Function EvalExpression(InQ As String) As Double
On Error GoTo matherr
' import all variables and their values
vlist = "|"
lc = List1.ListCount - 1
For t = 0 To lc
vlist = vlist & UCase$(List1.List(t)) & "|"
e = InQ
' remove all spaces to avoid problems
While InStr(e, " ") > 0
pp = InStr(e, " ")
e = Left$(e, pp - 1) & Right$(e, Len(e) - pp)
' locate next ( ) section
pp = InStr(e, ")")
ppc = InStr(e, "(")
If (ppc > 0 And pp = 0) Or (pp > 0 And ppc = 0) Then
MsgBox "Parenthesis missmatch - check your opens and closes!", 16, "Stein Seal Advisor Message"
Exit Function ' error parsing - open/close parenthesis missmatch
End If
ppop = InStr(e, "/") + InStr(e, "*") + InStr(e, "^") + InStr(e, "+") + InStr(e, "-")
If pp = 0 And ppop = 0 Then Exit Do
pp2 = 0
If pp > 0 Then pp2 = InStrRev(e, "(", pp)
If pp > 0 And pp2 > 0 Then ee = Mid$(e, pp2 + 1, (pp - pp2 - 1)) Else ee = e
' evaluate expression
If InStr(ee, "/") + InStr(ee, "*") + InStr(ee, "^") + InStr(ee, "+") + InStr(ee, "-") > 0 Then
' follow 'my dear aunt sally' method if multiple operations found in same ( ) group
ppe = 0
If ppe = 0 Then If InStr(ee, "^") > 0 Then ppe = InStr(ee, "^"): tp = "^"
If ppe = 0 Then If InStr(ee, "*") > 0 Then ppe = InStr(ee, "*"): tp = "*"
If ppe = 0 Then If InStr(ee, "/") > 0 Then ppe = InStr(ee, "/"): tp = "/"
If ppe = 0 Then If InStr(ee, "+") > 0 Then ppe = InStr(ee, "+"): tp = "+"
If ppe = 0 Then If InStr(ee, "-") > 0 Then ppe = InStr(ee, "-"): tp = "-"
If ppe > 0 Then
s = GetValues(ee, ppe, vlist)
l1 = Val(Delim(s, "|"))
l2 = Val(Delim(s, "|"))
v1 = Val(Delim(s, "|"))
v2 = Val(s)
If tp = "^" Then r = v1 ^ v2
If tp = "*" Then r = v1 * v2
If tp = "/" Then r = v1 / v2
If tp = "+" Then r = v1 + v2
If tp = "-" Then r = v1 - v2
r = Trim$(Str$(r))
' replace original expression with final value
ee = Left$(ee, l1 - 1) & r & Right$(ee, Len(ee) - l2)
End If
' replace entire expression with final value - check if a math function exists
' immediately outside () expression or () is just used to force the calculation order
r = Val(ee)
pp3 = pp2 - 3
If pp3 >= 1 Then
ppf = UCase$(Mid$(e, pp3, 3))
If InStr("/ABS/ATN/COS/EXP/FIX/INT/LOG/SGN/SIN/SQR/TAN/", "/" & ppf & "/") > 0 Then
pp2 = pp2 - 3
If ppf = "ABS" Then r = Abs(r)
If ppf = "ATN" Then r = Atn(r)
If ppf = "COS" Then r = Cos(r)
If ppf = "EXP" Then r = Exp(r)
If ppf = "FIX" Then r = Fix(r)
If ppf = "INT" Then r = Int(r)
If ppf = "LOG" Then r = Log(r)
If ppf = "SGN" Then r = Sgn(r)
If ppf = "SIN" Then r = Sin(r)
If ppf = "SQR" Then r = Sqr(r)
If ppf = "TAN" Then r = Tan(r)
End If
End If
r = Trim$(Str$(r))
If pp2 > 0 And pp > 0 Then
e = Left$(e, pp2 - 1) & r & Right$(e, Len(e) - pp)
e = r
End If
Exit Do
End If
EvalExpression = e
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
MsgBox "An error occurred '" & Error$ & "' while trying to evaluate this formula.", 16, "Stein Seal Advisor Message"
Resume endeval
End Function
Function Delim(s, ByVal d)
' return left portion of string 's' prior to first
' occurance of delimiting character 'd'
' strip string of leftmost portion, including
' delimiting character to prepare for next function call
p = InStr(s, d)
If p > 0 Then
l = Left$(s, InStr(s, d) - 1)
s = Right$(s, Len(s) - InStr(s, d))
l = "" ' error - delimiter char not found, return empty string
End If
Delim = l
End Function
Function GetValues(ByVal ee, ByVal ppe, ByVal vlist) As String
' get variable or value to left of operand
pp1 = ppe - 1
vflag1 = False
Do While pp1 > 0
a = Asc(UCase$(Mid$(ee, pp1)))
If Not ((a >= 65 And a <= 97) Or (a >= 48 And a <= 57) Or a = 46) Then pp1 = pp1 + 1: Exit Do
If a >= 65 And a <= 97 Then vflag1 = True
pp1 = pp1 - 1
If pp1 = 0 Then pp1 = 1
vleft = Mid$(ee, pp1, (ppe - pp1))
If vflag1 Then
' alpha variable found - locate corrosponding value
ppp = InStr(vlist, "|" & UCase$(vleft) & "=")
If ppp > 0 Then
eee = Right$(vlist, Len(vlist) - ppp)
xxx = Delim(eee, "=")
vleft = Delim(eee, "|")
End If
End If
' get variable or value to right of operand
pp2 = ppe + 1
vflag2 = False
Do While pp2 <= Len(ee)
a = Asc(UCase$(Mid$(ee, pp2)))
If Not ((a >= 65 And a <= 97) Or (a >= 48 And a <= 57) Or a = 46) Then pp2 = pp2 - 1: Exit Do
If a >= 65 And a <= 97 Then vflag2 = True
pp2 = pp2 + 1
If pp2 > Len(ee) Then pp2 = Len(ee)
vright = Mid$(ee, ppe + 1, pp2 - ppe)
If vflag2 Then
' alpha variable found - locate corrosponding value
ppp = InStr(vlist, "|" & UCase$(vright) & "=")
If ppp > 0 Then
eee = Right$(vlist, Len(vlist) - ppp)
xxx = Delim(eee, "=")
vright = Delim(eee, "|")
End If
End If
GetValues = pp1 & "|" & pp2 & "|" & vleft & "|" & vright
End Function