بانك پلاگين !


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مثل اینکه همه مدیران و کاربران با این تاپیک قهر کردند !! :neutral:


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دقیقا . یا قهر کردن یا که ما رو ..................................


GFX Master

مدیر انجمن گرافیک دو بعدی ومسئول فروشگاه
قهر؟! واسه چی؟!

خوب شما پلاگین جدید بذارید تا ما هم استفاده کنیم.

بقیه ی بچه ها هم مطمئنا اگر پلاگینی داشتن قرار میدن.


اينم براي شما كه انقدر گير نديد :)
البته نمي دونم قبلا كسي گذاشته اينجا واسه دانلود يا نه. اگه بود بگين كه ورش دارم.


(1165 KB)​


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ببخشید سارا خانم . این کرک پلاگین ImagenomicNoisewareProfessiona را می خواستم . اگه لطف کنید بذارید چون بدون اون کار

نمی کنه . مرسی ( ببخشید می نویسم این پست رو تو صفحه قبلم زده بودم )


AutoFX Mystical Lighting Photoshop Plugin

امیدوارم تکراری نباشه

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سلام عزیزان
من عضو جدید سایت هستم
میخواستم اگر کسی شماره سریال پلاگین imagenomic noiseware pro 4.1.1 و imagenomic portrature 1.0.1 v و سریال پلاگینهای کداک ورژن 2 رو داره به من کمک کنه که از سردرگمی در بیام.

GFX Master

مدیر انجمن گرافیک دو بعدی ومسئول فروشگاه
ببخشید سارا خانم . این کرک پلاگین ImagenomicNoisewareProfessiona را می خواستم . اگه لطف کنید بذارید چون بدون اون کار

نمی کنه . مرسی ( ببخشید می نویسم این پست رو تو صفحه قبلم زده بودم )

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    36 کیلوبایت · بازدیدها: 23


ببینید من از سایت اصلی نسخه دمو رو گرفتم و جایی برای ورود سریال نداره.
برای همین کرکشو تنها می خوام، ظاهرا باید یه سری فایل overwrite بشه تا بعدش سریال بدی بهش.
آخرین ویرایش:


onOne Software FocalPoint v1.0 for Adobe Photoshop


Selective Focus

The use of selective focus is used to remove distracting backgrounds and to focus the viewers view on the subject. It also has artistic applications as well. This is a popular look in both portrait and wedding work but also commercial and editorial photography, especially food. All of the above mentioned techniques are used at the time the photograph is taken and require addition hardware and knowledge of how to use them. Many of these tools have not transferred to digital or behave differently with digital photography.

A New Tool for the Digital Darkroom

FocalPoint gives photographers a way to create realistic depth of field control, plane of focus control and selective focus to any image after it is photographed allowing for more control and precision. The focus bug control in FocalPoint has a tangible, hardware feel much like using a lens. It makes it fast for a photographer to define the "sweet spot" either in a round shape or a plane and then control how much and of what kind of blur they would like to add. This has a huge benefit over hardware tools like auxiliary lenses and filters because it allows the photographer to control the focus after the image is taken, giving them more control and requiring fewer shots in camera.
Easily Add Vignettes

Vignetting refers to the lightening or darkening of the edges of an image. This is a common technique in photography. Vignetting goes hand-in-hand with selective focus. Vignetting is created either in camera using vignetting hoods or in darkroom by burning or dodging the edges of the image. It is used for the same reasons as selective focus, to minimize distractions in the background and focus the viewers eye on the subject. Today vignetting is principally applied in Photoshop through various methods but all of which require multiple manual steps for a controlled and properly shaped sweet spot. FocalPoint uses the same focus bug controls to allow the photographer to simultaneously selectively blur as well as lighten or darken the areas outside of the sweet spot.

A Virtual Lens

The FocusBug is a unique control that allows you to adjust the sweet-spot (the area in focus) and the most commonly used controls in a single, intuitive control. Simply click and drag to position the sweet-spot. Then use the Bug's legs to set the size and shape of the sweet-spot. Next, adjust the antennae to control the type and amount of blur and the hardness of the blur edge. Using the FocusBug is fluid and in real-time, just like using a lens, but in Photoshop.
Save Settings & Create Presets

Once you have an effect you like, you can save it as a preset so you can easily recall it. FocalPoint remembers all your settings including the relative size and position of the FocusBug so you can apply it to similar images without having to make any adjustments. You can use Photoshop actions to call a FocalPoint preset for batch processing an entire folder of images.

onOne Software FocalPoint v1.0 for Adobe Photoshop
آخرین ویرایش:


OnOneSoftware MaskPro v4.1.2 for Adobe Photoshop


Mask Pro 4.1 is the premiere, award-winning plug-in for masking in Photoshop. The latest version of Mask Pro 4.1 supports masking 8-bit and 16-bit digital images in both Photoshop CS2 and Photoshop CS3. Several new "Show Me How" video tutorials are built directly into Mask Pro 4.1 so you can get visual training quickly. No other masking or selection tool gives you the professional level results like Mask Pro 4.1.

Complete Collection of Masking Tools
In any given image, you may need more than one tool to get the job done. That's why Mask Pro 4.1 provides a complete collection of tools that help you take on the toughest masking project. Included are tools such as the Magic Brush which will remove colors while maintaining transparency as well as touch up tools like the Chisel which will help you get the edges of your image perfect without any edge halos at all. Each tool includes a palette where you can quickly and easily adjust the tool settings.

Masking Hair and Transparent Objects
Masking images that contain hair can be tricky and often frustrating. This is often because hair is thin, semi-transparent in some parts and rarely has a sharp edge. It is difficult to use a tool that relies on edge detection to mask something like hair or other thin or transparent subjects.

The award-winning Photoshop plug-in Mask Pro 4.1 works differently by using color instead of edges. This allows it to easily create a mask that preserves the details you want and even removes unwanted ambient color contamination caused by reflections and transparency. Mask Pro 4.1 actually paints away the colors that you do not want in your image, leaving a natural transition between the subject and background.

No Edge Halos
If you have ever spent time creating masks or cutting a subject out of a background you know that the background color is picked up in the edge of the foreground subject as a reflection or halo. This halo effect will prevent your subject from blending with a new background in a realistic looking way. With Mask Pro 4.1's color decontamination technology and touch up tools, you can say goodbye to these halos forever.

With the color decontamination enabled, background colors are removed from the edges the of the foreground subject. The edges of the foreground subject are maintained but are now semi-transparent because only the background colors have been removed from those edge pixels.

Two Photoshop Plug-Ins in One
With Mask Pro 4.1 you get standard Photoshop plug-in as well a Photoshop selection plug-in. For images where you need to mask a transparent item, use the standard Mask Pro 4 .1mode and you can mask any image using the simple method of choosing colors to keep and colors to drop. Unlike other methods where you make a selection and then hope for the best, Mask Pro 4.1 provides you with real-time previews, so there is never any doubt as to the results.

For the times when you just want to make a selection, you can use the advanced selection tools in Mask Pro 4.1 Select to give you a high-quality selection that can be used to create an alpha channel or super-accurate clipping path.

Preview Masking Results in Real-Time Eliminates Guess Work
The problem with other Photoshop plug-in masking tools is that many operate in the "click and pray" mode. You draw a couple of lines or paint the edge of your subject and then click apply and pray that it works right. If things don't work out the way you expected there is not much you can do to fix it other than start over again. It's different with Mask Pro 4.1 as you can see the results in real-time as you work. You can see your image on a new solid color background, against the underlying layer or even view the mask itself.

This way you can see your results and the quality of your mask as you create it. If you make a mistake it is as easy to undo entire brush strokes or portions of a brush stroke or you can just paint portions of the original image back in. You can even see multiple views in real-time so you can see what your composite looks like as well as the mask at the same time..

OnOneSoftware MaskPro v4.1.2 for Adobe Photoshop



OnOneSoftware PhotoTune 2.2 fur Photoshop


PhotoTune 2.0 is an Adobe Photoshop plug-in that provides professional level color correction in an easy to use plug-in.
PhotoTune 2.0 incorporates ColorTune technology (formerly known as 20/20 Color MD) with its patented color correction process and SkinTune technology, developed after more than two years of in-depth skin color research. PhotoTune 2.0 makes the tedious and time-consuming task of color correction simple and straightforward to improve your post-processing workflow.


GFX Master

مدیر انجمن گرافیک دو بعدی ومسئول فروشگاه
ببینید من از سایت اصلی نسخه دمو رو گرفتم و جایی برای ورود سریال نداره.
برای همین کرکشو تنها می خوام، ظاهرا باید یه سری فایل overwrite بشه تا بعدش سریال بدی بهش.

یعنی بعد از نصب وقتی توی فتوشاپ پلاگین رو اجرا میکنید هیچ سریالی نمیخواد؟!

پس حجوری اسمش Demo ئه!؟


یعنی بعد از نصب وقتی توی فتوشاپ پلاگین رو اجرا میکنید هیچ سریالی نمیخواد؟!
پس حجوری اسمش Demo ئه!؟
نسخه 30 روزه اس..فقط register online داره...
چون سرعت اینترنتم پایین از rapid نمی تونم بگیرم ولی ظاهرا برای کرک این دمو باید اول یه فایل 8bf و یه dll رو جایگزین فایل اصلی بکنی اونوقت سریال قبول میکنه.

GFX Master

مدیر انجمن گرافیک دو بعدی ومسئول فروشگاه
نسخه 30 روزه اس..فقط register online داره...
چون سرعت اینترنتم پایین از rapid نمی تونم بگیرم ولی ظاهرا برای کرک این دمو باید اول یه فایل 8bf و یه dll رو جایگزین فایل اصلی بکنی اونوقت سریال قبول میکنه.

خوب من این پلاگین رو نصب کردم و رجیستر هم کردم. شما اینکاری که میگم رو انجام بده درست میشه:

این 3 تا فایل DLL رو دانلود کن و توی مسیر زیر کپی کن:

Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3

توی مسیر بالا باید کلی فایل Dll باشه.

اینم لینک دانلود این 3 تا فایل:

حالا این 2 تا فایل پلاگین با پسوند 8BX رو دانلود کن و توی مسیر زیر کپی کن:

Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Plug-Ins\Filters

اینجا هم همگی فایلها مربوط به فیلترها و پلاگین هاست.

اینم لینک دانلود:

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