support
User page delete support added
Moved most Your_Account code into user.php
0.4 09-27-02 Added disable and delete support
Added global settings
0.3 09-26-02 Added blocks and administrator editing
Language support added
0.2 09-09-02 Moved webpages to its own table
0.1 09-02-02 Initial version


سایت fullextra که ساب دومین رو ساخته با ماژول ایجاد تک صفحه برای کاربران کار می کنه

من خودم Webpages رو به ماژول Gateway که سه صفحه می ده و حتی درسایت مادر یا سازنده هم درست کار نمی کنه و وب پیج و مدیریت خوبی نمی ده ترجیح می دم روی کامپیوتر خودم خوب کار کرد با همین توضیحاتی که اینجا درج کردم ست کردم ماژول ساب دمین رو روی کامپیوتر خودم امتحان نکردم روی هاست جواب می ده و ربطی به خدمات هاست شما نداره ساب دمین مجازی ایجاد می کنه اصل اون هم ربطی به ناک نداره این سایت اون رو برای ناک باسازی کرده
قابل توجه برنامه نویسان که علاقه ای به ناک ندارن

fullextra یک مطلب دیگه هم داشت که انگلیسی هم نیست

Regisztrálj magadnak egy jó nevû subdomaint, (nevet) és máris lesz egy egyedi internetcímed, ami az egész világon csak egyedül neked lehet!
Lehet bármilyen szó, ami nem tartalmaz ékezeteket, és speciális karaktereket. Például Zsuzsi, vagy lehet Pista, lehet a szó munka, vagy szerelem, de én a lenti példában a "lap" szót regisztráltam magamnak.

Elsõ lépés, hogy elmész erre az oldalunkra, és a keresõablakba beírod azt a nevet, amit a linkben a .fullextra.com elõtt használni szeretnél. Vegyük példának ezt a mintaoldalt, aminek a "lap" szócskát regisztráltam be, hogy ez lehessen a saját linkem: http://lap.fullextra.com

Miután ez még nem volt foglalt, végigmentem a regisztráción, kitöltöttem az ûrlapokat, s az eredeti linkjét is megadva, ami ilyen hosszú volt! http://www.fullextra.com/modules.php?name=Webpages&op=show&uname=Administrator
A regisztráció végén ebbõl a hosszú és nehezen begépelhetõ link helyett, egy ilyen rövidet használhatok: http://lap.fullextra.com
A regisztráció után, a szerverrõl kimenõ emailban ne felejtsétek el aktiválni a linketeket, (a mailban lévõ aktiváló linkre kattintva) mert hiába regisztráltok, az addig nem mûködik, míg a program e módon le nem ellenõrizte, hogy a beregisztrált fullextrás domainhoz valós emailcím tartozik e.

- Rövid, hangzatos, könnyen megjegyezhetõ, pozitív kisugárzású. Egy pillantásra is figyelemfelkeltõ. Elég csupán ennyit beírni a böngészõbe: választottneved.fullextra.com

- Ha referenciaként jelöljük meg, -pld. egy pályázaton- már az elsõ pillanatban felhívja a figyelmet az anyagra, mert nemcsak a nevében hordozza a minõségi törekvést, hanem sugallja is.
Meg aztán a névjegykártyán is jobban néz ki!

Ha pedig már van kész honlapod, lehet az bármely szerveren a világon, sem a honlap tartalmában, sem a tárhelyen nem kell változtatni semmit sem. Továbbra is ugyanott kell lennie, és a régi címe is megmarad, de a regisztráció után, azonnal rendelkezünk egy pozitívabbal, egy fullextrással! Ami ráadásként a böngészõ ablakban is elrejti a valós, (netán snassz) valódi internetcímet is.


Active Member
ساسان جان دستت درد نكنه و خسته نباشيد.

ديگه سنگ تموم گذاشتيد.

جدیدترین ارسال ها
