$slogan = "vbPortal a CMS addon for vBulletin";
$startdate = "July 17th, 2001";
include($vbpath ."/admin/config.php");
$dbhost = $servername;
$dbuname = $dbusername;
$dbpass = $dbpassword;
$dbname = $dbname;
$system = 0;
$prefix = "nuke";
# Choose Forum left column display defaults
# $Allow_Forum_Leftcolumn: 1 = allow show 0 = do not allow left column in forums
# $Forum_Default_Leftcolumn: 0 = default off 1 = default on // if allow show is 1
$Allow_Forum_Leftcolumn = 1;
$Forum_Default_Leftcolumn = 0;
# $newsforum: The forumid that will be your news forum.
# $newslimit: Number of news items you want to display on the frontpage.
# $num_chars: Number of characters you want to display in each article on the frontpage.
# $hastopics: 0 = Topic Images option not installed, 1 = Installed
# $oldnewslimit: The number of past news items to display, set to 0 for none.