Morph Man 4.0


Morph Man 4.0


براي دانلود كرك لينك غير مستقيم و حتما كرك رو دانلود كنيد نه سريال رو ا.
در سايت كرك اولين لينك كه كرك هستشو دانلود كنيد .

Size: 10.11 MB

توضيح : يه نر افزار توپ براي تغيير چهره با .....

در ضمن اين برنامه در خودش آموزش هم داره ازش استفاده كنيد .

New release of the best morpher for PC. Now with layered morphing

Copy file MORPH_MAN_4_TRIAL.EXE to your local disk and double-click to install.

Morph Man 4.0 setup will install 3 applications
- Morph Man 4.0 - generator of morphing transitions between picture and movies
- Video Man 3.0 - full featured video editor with multiple video and audio tracks, transitions, dynamic effects, color keying, motion path control, titling
- Video Man Capturer - application for direct import/export of video from DV camcorders and video capture boards

System requirements:
Microsoft Windows® 98SE, NT4.0 with Service Pack 6, ME, 2000, XP
Intel® Pentium® with MMX® compatible system
64MB RAM (128 or higher recommended)
30MB of available hard disk space required for installation
True color or high color display adaptor
Windows® compatible sound card with speakers
OHCI compliant FireWire® (IEEE1394) card for use with DV camcorders
Microsoft® DirectX® Media Runtime 6.0 or higher (*)
Color display adapter and monitor (Hi-Color or True-Color at 800 x 600 pixels or above)

Changes since last version:
- Layered morphing
- Canvas layer for video compositing
- Text (XML) format for morphing projects
- Morphing algorithm speedup
- Export to Flash animation from batch render

Picture-to-picture morphing features
- Onion Skin interface as alternative option to double-window interface
- Vector drawing tools for fast, easy, and precise positioning of control points and lines (markers)
- Primitives and shapes for setting control markers
- Editing of shapes
- Grouping and ungrouping of markers
- Transformation tools for groups of control markers
- Smart Polygon, Snap to Edges, Grasp - functions to help setting and editing markers on image contours- 8-bit mask to define region of interest
- Vector editing tools for mask
- multiple fast morphing algorithms
- ability to specify individual transition path for each control marker or shape

Video-to-video morphing features
- Import movie clips as Source and Target for morphing project
- Sequence Browser to scroll sequence of morphs between corresponding frames of input clips
- Tune source and target clips to choose interval for morphing
- Set key markers and jey frames for manual adjustment of morphing transition in intermediate frames of the sequence
- Propagate Markers - function to facilitate placement of markers in intermediate frames in video-to-video morphing

Video editing
- Complete video editing and video capture functionality provided by bundled Video Man 3.0 and Video Man Capturer. Multiple video and audio tracks, overlays, text, transitions, dynamic effects, motions paths, and more

- Real-time real-mode preview of any frame of the sequence
- Unlimited Undo of all operations including setting/editing markers and project properties changes
- Animated tutorial with multiple lessons
- Context help
- Swap function for easier sequential morphing
- Link Windows function for easier setting of control points in distortion morphs
- Storing workplace layout in morph project
- Batch rendering mode

- Import frames and clips from AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, DV movies, and picture sequences
- Import frames from TWAIN devices
- Render to MPEG, QuickTime, DV movies, AVI, or picture sequences
- Render to animated GIF
- Rendering multiple projects in separate threads
- Render movies over 2Gb in size
- Unlimited number of frames in output movie or sequence
- Printing of output frames


siavash-tanha گفت:
ممنون سامان جان

يه سوال : اگه فضولي نباشه خط اينترنتت چيه؟


خواهش ميكنم .
اما اگه ميتوني منظورتو واضح تر بگو .

اما در حالت كلي خط اينترنت به كابلي گفته ميشود كه در شبكه ها وجود دارد و يك يوزر را توسط آي پي كه به سيستم داده ميشود در شبكه مسقر ميكند تا به اينترنت وصل شود .
البته اين آي پي ميتونه مجازي و يا حقيقي باشه .
يعني اينكه شما اگر هميشه با يك آي پي به شبكه وصل بشيد كه براي شناسايي در شبكه ميباشد .
و يا اينكه شما هر با با يك آي پي به شبكه وصل بشيد .
در حالت كلي شما يك آي پي در WAN خواهيد داشت كه البته تغيير پذير ميباشد .
اميدوارم كه تونسته باشم جوابتونو داده باشم .


Well-Known Member
saman2020 گفت:
siavash-tanha گفت:
منظورم : ماهواره ايه يا كابلي يا وايرلس و .... :wink:


پس جواب شما رو كلي دادم سياوش جان.

سامان جان اذيتمون نكن ديگه :lol:

ميگم الان به چه روشي كامپيوترت به اينترنت وصله كه سرعتت بالاست ( سرعت دانلود )



کاربر مهمان
دستت درد نكنه سامان جان


siavash-tanha گفت:
saman2020 گفت:
siavash-tanha گفت:
منظورم : ماهواره ايه يا كابلي يا وايرلس و .... :wink:


پس جواب شما رو كلي دادم سياوش جان.

سامان جان اذيتمون نكن ديگه :lol:

ميگم الان به چه روشي كامپيوترت به اينترنت وصله كه سرعتت بالاست ( سرعت دانلود )


ميبخشيد متوجه نبودم .
خوب عزيزم به سرعت باشه .
در حدود 10مگابايت به بالا و
1 تا 1.5 مگابايت
و بقيه كه بكار دانلود نميان .
مثل DialUp


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