vb كارها كمك


آقا جان يكي به ما بگه چه جوري ميشه يك متغير رشته اي رو به فرمول تبديل كرد
يعني مثلا من تو يك textbox از كاربر بگيرم y=3*x+x^2 بعد تو برنامه y را به ازاي x هاي مختلف حساب كنم .
يكي گفت كه vb يه تابع داره كه اين كار رو ميكنه
اگه راهي بلدين لطفا بگين


Active Member
از Function EvalExpression استفاده کن :wink: ::::
Function EvalExpression(InQ As String) As Double
   On Error GoTo matherr
   ' import all variables and their values
   vlist = "|"
   lc = List1.ListCount - 1
   For t = 0 To lc
      vlist = vlist & UCase$(List1.List(t)) & "|"
   e = InQ

   ' remove all spaces to avoid problems
   While InStr(e, " ") > 0
      pp = InStr(e, " ")
      e = Left$(e, pp - 1) & Right$(e, Len(e) - pp)

      ' locate next ( ) section
      pp = InStr(e, ")")
      ppc = InStr(e, "(")
      If (ppc > 0 And pp = 0) Or (pp > 0 And ppc = 0) Then
         MsgBox "Parenthesis missmatch - check your opens and closes!", 16, "Stein Seal Advisor Message"
         Exit Function ' error parsing - open/close parenthesis missmatch
      End If
      ppop = InStr(e, "/") + InStr(e, "*") + InStr(e, "^") + InStr(e, "+") + InStr(e, "-")
      If pp = 0 And ppop = 0 Then Exit Do
      pp2 = 0
      If pp > 0 Then pp2 = InStrRev(e, "(", pp)
      If pp > 0 And pp2 > 0 Then ee = Mid$(e, pp2 + 1, (pp - pp2 - 1)) Else ee = e
      ' evaluate expression
         If InStr(ee, "/") + InStr(ee, "*") + InStr(ee, "^") + InStr(ee, "+") + InStr(ee, "-") > 0 Then
            ' follow 'my dear aunt sally' method if multiple operations found in same ( ) group
            ppe = 0
            If ppe = 0 Then If InStr(ee, "^") > 0 Then ppe = InStr(ee, "^"): tp = "^"
            If ppe = 0 Then If InStr(ee, "*") > 0 Then ppe = InStr(ee, "*"): tp = "*"
            If ppe = 0 Then If InStr(ee, "/") > 0 Then ppe = InStr(ee, "/"): tp = "/"
            If ppe = 0 Then If InStr(ee, "+") > 0 Then ppe = InStr(ee, "+"): tp = "+"
            If ppe = 0 Then If InStr(ee, "-") > 0 Then ppe = InStr(ee, "-"): tp = "-"
            If ppe > 0 Then
               s = GetValues(ee, ppe, vlist)
               l1 = Val(Delim(s, "|"))
               l2 = Val(Delim(s, "|"))
               v1 = Val(Delim(s, "|"))
               v2 = Val(s)
               If tp = "^" Then r = v1 ^ v2
               If tp = "*" Then r = v1 * v2
               If tp = "/" Then r = v1 / v2
               If tp = "+" Then r = v1 + v2
               If tp = "-" Then r = v1 - v2
               r = Trim$(Str$(r))
               ' replace original expression with final value
               ee = Left$(ee, l1 - 1) & r & Right$(ee, Len(ee) - l2)
            End If
            ' replace entire expression with final value - check if a math function exists
            ' immediately outside () expression or () is just used to force the calculation order
            r = Val(ee)
            pp3 = pp2 - 3
            If pp3 >= 1 Then
               ppf = UCase$(Mid$(e, pp3, 3))
               If InStr("/ABS/ATN/COS/EXP/FIX/INT/LOG/SGN/SIN/SQR/TAN/", "/" & ppf & "/") > 0 Then
                  pp2 = pp2 - 3
                  If ppf = "ABS" Then r = Abs(r)
                  If ppf = "ATN" Then r = Atn(r)
                  If ppf = "COS" Then r = Cos(r)
                  If ppf = "EXP" Then r = Exp(r)
                  If ppf = "FIX" Then r = Fix(r)
                  If ppf = "INT" Then r = Int(r)
                  If ppf = "LOG" Then r = Log(r)
                  If ppf = "SGN" Then r = Sgn(r)
                  If ppf = "SIN" Then r = Sin(r)
                  If ppf = "SQR" Then r = Sqr(r)
                  If ppf = "TAN" Then r = Tan(r)
               End If
            End If
            r = Trim$(Str$(r))
            If pp2 > 0 And pp > 0 Then
               e = Left$(e, pp2 - 1) & r & Right$(e, Len(e) - pp)
               e = r
            End If
            Exit Do
         End If
   EvalExpression = e
   On Error GoTo 0
   Exit Function
   MsgBox "An error occurred '" & Error$ & "' while trying to evaluate this formula.", 16, "Stein Seal Advisor Message"
   Resume endeval
End Function
Function Delim(s, ByVal d)

   ' return left portion of string 's' prior to first
   ' occurance of delimiting character 'd'
   ' strip string of leftmost portion, including
   ' delimiting character to prepare for next function call

   p = InStr(s, d)
   If p > 0 Then
      l = Left$(s, InStr(s, d) - 1)
      s = Right$(s, Len(s) - InStr(s, d))
      l = "" ' error - delimiter char not found, return empty string
   End If

   Delim = l

End Function
Function GetValues(ByVal ee, ByVal ppe, ByVal vlist) As String

   ' get variable or value to left of operand
   pp1 = ppe - 1
   vflag1 = False
   Do While pp1 > 0
      a = Asc(UCase$(Mid$(ee, pp1)))
      If Not ((a >= 65 And a <= 97) Or (a >= 48 And a <= 57) Or a = 46) Then pp1 = pp1 + 1: Exit Do
      If a >= 65 And a <= 97 Then vflag1 = True
      pp1 = pp1 - 1
   If pp1 = 0 Then pp1 = 1
   vleft = Mid$(ee, pp1, (ppe - pp1))
   If vflag1 Then
      ' alpha variable found - locate corrosponding value
      ppp = InStr(vlist, "|" & UCase$(vleft) & "=")
      If ppp > 0 Then
         eee = Right$(vlist, Len(vlist) - ppp)
         xxx = Delim(eee, "=")
         vleft = Delim(eee, "|")
      End If
   End If
   ' get variable or value to right of operand
   pp2 = ppe + 1
   vflag2 = False
   Do While pp2 <= Len(ee)
      a = Asc(UCase$(Mid$(ee, pp2)))
      If Not ((a >= 65 And a <= 97) Or (a >= 48 And a <= 57) Or a = 46) Then pp2 = pp2 - 1: Exit Do
      If a >= 65 And a <= 97 Then vflag2 = True
      pp2 = pp2 + 1
   If pp2 > Len(ee) Then pp2 = Len(ee)
   vright = Mid$(ee, ppe + 1, pp2 - ppe)
   If vflag2 Then
      ' alpha variable found - locate corrosponding value
      ppp = InStr(vlist, "|" & UCase$(vright) & "=")
      If ppp > 0 Then
         eee = Right$(vlist, Len(vlist) - ppp)
         xxx = Delim(eee, "=")
         vright = Delim(eee, "|")
      End If
   End If

   GetValues = pp1 & "|" & pp2 & "|" & vleft & "|" & vright
End Function
آقا از لطفتون ممنونم
كمك خيلي بزرگي كرديد
فقط اگه ممكنه درمورد اين تابع بيشتر توضيح بدين


Active Member
خواهش ميكنم
به صورت زير از اين تابع استفاده كنيد :wink: :
Text1.Text = EvalExpression("((5*6)/2)^2)")
جواب عملیات ریاضی این رشته رو به شما میده.
یا هر جور دیگه ای که خواستید مثلاً:
Text2.Text = EvalExpression(Text1.Text)
عملیات ریاضی ای که در TextBox شماریه 1 هست رو در TextBox شماره 2 جواب میده :wink:
موفق باشید :wink:

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