Oxygen Phone Manager II:::برنامه اي براي مديريت 70 نوع گوشي موبايل نوكيا


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با اين نرم افزار و ارتباط با كامپيوترتون مي تونيد برهمه اجزاء موبايلتون مديريت كنيد و حتي اونها رو تغيير بديد :wink:

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Oxygen Phone Manager II lets your PC and Nokia mobile phone communicate with each other. This version supports the following models: 2100, 3100, 3200, 3210, 3310, 3330, 3350, 3390, 3410, 3510, 3510i, 3530, 3560(*), 3570(*), 3585(*), 3585i(*), 3586(*), 3590, 3595(*), 3610, 5100, 5110, 5130, 5190, 5210, 5510, 6100, 6108, 6110, 6130, 6150, 6190, 6200, 6210, 6250, 6310, 6310i, 6340i, 6360(*), 6370(*), 6385 (*), 6510, 6560(*), 6590, 6610, 6800, 7110, 7190, 7210, 7250, 7250i, 8210, 8250, 8290, 8310, 8390, 8810, 8850, 8855, 8890, 8910, 8910i. 

You can load, edit, and rewrite your phonebook, import data from MS Outlook, Lotus Notes, CSV files and export the phonebook back to MS Outlook, Lotus Notes, CSV and other popular formats. Program has advanced SMS Manager to work with short messages: send text, pictures, ringtones and logos; receive messages; organize SMS folders. Logo Editor is a convenient tool to create and operate with phone logos. Tuning Profiles and To-Do Lists (including enhanced To-Do support for the latest models) is simple and clear like all other functions. 

MMS Manager allows reading, displaying and creating new MMS messages and their items and saving contents of MMS message to file(s). MMS Message editor supports the following content types: plain text, html, jpeg, gif, animated gif, png, tiff, bmp, midi, wav, rt. You can save all your MMS messages to a single file and then load it to any phone that supports MMS. You also can backup and restore MMS messages as well as other information stored in your phone. Individual messages can be saved to disk in MMS format. MMS options are fully controlled in MMS Settings section. 

Oxygen Phone Manager II provides complete access to Java Applications and Games as well as to the Gallery. User can read all the Gallery contents in one operation, view images and listen to melodies on the PC right inside the program, save them to disk and set images as operator logo, startup logo or wallpaper. The program allows to upload images and melodies to any Gallery folder, delete files and folders from the Gallery and even create custom folders and sub-folders. Supported file formats are MIDI, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, wireless BMP. 

Oxygen Phone Manager II has powerful Ringtone editor. You can import MIDI files, use piano keyboard to enter ringtones, play them on your PC and manage your personal Ringtones library. This program also includes FM stations manager for models having FM Radio feature. With it, you can easily set up and transfer to the phone your favourite FM Stations. 

Oxygen Phone Manager II allows you to manage WAP Bookmarks, WAP Settings, Voice Records and Call Lists (last dialled, missed and accepted numbers). It also can load MIDI ringtones to your phone and manage Java MIDlets and Games. 

Oxygen Phone Manager II has full unicode support. 

The program works under Microsoft Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems family.

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