یک چیز عجیب! Joomla! Update Manager


من امروز توی سایت جوملا به این کامپوننت برخوردم
من هرگز فکر نمی کردم هیچ وقت چنین چیزی بیاد! فقط تنها چیزی که نمی دونم اینه که آیا آپدیت ها رو به زبان فارسی تشخیص میده یا نه!
امیدوارم تشخیص بده!

This update manager provides the ability for you to easily and effectively keep up to date with the latest release of Joomla!. It supports the ability to use cURL or PHP wrappers to download files with both supporting the use of proxies to handle downloads on networks where direct internet access may not be available. The tool also provides support for using FTP mode on sites with Joomla!'s 1.5 extractor or a back ported copy of the new Joomla! 1.6 extractor libraries. There is support for manually uploading packages to the site and using this local version and the extension has the ability to update itself and can be prevented from installing an update if the version of the component may not handle the update correctly.

Best of all, this extension is completely free!



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