مشكل در ارتباط با mysql

من تو coolfreehost يه host گرفتم
ولي نميتونم به ديتا بيسم كانكت كنم
فقط نام هاست localhostبود به نام بالا تغيرش دادم
ولي پيغام Access denied for userميدهد
خواهشا راهنمايي كنيد.


Active Member
mortezarmz گفت:
من تو coolfreehost يه host گرفتم
ولي نميتونم به ديتا بيسم كانكت كنم
فقط نام هاست localhostبود به نام بالا تغيرش دادم
ولي پيغام Access denied for userميدهد
خواهشا راهنمايي كنيد.
دوست عزيز خيالتون را راحت كنم اين پاسخ شماست از هاست coolfreehost
MySQL Support

I signed up with Cool Free Host. Is my own MySql database created automatically? If not, how to create it?
First of all, before you apply for MySql at our server, YOU HAVE TO UPLOAD YOUR SITE FIRST. We will not setup it without seeing your site.
MySql database is NOT created automatically for you because not all of our webmasters need it. To create your own database please contact [email protected] and provide us with your account number that you receive from us for FTP login and your current password for FTP. We will configure MySql and notify you when ready by e-mail.
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