//CrazyTalk Web Edition v3.5//نرم افزاري واقعا جالب و زيبا!!


با سلام
اين هم يك نرم افزار جالب و سرگم كننده :wink: قول مي دم حتما ازش خوشتون بياد
با اين نرم افزار مي تونيد عكس خودتون رو تبديل كنيد به يك انيميشيني كه صداي مورد نظر شما رو پخش مي كنه به طوري كه لب و دهان شما جوري حركت مي كنه كه خيلي طبيعي به نظر مياد (واي چه بد توضيح دادم) :oops: و حتي مي توني كارت تبريك هاي جالبي رو طراحي كنيد و براي دوستون بفرستيد با تصوير و صداي خودتون 8O حتي مي تونيد اون رو تو سايت خودتون هم بزاريد

نمي دونم ديگه چطوري توضيح بدم اين صفحه رو نگاه كنيد يكسري مثال براشون گذاشته :


فقط براي پخش شدن يك فايل كوچكي بايد نصب بشه مثل فلش (حجمش پليرش كمه ) :wink:

خوب از توضيحات فارسيش كه چيزي نفهميديم بريم سر توضيحات انگليسيش :oops:

خوب اين سايتش :

Interactive web based characters 
CrazyTalk Web Edition includes all the features of the Home Edition with the addition of the Web Editor, razyTalk ActiveX web component license key generator .wmv and .rm streaming media export formats. 

These extra features give you the ability to turn any of your Talking Images (even yourself) into an interactive talking characters for publishing on your own website. A simple animated greeting can be published directly from the Web Editor, and with a little JavaScript or VB interaction with your sites visitors is possible by controlling how your character reacts to different events initiated by the user. Uses are unlimited, and a talking image can be added as a virtual character to provide a greeting, aid in navigation, guide users, show presentations, provide news updates, offer suggestions, return search engine results or just about anything 

CrazyTalk Web Editor 
The CrazyTalk Web Editor is designed to enable quick setting of the component properties and to preview the output in real-time. For convenience the Web Editor includes a HTML code preview window and a component property preview window. Once the talking image and message have been selected users can copy the HTML code to the clipboard, enabling pasting into an existing HTML page or code can be saved as a complete HTML page. 

ActiveX web component 
The CrazyTalk ActiveX component and Reallusion's open architecture provides developers with script level access to properties, methods & events to control all aspects of a talking image. The CrazyTalk ActiveX web component supports all major browsers including support for IE 4.0 or above & Netscape 4.x, 6.0. The component is auto-installable and protected by a VeriSign certificate, when installing a small 50K pre-installer provides a fast response to users. During playback intelligent download detection is utilized to save download time by only downloading required data. Your content is protected from plagiarism and unauthorized use by the implementation of a domain license key, keys are automatically generated when you export HTML pages. Many sample and tutorial scripts are available to assist developers in quickly learning how to fully take control of a talking image. 

Export streaming media for web publishing 
CrazyTalk Web Edition includes export in Windows streaming media 
(.WMV) and RealMedia streaming format (.RM) for publishing on your website. WMV and RM are standard file formats that store audio and video information, specially designed to run over networks like the Internet. Streaming media is a highly compressed format that contains streaming audio and video enabling content to be delivered as a continuous flow of data with little wait time before playback begins. To the developer it means users don't have to wait for audio and video files to fully download before starting to view them. Files can be of virtually unlimited length, and can run over Internet bandwidths.

اين هم لينك دانلودش(حجمش هم 27 مگ ناقابل است :oops: )

اين هم كركش :

با تشكر
مجيد( 8O )


دمت گرم آقامجيد
واقعاعالي بود!
خيلي وقته دنبال اين نرم افزارمي گشتم چون خيلي فلشهاي باحال دارم که ظاهربااين برنامه ساخته شدن!



Well-Known Member
حجم اش زياده ولي ممنون من هم دنبال همچين برنامه اي بودم مخصوصا اينكه مي توني كارت پستال درست كني رو خيلي لازم داشتم


Active Member
ايول مجيد جون
اگه به خواسته ي ما هم توجه كني خيلي خوب ميشه آخه بد جوري لنگم!
!!!magid is the best


آقا ميدونم كه اين تايپيك مال 10 - 12 روز پيشه
ولي من همين الان ديدم ميخوام دانلود كنم ولي كركش كار نميكنه . يه نفر لطف كنه كركش رو به ما بده
چون با اين سرعتم اگه بدون كرك دانلود كنم يعني ديونگي محض
راستي اين برنامه خروجي فلش هم ميده


آقا من ديگه نميتونم طاقت بيارم رفتم دانلود كنم
راستي اين لينكه خود برنامه هم كار نكرد . من رفتم از تو سايت بگيرمش . اگه كسي كرك رو برام نزاره بيچاره ميشم

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