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سلام اينم اون برنامه كه تعريفش رو ميكردم:
اين هم قويترين و كاملترين برنامه براي كار بر روي صدا كه داراي قابليتهاي خيلي زيادي از قبيل افكت گذاري روي صدا و ميكس صدا ها با همديگر و ذخيره صدا با فورمتهاي مختلف و برنامه اي براي داشتن پيانو مجازي و كلي چيز ديگه هست .
FL Studio is a full-featured sequencer perfectly suited for creation of complex songs and realistic drum loops, with 32 bit internal mixing and advanced MIDI support. The resulting song or loop can be exported to a WAV/MP3 file and all MIDI events can be exported to a standard MIDI file. FL Studio is a pattern based sequencer, which means you create your songs in pieces (patterns) using the Step Sequencer and the Piano Roll view and then weld those pieces together using the Playlist window (the Playlist also supports full-featured audio tracks with hardrrive streaming). Then you can add a wide range of effects to your instruments (reverb, phaser, flanger etc.) and route the resulting mixer tracks in any way you like to create complex mixing chains with ease
اينم لينك برنامه :
FL Studio Producer Edition v 4.5.2
اينم كركش:
موفق باشيد
اين هم قويترين و كاملترين برنامه براي كار بر روي صدا كه داراي قابليتهاي خيلي زيادي از قبيل افكت گذاري روي صدا و ميكس صدا ها با همديگر و ذخيره صدا با فورمتهاي مختلف و برنامه اي براي داشتن پيانو مجازي و كلي چيز ديگه هست .
FL Studio is a full-featured sequencer perfectly suited for creation of complex songs and realistic drum loops, with 32 bit internal mixing and advanced MIDI support. The resulting song or loop can be exported to a WAV/MP3 file and all MIDI events can be exported to a standard MIDI file. FL Studio is a pattern based sequencer, which means you create your songs in pieces (patterns) using the Step Sequencer and the Piano Roll view and then weld those pieces together using the Playlist window (the Playlist also supports full-featured audio tracks with hardrrive streaming). Then you can add a wide range of effects to your instruments (reverb, phaser, flanger etc.) and route the resulting mixer tracks in any way you like to create complex mixing chains with ease
اينم لينك برنامه :
FL Studio Producer Edition v 4.5.2
اينم كركش:
موفق باشيد