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پروژه آماده افترافکت (Elegant Ring Logo) با لینک مستقیم | حجم: 5.06 مگابایت | فرمت:AE

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Digital Juice Ready2Go: Collection 10 for After Effects


Release Name: Digital Juice Ready2Go: Collection 13 for After Effects
Type: AE-Projects
Release Date: 2012
Publisher: Digital Juice
Homepage: www.digitaljuice.com/products/products.asp?pid=2255
File Format: .iso
File Size: 3.7Gb

Ready2Go 10 for AE - A sophisticated look for every production with projects that suit a variety of uses. A perfect mix of stylish & useful templates in 10 new coordinated looks. It' collection of multipurpose projects that can be easily put to work as-is or adapted for any type of production. These projects will take your work to a whole new level of sophistication and usefulness.

The variety of looks means you have inspiration to draw from - and a ready-to-use set of well-designed template segments - for everything from wedding videos, business presentations and network show promos to broadcast television commercial spots, sports highlights reels and training material.

These ready2go projects are supremely customizable templates for After Effects. They give you a finished look with the addition of just your own text and video - and they are still even more customizable if you need them to be. No matter what your level of skill in After Effects, ready2go scales with you. If you just want to replace video and text - drag, drop, and edit text till you're done. Want to change colors and backgrounds, turn off a few elements or add a logo? No problem. Want to extend the length of the project or mix up the order of the animated segments in it? All of this is easier than ever with the extendable edit-friendly segments and matching customizable Swipes provided with the project templates in this collection.

More than 70 different projects including alternate color looks, alternate camera motions and additional animated content. The variety you need to handle any type of production that comes along
Edit-friendly segments allow you to customize the length of your production. Matching sets of text and video segments provided with each project make the task of customizing the projects even easier than before. You can build your own version of the project by placing a series of text and video template segments on your timeline to create your desired length and sequence. Each segment is also extendable up to 15 seconds and the provided matching Swipes elements help you transition between segments smoothly
Complete customization. Use the projects as is or take them apart and add your own look and feel. Whether you want to turn off a layer, add segments or increase the timing it's in your complete control
HD & SD projects. Whether you work with Full HD, 720P, PAL, or NTSC you don't have to worry because we've included project files in 10 of the most commonly used formats.
DJTV Training. Unlike projects from other sources, you'll get ongoing in-depth training from DJTV tutorials >>, showing you exactly how to use and customize these projects, no matter what your skill level is
Complete access. You have complete access to the project just as the animator designed it. Nothing is hidden or impossible to get at. Learn something new and improve your skills by analyzing how the projects are set up before customizing them
No third party plugins required. To make sure you wouldn't have any compatibility issues, we only used effects and features that are already built into After Effects CS4 and above

- 10 Coordinated Looks
- 74 Fully customizable native Adobe After Effects projects
- 6 Ready to use Quicktime Animations
- 10 Ready to use HD and SD Quicktime Swipes
- Each project compiled in 10 formats:
- 1920 x 1080 @ 29.97 fps
- 1920 x 1080 @ 25 fps
- 1920 x 1080 @ 23.976 fps
- 1280 x 720 @ 29.97 fps
- 1280 x 720 @ 25 fps
- 1280 x 720 @ 23.976 fps
- 720x480 @ 29.97 fps (HD Video Zone Support)
- 720x480 @ 29.97 fps (SD Video Zone Support)
- 720x576 @ 25 fps (HD Video Zone Support)
- 720x576 @ 25 fps (HD Video Zone Support)
- Proxies included for faster RAM previews
- Works with Adobe After Effects CS4 & above
- No 3rd party plug-ins required
- Compatible with both Windows and Mac
- Requires Juicer version 3.88a or above

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Password: Kindzadza
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(تاریخ اعتبار: 15 روز)

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Password: Kindzadza


آخرین ویرایش:


با عرض سلام یک سوال داشتم این پروژه های آماده ready go که اخیرا گذاشتید فرمت djproject هست یا فرمتی دیگر ؟ چون من یک نمونه از سایت دیگری دانلود کردم که فرمت djproject هست و نمی تونم اونو بازکنم .
میشه بفرمایید فرمت این فایلها که گذاشتید چیه ؟و چطوری باید آنها را اجرا کنیم.


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هم انجمنی عزیز یه کم دقت کنین انتهای هر پارت نوشته aep و این یعنی که فایل خود افتر هستش


در ضمن پسورد رو دادم پیغام ارور پسورد داد یعنی پسورد اشتباه هست و باز نشد.


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پارت 9 تو قسمت لینک مستقیم یوزر و پسورد سایت آپلود شده رو میخواد !!!!!!
لطفا اصلاحش کنید .


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Digital Juice Ready2Go: Collection 10 for After Effects

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آخرین ویرایش:
Digital Juice Toxic Templates Collection 2: Expectation for After Effects

Release Name: Digital Juice Toxic Templates Collection 2: Expectations (for After Effects)
Type: AE-Projects
Release Date: July 4, 2012
Homepage: www.digitaljuice.com/products/products.asp?pid=2433
File Format: .DJProjects/.aep
File Size:

Set your expectations high for your next motion design or video project because Toxic Templates for Adobe After Effects, Collection 2: Expectations delivers! On the heels of the incredible success of the first Toxic Templates collection, we bring you an all new volume of premium coordinated template sets, unique in both style and flow while providing a freeform framework of animated segments that can be mixed, matched, customized and extended to your heart's content. While visually these sets may appear more complex, with most containing multiple video or photo drop zones, this complexity does not make them any more difficult to use, and in fact allows them to be extended and customized much more easily.
Toxic Templates are an exciting way for you to keep your productions on the cutting edge. Created by the same elite team at Digital Juice that designs our award winning promotional videos and develops our Toxic Type collections, the Toxic Templates product line offers a refreshing twist on the customizable template genre. Much like the ready2go Projects & Template Collections, if you want the exact look of a Toxic Template, all you need to do is add your own videos, photos and text in the placeholder areas of the template. But, as with ready2go, these projects are also supremely customizable when you need them to be. You can change colors and backgrounds, turn off layers, mix segments, extend timing, add your own new elements or change the font used on the animated type - all depending on how you need to alter the look to suit your particular project. Toxic Templates animations can be used for everything from opens, segues and video montages to corporate presentations, photo galleries, broadcast commercial spots and more!

آقا این پارت 9 رو نمیخواین درستش کنین
گیر همون یه پارتیم

Digital Juice Ready2Go: Collection 10 for After Effects

پست آقای شعبانی

سلام به همه . تویه تایپیت نوشته بودم که لینک های مستقیم شده فقط 15 روز اعتبار دارند.
از لینک های کمکی استفاده کنید.
VideoHive Projects 2012


VideoHive: Lovely Baby

Name: VideoHive: Lovely Baby
Typ: AE-Project
Release Date: 24 May 12
Home: _videohive.net/item/lovely-baby/2393594
Requirements: After Effects Version CS5
Resolution: 1920x1080
File Size: 462mb

Lovely Baby - A cute project. Perfect to make a tribute to your Baby! Broadcast quality to your home video. Two Colors (blue for boys and pink for girls). Very easy to customize with your own videos or photos. 12 Photo/Video Placeholders and 2 Text Placeholders. No additional Plugins needed.




Pas: kindzadza
VideoHive: Awards Show Package

Name: Awards Show Package
Release Date: 3 November 12
Publisher: VideoHive
Home: _videohive.net/item/awards-show-package/741139
Requirements: After Effects CS3, CS4, CS5
Resolution: 1920x1080
File Size: 491.95 mb

Awards Show Package - This Broadcast Design Package captures the stunning opulence and magic of a Hollywood-style Awards Show, Wedding, 50th Anniversary, Graduation or any project that requires elegant design!

Project Features:
Show Intro
Video Overlay
Logo Bug
Lower Third
Best Actor Bumper
Best Actress Bumper
Best Director Bumper
Best Picture Bumper
BONUS : Pre-Rendered 3D Design Elements and Background!
Customizable After Effects CS3 , CS4, CS5 project
1920×1080 HD 29 .97fps
No 3rd party plugins needed
Easy to modify for other uses
Replace the “Oscar” statue with your own award or logo

There are two projects in the archive:
Pre-Rendered Version
Optical Flares Version with editable effects


pas: kindzadza


VideoHive: Birthday Card Pop up V1

Name: Birthday Card Pop up V1
Release Date: 25 January 12
Publisher: VideoHive
Home: _videohive.net/item/birthday-card-pop-up-v1/82781
Requirements: After Effects CS3, CS4, CS5
Resolution: 1280x720
File Size: 26 mb
Birthday Card Pop up V1 - Happy birthday animation a revealing card. Simply changeover of photos. It is very happy project. HDV 1280×720, 29.97 frames/pages 12 of images of filler for the photo or video with 12 texts. 2 texts on a banner, 1 text on a card covering. No third-party plug-ins are required. Duration of 53 seconds.


pas: kindzadza

VideoHive Projects

VideoHive: Crysis V.2

Name: VideoHive: Crysis V.2
Typ: AE-Project
Release Date: 6 December 2011
Home: _videohive.net/item/crysis-v2/946341
Requirements: After Effects Version CS4, CS5
Resolution: Resizable
File Size: 185 mb

Crysis V.2 is a great opener for video productions, presentations, product showcases, portfolios,logo openers, and more. All you have to do is customize the logo and text and you are ready to export your new animation, video tutorial is included to help you through customization process.

This project is made in FullHD (1920x1080) and HD (1280x720) resolution. ALL elements are animated in AE, this allows you to change everything, colors, speed, duration, shapes, and see how all elements are built. You don’t need any plugins to run this project

- Prerendered Optical Flares,Trapcode 3D Stroke,Trapcode Shine,Trapcode Particular
- Video tutorial included (how to change all colors,logo,tagline)
- Change all colors



Pas: kindzadza
VideoHive: Social Media Lower Third Pack - 3

Name: VideoHive: Social Media Lower Third Pack - 3
Typ: AE-Project
Release Date: 8 June 12
Home: _videohive.net/item/social-media-lower-third-pack-3/2463679
Requirements: After Effects Version CS5
Resolution: 1920x1080
File Size: 159mb

Social Media Lower Third Pack - 3 - Social Media Lower Third icons inside a glass pyramid. Total of 6 Social Media icons included facebook, twitter, tumblr, google plus, youtube, vimeo and one more comp in which you can replace your own icon.

The renders of all Social Media icons are included inside the project as 1280×720 resolution as png sequence files so you can use them in your other project. The wholoe sequence for each social media is looped. No 3rd party plugins are required. Additional help file is included.



VideoHive: Floral Essence

Name: VideoHive: Floral Essence
Typ: Motion Graphics, Animation
Release Date: 29 August 2011
Home: _videohive.net/item/floral-essence/500941
File Format: .mov (QuickTime Animation)
Resolution: Resizable
File Size: 481mb

Floral Essence - Animated flourishes pack By Colour Play All in One Pack. Files can also be time remapped if you feel they’re too fast or too slow. Hopefully you will find this useful.

- 30-pre-render Florals
- 26-Pre-render Extensions
- HD
- 60 FPS
- Tutorial Included


VideoHive: Text Presets - 20 text animation presets

Name: VideoHive: Text Presets - 20 text animation presets
Typ: AE-Project
Release Date: 7 April 12
Home: _videohive.net/item/text-presets-20-text-animation-presets/2034652
Requirements: After Effects Version CS4, CS5
Resolution: 1920x1080
File Size: 2mb

Text Presets - 20 text animation presets - It includes in total 20 presets.Easy to use and install. AE project included with 20 comps. No 3rd party plugins are required. Save your time and money using these presets.


VideoHive: Mega Transition Pack

Name: VideoHive: Mega Transition Pack
Typ: Motion Graphics, Video Transition
Release Date: 21 December 2011
Home: _videohive.net/item/mega-transition-pack/1086215
File Format: .mov (Video Encoding QuickTime PNG + Alpha Channel, )
Resolution: 1920x1080
File Size: 429mb

Mega Transition Pack - 50 HD matte transitions with Alpha Channel! Two versions are included, 25fps and 29.97fps. Compatibility with most editing and compositing softwares, as Premiere, Final Cut, Avid, Edius, Sony Vegas, Combustion, After Effects etc. Tutorial Included.

50 matte transitions:

- 4 "arrows" transitions
- 8 "bars" transitions
- 7 "cycle" transitions
- 6 "mosaic" transitions
- 10 "number" transitions (one to ten)
- 4 "lines" transitions
- 3 "stars" transitions
- 3 "hearts" transitions
- 2 "smoke" transitions
- 2 "pacman" transitions
- 1 "dust" transition

VideoHive: Flares Transition Bundle - 4

Name: VideoHive Flares Transition Bundle - 4
Typ: Motion Graphics, VideoTransitions
Release Date: 7 September 2011
Home: _videohive.net/item/flares-transition-bundle-4/519476
File Format: .mov (Video Encoding Quicktime - PNG + Alpha)
Resolution: 1920x1080
File Size: 676mb

Flares Transition Bundle - 4 - This is 20 different 1920x1080p video transitions that can be used to transition from one scene or video to the next. Plus bonus: 6sec. Loop Overlays



VideoHive: Flares Transition Bundle - 3

Name: VideoHive Flares Transition Bundle - 3
Typ: Motion Graphics, VideoTransitions
Release Date: 30 August 2011
Home: _videohive.net/item/flares-transition-bundle-3/502210
File Format: .mov (Video Encoding Quicktime - PNG + Alpha)
Resolution: 1920x1080
File Size: 554mb

Flares Transition Bundle - 3 - This is 20 different 1920x1080p video transitions that can be used to transition from one scene or video to the next. Plus bonus: 6sec. Loop Overlays

Video Features:
- 20 VIDEOS (10 – 1 second & 10 – 3 seconds)
- 1920x1080p
- 29.97 fps
- Alpha Channel






VideoHive Colorful Particles Logo Reveal II
1920x1080 | CS4, CS5 | 218mb


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