[phpNuke] Sql در WebChat


سلام به همه
من يك مشكل در phpnukeWebChat دارم و اون اينه كه براي نصب اون فايل Sql يا Config رو پيدا نمي كنم يعني تو پوشه هاش نيست مي شه اگه كسي يه آدرس كامل براي دانلود دارد ،بدهد

البته اگه خودتون قبلا از اون آدرس گرفته باشيد

واقعا ممنون :wink:


Active Member
nasser110 گفت:
سلام به همه
من يك مشكل در phpnukeWebChat دارم و اون اينه كه براي نصب اون فايل Sql يا Config رو پيدا نمي كنم يعني تو پوشه هاش نيست مي شه اگه كسي يه آدرس كامل براي دانلود دارد ،بدهد

البته اگه خودتون قبلا از اون آدرس گرفته باشيد

واقعا ممنون :wink:
آقا اين راهنماي را خونديد به طريق زير عمل كنيد من با WebChat كار نكردم اما كلا راهش اينه
PHPWebChat adapted for PHP-Nuke 5.4 and higher
Release Version v2.00 
Release Date 07/27/2002
Based on Daniel Thoma's ([email protected]) WebChat 0.6
and the PostNuke Adaption of David "Cyklone" Thompson
([email protected])
Copyright 2002 Frank Wallacher
Saarport NET
[email][email protected][/email]


- Chat System for multiple private/open Rooms for PostNuke
with multilanguage support, adapted for PHPNuke
- User are able to create their own rooms
- Possibility to create private Rooms
- MiniBlock included
- Maxi Block included


1. Unzip the archive into a temp folder
2. Upload Webchat folder to modules directory and the content of the block folder to the blocks directory.
   Be sure to keep directory structure intact! 
3. CHMOD all files and folders in your WebChat directory to 666 (or 777 if necessary). 
4. Go to PHP Nuke and activate WebChat Module 
5. Click WebChat link in Sections. 
6. You should be prompted for an install. If an older version was installed before and only overwritten, WebChat askes for Updating. All created rooms should get converted. 
7. Click install and follow directions. 
8. Everything is good ! 
9. Go back to FTP and CHMOD Webchat to 755 for security. 
10. If wished, create a new block with the content file WebChat-Maxi or Mini in your Block Admin

To administrate Webchat, start the module as admin and follow
the Link "WebChat Administration" on the appearing page.

Known Problems:

WebChat is tested with MS IE 5-6, Netscape 5,6 and 7, Mozilla, Konquerer and Opera versions higher 6.0
All Browser should work, where some difference in display might occur.


- Add more Adminfunctions
- Profile, Away and Kick Functions
- Making Jumping from one Room to another possible
- more fixing and devellop towards SPChat

For Releases Info have a look to the file RELEASE.TXT
You get Support on http://www.saarport.net

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