Cinema 4D Studio Bundle v8.503b

Saeid Taheri

Active Member
با سلام

اينم سينما چهار بعدي كه ديگه فكر كنم خيليها باهاش آشنايي داشته باشن .

توضيحات :

The outstanding 3D package for high end Modeling, Animation & Rendering. 

Enjoy the full power of CINEMA 4D with the Studio bundle. Your creative potential will skyrocket with the features of CINEMA 4D R8.5 and seven of its potent modules. 

In addition to the extensive features of CINEMA 4D R8.5, the Studio bundle includes advanced rendering functionality, character animation tools, intricate particle effects, realistic dynamics simulations, detailed 3D painting capabilities and unlimited network rendering potential. 

The complete 3D artist will appreciate the speed of workflow and depth of integration offered by this impressive suite of tools. 

The STUDIO-Bundle includes: 
* CINEMA 4D R8.5 
* Advanced Render 
* Thinking Particles 
* PyroCluster 
* BodyPaint 3D R2 
* Dynamics 
* NET Render 

The Advanced Render module offers the ultimate realism for your renders with radiosity, caustics and other effects. Character animations come alive with Mocca's extensive toolset, including the dynamic animation capabilities of Soft-IK, powerful pose and animation mixing tools and utilities to easily manage captured animation. With the Thinking Particles module, you can create advanced particle effects based on events including object emission, collision and animation. Add style to your particle effects with Pyrocluster, a volumetric shader that transforms particle streams into fire, smoke, dust or clouds. Influence animations with the natural forces of collision, friction and gravity in CINEMA 4D's Dynamics module. Gain the ultimate control over object surfaces with BodyPaint 3D's real-time painting and uv-editing tools. Abuse the power of network rendering to distribute your rendering workload to an unlimited number of CINEMA 4D NET clients. 

System Requirements 
Minimum System Requirements: 
Mac OS 9.x or Win***$ 98 / ME 
256 MByte RAM, PowerPC, Intel Celeron or 
AMD Duron and compatibles with 400 MHz 

Recommended System Requirements: 
Mac OS X or Win***$ NT4 / 2000 / XP 
512 MByte RAM, PowerPC, Intel Pentium 4 or 
AMD Athlon with 1 GHz

توضيحات بيشتر :


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سعيد . :wink:

a Truth Seeking

Active Member
تا اونجايي كه من اطلاع دارم منظور از بعد چهارم كه روش خيلي هم بحث شد زمان بود اينجا هم منظور از بعد چهارم همينه؟

Saeid Taheri

Active Member
در اين زمينه تجربه كافي ندارم تا دربارش بحث كنم ولي خوب ميشه گفت اين برنامه يكي از قدرتمندترين برنامه هاس انيميشن سازي و ساخت جلوه هاي سه بعدي محصوب ميشه !

همانطور هم كه در توضيحات آمده اين برنامه داري :

- رندرهاي پيشرفته
-طراحي پوست
-طرز تفكر به خصوص
-طراحي سه بعدي بدن انسان
-وابسته به فعاليتهاي گروهي
-حركت اجسام
-رندر شبكه اي

مي باشد .

سعيد .

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