48 Commercial script//وري كول!!


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اين هم توضيحاتش:

1. Ultimate Bulletin Board v5.45b 
extraclass bulletin board / 199.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.scriptkeeper.com/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/htgub45b.zip 

02. Ultimate Bulletin Board v5.43 *German* 
extraclass bulletin board / 199.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.scriptkeeper.com/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/ubb543ger.zip 

03. vBulletin v1.12 
bulletin board (based on the PHP language) / 85.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/vbulletin112.zip 

04. DCForum2000 v1.0 *english* 
web-based discussion forum software / 69.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.dcscripts.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/dcf2kv1000eng.zip 

05. DCForum 99 v1.1 *german* 
web-based discussion forum software / 69.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.dcscripts.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/dcforum99.zip 

06. UltraBoard 2000 
powerful bulletin board system / 39.95$ 
DEMO - http://beta.ub2k.com/MySQL/UltraBoard.cgi 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/ub2k.zip 

07. Active Board v2.01 
multi-threaded message board system / 39.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.utilmind.com/cgi-bin/mb/demo.cgi 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/hzdab201.zip 

08. Top 100 CGI 
a very powerful way to cross promote your site / 800.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.splitinfinity.com/cgi_products/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/splitcgi.zip 

09. Top Sites Professional v3.04 
extraclass top list / 250.0$ 
DEMO - http://solutionscripts.com/vault/topsites/demo/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/topsitespro35.zip 

10. AutoRank Pro v2.0.4 
top list / 65.00$ 
DEMO - http://cgi-works.net/scripts/autorankpro/demo/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/autorank.zip 

11. Classified ADs Pro v3.0a 
powerful classified ads program / 109.0$ 
DEMO - http://hoffice.com/demos/classpro/viewads.html 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/classpro30.zip 

12. Classified ADs Pro v1.3 by Avidweb 
powerful classified ads program / 429.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.avidweb.net/apps/classadscom/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/vcadp13.zip 

13. WebIndex 
search engine that works like Yahoo / 100.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.cgi-center.cx/scripts/webindex/demo1/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/webindex.zip 

14. Go2! Search 
real spidering search engine / 39.99$ 
DEMO - http://www.go2cgi.com/go2search/demo/search.pl 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/go2search.zip 

15. RedirectPro 
come.to style redirection service / 39.99$ 
DEMO - http://www.go2cgi.com/redirectpro/demo/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/redirectpro.zip 

16. ForwardPro 
cjb.net style subdomain forwarding service / 39.99$ 
DEMO - http://www.go2cgi.com/forwardpro/demo/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/forwardpro.zip 

17. Home Free v3.13 
ultimate community building program / 299.0$ 
DEMO - http://hf-online.com/demo.shtml 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/homefree313.zip 

18. Account Manager v1.0 
powerful website membership management / 199.0$ 
DEMO - http://cgi.elitehost.com/acctman/demo.htm 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/amman.zip 

19. WebHome v3.0 
web host like geocites or tripod / 80.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.cyberscript.net/scripts/cswebhome/demo/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/webhome.zip 

20. VisualMail v3.0 
webbased mail client / 700.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.mintersoft.com/visualmail/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/vismail30e.zip 

21. @Mail v3.1 
webbased email client / 499.0$ 
DEMO - http://webbasedemail.com/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/mail31.zip 

22. Alias Mail v1.0 
browser based email client / 399.0$ 
DEMO - http://alias-mail.com/demo.shtml 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/aliasmail.zip 

23. Cyclonic Web-Mail Engine v3.00 
webmail portal / 349.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.stallion.au.com/products/software/cyclonic/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/cyclonic3_ent.zip 

24. CGIMailer v1.20 
receive input from web form and send mail / 20.00$ 
DEMO - http://members.xoom.com/gboban/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/dsi_cm12.zip 

25. Banner Manager v2.5 
bannerexchange script / 329.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.meysoft.com/demos/bm252/exchange/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/msbm25f.zip 

26. Sponsor Me 
ultimate banner rotator / 25.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.cgi-center.cx/scripts/sponsor_me/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/sponsorme.zip 

27. Suscribe Me Professional v2.035 
mailing list management / 199.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.cgiscriptcenter.com/subpro/demo1.shtm 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/subpro2035.zip 

28. PowerNews v5+ 
for websites where news and information is frequently updated / 29.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.perplexian.com/powernews/demo.shtml 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/powernews.zip 

29. Counter Service v1.0 
imagine providing your users with their own counters / 50.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.jpssoft.com/html/scripts/001_demo.shtml 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/counterserv10.zip 

30. Counter Manager v3.0 
imagine providing your users with their own counters / 40.00$ 
DEMO - http://nwt.virtualave.net/Resources/Scripts/counterman.html 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/counterman30.zip 

31. Download Counter v3.52 
calculation file downloads / 09.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.utilmind.com/scripts/downloadcounter.html 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/dc352.zip 

32. Ultimate Ad Tracker 
track any hit, any time, anywhere! / 47.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.muchsuccess.com/cgi/uat/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/utrack.zip 

33. Htaccess Password Protector 
directory protection / 50.00$ 
DEMO - http://technotrade.com/htaccess/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/htaccess.zip 

34. Anti-Leech v1.0 
protect your links/filez / 75.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.anti-leech.com/software/anti_tour.html 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/leech.zip 

35. Sharin'Ware 
a full-service public upload/download manager / 75.00$ 
DEMO - http://www.onlinearts.net/workshop/sharin_ware/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/sharinware.zip 

36. CdomainPro v4.0 
domain lookup utility / 100.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.cdomain.com/cdprodemo.html 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/cdomainpro41.zip 

37. CyberCart Pro v3.04 
internet commerce system / 345.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.cybercart.com/demo/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/cybercart.zip 

38. e-Accountant v1.001 
processes stand-alone order forms / 197.0$ 
DEMO - http://www.ansur.net/cgi-bin/demowa1/eaccountant.cgi 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/eaccountant.zip 

39. Affiliate Master 
complete affiliate script / 49.95$ 
DEMO - http://www.thewarriorgroup.com/whatsinside.html 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/affiliatemaster.zip 

40 .Anaconda Search (Amazon edition) v1.18 
affiliate software / 39.95$ 
DEMO - http://anacondapartners.com/ap_amazon.shtml 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/anaconda.zip 

41. RecipLink v2.0c 
advanced affiliate relationship software / 24.95$ 
DEMO - http://www.reciplink.com/sample/sample.html 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/reciplink.zip 

42. e_Match v3.0 
a matchmaking script for your web site / 29.95$ 
DEMO - http://www.e-scripts.com/ematch/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/ematch30.zip 

43. e_Chat 4.1 + Addons 
excellent chat script / 24.95$ 
DEMO - http://www.e-scripts.com/echat/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/echat41.zip 

44. e_Board v2.0 
a simple, flexible web board script / 14.95$ 
DEMO - http://www.e-scripts.com/eboard/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/eboard20.zip 

45. EliteTGP v2.0a 
a fully automated TGP site with very little effort / 59.95$ 
DEMO - http://www.elitecgi.com/elitetgp/demo.html 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/elitetgp2a.zip 

46. Ultimate Circle Jerking v1.3.0 
circle jerking script / 1200$ 
DEMO - http://www.cyclejerk.com/scripts/ucj13.html 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/ucjv1-3-0.zip 

47. The Comish v2.02 
advertising script / ????? 
WEB - http://solutionscripts.com/ 
RETAIL - http://retcgi.chat.ru/tmp/comish202.zip

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