Artistic Effects v1.8 for Adobe Photoshop


Artistic Effects v1.8 for Adobe Photoshop


يك پلاگين براي فتوشاپ .
Keygen داخل خود فايل موجود ميباشد .
اينه اين مغازه دارا شد نه.

This unique collection of Photoshop plug-ins has all that you may need to start creating fantastic graphically rich artwork right away. Among the professional effects included in this plug-in package are: Aqua, Snow, Drop, Ice, Chrome, Metal, Crude Metal, Plastic, Gel, Smoke and Cotton. Each effect is built on high precision mathematical model ensuring you get the greatest level of quality when applying effects.
Artistic Effects is more than just a set of powerful fine art image effects. It is rather a highly customizable graphics processor with each and every effect being tunable to the maximum extent. Besides common approach of using effects such as Aqua to create buttons there is much more use for various settings the plug-in has to offer. You can create your own effects and if for some reason you prefer saving time over being creative there are also several presets for each


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سامان گرامي لينك دانلود كار نمي كند

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a3m00n گفت:
با درود
سامان گرامي لينك دانلود كار نمي كند

پیروز و سرفراز باشید

آره عزيز لينكش خراب شده .
اما ديروز خودم دانلود كردم .
ببينم ميشه لينك جديدشو گير بيارم يا نه .
اگه شد لينكشو آپ ديت ميكنم ..


saman2020 گفت:
a3m00n گفت:
با درود
سامان گرامي لينك دانلود كار نمي كند

پیروز و سرفراز باشید

دوست عزيز لينك رو آپ ديت كردم زودتر بگير تا اين لينك هم خراب نشده.
موفق باشيد . :wink:

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سامان گرامي دريافت كردم ممنون از توجه شما

پیروز و سرفراز باشید :peace:

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