کدوم کد سرور رو چک میکنه


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سلام دوستان<br>من یک بازی فلش دارم که وقتی میخواد لود بشه چک میکنه و میگه به سرور متصل نیستی و نمیگذاره بازی لود بشه. در صورتی که بازی به صورت آفلاین هست. اما چون از سایت دانلود شده اجازه اجراش رو نمیده . من کدهای اکشن رو در آوردم .ممنون میشم یکی از دوستان کمک کنه بگه کدوم کد کار چک کردن رو انجام میده تا با حذف اون کد بتونم بازی رو اجرا کنم. لطفا کمک کنید

Action script...

// [onClipEvent of sprite 32 in frame 1]
onClipEvent (construct)
account = "";
autoTrack = false;
charSet = "";
configURL = "";
dc = "d1";
debugTracking = false;
moduleMediaVariables = {};
moduleMediaVariables.playerName = "";
moduleMediaVariables.trackVars = "None";
moduleMediaVariables.trackEvents = "None";
moduleMediaVariables.trackWhilePlaying = false;
moduleMediaVariables.trackMilestones = "";
moduleMediaVariables.trackSeconds = "";
moduleMediaVariables.autoTrack = false;
mobile = false;
movieID = "";
otherVariables = {};
otherVariables.dynamicVariablePrefix = "";
otherVariables.visitorID = "";
otherVariables.visitorMigrationKey = "";
otherVariables.visitorMigrationServer = "";
otherVariables.visitorMigrationServerSecure = "";
otherVariables.cookieDomainPeriods = "";
otherVariables.cookieLifetime = "";
otherVariables.currencyCode = "";
otherVariables.purchaseID = "";
otherVariables.variableProvider = "";
otherVariables.channel = "";
otherVariables.server = "";
otherVariables.pageType = "";
otherVariables.transactionID = "";
otherVariables.events = "";
otherVariables.products = "";
otherVariables.campaign = "";
otherVariables.state = "";
otherVariables.zip = "";
otherVariables.hier1 = "";
otherVariables.hier2 = "";
otherVariables.hier3 = "";
otherVariables.hier4 = "";
otherVariables.hier5 = "";
otherVariables.list1 = "";
otherVariables.list2 = "";
otherVariables.list3 = "";
otherVariables.prop1 = "";
otherVariables.eVar1 = "";
otherVariables.prop2 = "";
otherVariables.eVar2 = "";
otherVariables.prop3 = "";
otherVariables.eVar3 = "";
otherVariables.prop4 = "";
otherVariables.eVar4 = "";
otherVariables.prop5 = "";
otherVariables.eVar5 = "";
otherVariables.prop6 = "";
otherVariables.eVar6 = "";
otherVariables.prop7 = "";
otherVariables.eVar7 = "";
otherVariables.prop8 = "";
otherVariables.eVar8 = "";
otherVariables.prop9 = "";
otherVariables.eVar9 = "";
otherVariables.prop10 = "";
otherVariables.eVar10 = "";
otherVariables.prop11 = "";
otherVariables.eVar11 = "";
otherVariables.prop12 = "";
otherVariables.eVar12 = "";
otherVariables.prop13 = "";
otherVariables.eVar13 = "";
otherVariables.prop14 = "";
otherVariables.eVar14 = "";
otherVariables.prop15 = "";
otherVariables.eVar15 = "";
otherVariables.prop16 = "";
otherVariables.eVar16 = "";
otherVariables.prop17 = "";
otherVariables.eVar17 = "";
otherVariables.prop18 = "";
otherVariables.eVar18 = "";
otherVariables.prop19 = "";
otherVariables.eVar19 = "";
otherVariables.prop20 = "";
otherVariables.eVar20 = "";
otherVariables.prop21 = "";
otherVariables.eVar21 = "";
otherVariables.prop22 = "";
otherVariables.eVar22 = "";
otherVariables.prop23 = "";
otherVariables.eVar23 = "";
otherVariables.prop24 = "";
otherVariables.eVar24 = "";
otherVariables.prop25 = "";
otherVariables.eVar25 = "";
otherVariables.prop26 = "";
otherVariables.eVar26 = "";
otherVariables.prop27 = "";
otherVariables.eVar27 = "";
otherVariables.prop28 = "";
otherVariables.eVar28 = "";
otherVariables.prop29 = "";
otherVariables.eVar29 = "";
otherVariables.prop30 = "";
otherVariables.eVar30 = "";
otherVariables.prop31 = "";
otherVariables.eVar31 = "";
otherVariables.prop32 = "";
otherVariables.eVar32 = "";
otherVariables.prop33 = "";
otherVariables.eVar33 = "";
otherVariables.prop34 = "";
otherVariables.eVar34 = "";
otherVariables.prop35 = "";
otherVariables.eVar35 = "";
otherVariables.prop36 = "";
otherVariables.eVar36 = "";
otherVariables.prop37 = "";
otherVariables.eVar37 = "";
otherVariables.prop38 = "";
otherVariables.eVar38 = "";
otherVariables.prop39 = "";
otherVariables.eVar39 = "";
otherVariables.prop40 = "";
otherVariables.eVar40 = "";
otherVariables.prop41 = "";
otherVariables.eVar41 = "";
otherVariables.prop42 = "";
otherVariables.eVar42 = "";
otherVariables.prop43 = "";
otherVariables.eVar43 = "";
otherVariables.prop44 = "";
otherVariables.eVar44 = "";
otherVariables.prop45 = "";
otherVariables.eVar45 = "";
otherVariables.prop46 = "";
otherVariables.eVar46 = "";
otherVariables.prop47 = "";
otherVariables.eVar47 = "";
otherVariables.prop48 = "";
otherVariables.eVar48 = "";
otherVariables.prop49 = "";
otherVariables.eVar49 = "";
otherVariables.prop50 = "";
otherVariables.eVar50 = "";
pageName = "";
pageURL = "";
trackClickMap = false;
trackingServer = "";
trackingServerBase = "2o7.net";
trackingServerSecure = "";
trackLocal = true;
trackOnLoad = false;
useExternalVariables = false;
visitorNamespace = "";

// [onClipEvent of sprite 88 in frame 2]
onClipEvent (load)
setProperty("", _visible, false);

// [onClipEvent of sprite 419 in frame 4]
onClipEvent (enterFrame)

// [onClipEvent of sprite 479 in frame 5]
onClipEvent (load)
blurstart = 5;
setProperty("", _alpha, 25);

// [onClipEvent of sprite 340 in frame 5]
onClipEvent (enterFrame)

// [Action in Frame 1]
switchbtn.onRelease = function ()

function configActionSource()
s.referrer = "adultswim.com";
s.account = "adultswimsocialgamesext";
s.server = "Facebook";
s.channel = "Games";
s.pageName = "Robot Unicorn Attack - Game Play";
s.pageURL = "";
s.charSet = "ISO-8859-1";
s.currencyCode = "USD";
s.trackClickMap = true;
s.movieID = "";
s.debugTracking = true;
s.trackLocal = false;
s.visitorNamespace = "adultswim";
s.trackingServer = "stats.adultswim.com";
} // End of the function
function doOmniture()
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("refeshAds", _global.eVar);
s.trackLink(_root._url, "o", _global.eVar);
} // End of the function
s.prop1 = "robot unicorn attack";
_global.eVar = "game_plays";

stop ();

// [Action in Frame 2]
function hideMuteButtons()
buttonMusic._visible = false;
buttonSound._visible = false;
} // End of the function
function showMuteButtons()
buttonMusic._visible = true;
buttonSound._visible = true;
} // End of the function
function toggleMusicMute()
if (!isAllMute)
_root.debugField.text = _root.debugField.text + " mm1 ";
if (!isMusicMute)
_root.debugField.text = _root.debugField.text + " mm2 ";
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("createCookie", "museMute", "on", "30");
so.data.muteMusic = "1";
isMusicMute = true;
stopAllSounds ();
_root.debugField.text = _root.debugField.text + " mm3 ";
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("createCookie", "museMute", "off", "30");
so.data.muteMusic = "0";
isMusicMute = false;
stopAllSounds ();
if (_root._currentframe <= 2)
} // end else if
} // end else if
_root.debugField.text = _root.debugField.text + " mm4 ";
} // end else if
} // End of the function
function toggleAllMute()
if (!isAllMute)
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("createCookie", "allMute", "on", "30");
so.data.muteAll = "1";
isAllMute = true;
stopAllSounds ();
var _loc2 = new Sound(_root);
isMusicMute = false;
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("createCookie", "allMute", "off", "30");
so.data.muteAll = "0";
isAllMute = false;
_loc2 = new Sound(_root);
isMusicMute = true;
} // end else if
} // End of the function
var so = SharedObject.getLocal("rua", "/");
so.data.isHM = "2";
var isMusicMute = false;
var isAllMute = false;
var exMuseMute = flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("readCookie", "museMute");
var exAllMute = flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("readCookie", "allMute");
var soAllMute = so.data.muteAll == "1";
var soMuseMute = so.data.muteMusic == "1";
if (exAllMute == "on" || soAllMute)
else if (exMuseMute == "on" || soMuseMute)
} // end else if

var tourney = new com.thup.ruafb.Tourney();

var cr = new Array();
cr[0] = 6412456;
cr[1] = 741245;
cr[2] = 18150618;

function setHighScores()
endOK = 1;
for (count = 1; count <= 5; count++)
if (HUDfinalScore > highScores[count])
scoreNum = count;
for (count2 = 5; count2 > scoreNum; count2--)
highScores[count2] = highScores[count2 - 1];
} // end of for
highScores[count] = HUDfinalScore;
finalbox["scorebox" + count].gotoAndPlay(2);
count = 6;
} // end if
} // end of for
for (count = 1; count <= 5; count++)
finalbox["score" + count].scoreText = highScores[count];
} // end of for
} // End of the function
function deleteScores()
for (count = 1; count <= 5; count++)
this["highScore" + count] = 6000 - 1000 * count;
} // end of for
highScores = new Array(0, highScore1, highScore2, highScore3, highScore4, highScore5);
highScoreNames = new Array("com", "com", "com", "com", "com");
highScoresXX = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
} // End of the function
var var1 = 0;
var var3 = 2772;
cmpSetObj.var1 = var1;
cmpSetObj.var3 = var3;
mccm.onPress = function ()
for (count = 1; count <= 5; count++)
this["highScore" + count] = 6000 - 1000 * count;
} // end of for
if (highScores[5] <= 1000)
highScores = new Array(0, highScore1, highScore2, highScore3, highScore4, highScore5);
highScoreNames = new Array("com", "com", "com", "com", "com");
highScoresXX = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
} // end if

_root.zDown = false;
_root.xDown = false;
keyCatcher.onKeyDown = function ()
if (String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == "Z" || String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == "z")
_root.zDown = true;
else if (String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == "X" || String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == "x")
_root.xDown = true;
} // end else if
keyCatcher.onKeyUp = function ()
if (String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == "Z" || String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == "z")
_root.zDown = false;
else if (String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == "X" || String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == "x")
_root.xDown = false;
} // end else if

function F_engineLoop()
if (this.player.dead != 1)
} // end if
_root.pointArt.pointText = _root.HUDscore;
if (_root.pointArt._xscale > 100)
_root.pointArt._xscale = _root.pointArt._xscale - 1;
_root.pointArt._yscale = _root.pointArt._xscale;
} // end if
} // End of the function
function F_checkDot(dotName)
tempDot = this["dot" + dotName];
colliderx = tempDot._x;
collidery = tempDot._y;
var _loc3 = {x: colliderx, y: collidery};
dotHit = 0;
for (count = 1; count < 3; count++)
if (_root.engine.world["building" + count].solid.hitTest(_loc3.x, _loc3.y, true))
dotHit = 1;
} // end if
} // end of for
if (dotHit)
return (1);
return (0);
} // end else if
} // End of the function
function F_checkDiamonds()
if (this.world.building1.diamond._visible == true)
if (this.world.building1.diamond._currentframe == 1)
if (this.player.hitbox.hitTest(this.world.building1.diamond.hitbox))
if (this.player.animState == "charge" || this.player.chargeEndTime > 0)
_root.cameraShake = 4;
_root.enemyCombo = _root.enemyCombo + 1;
_root.showPoints("Big", 1);
_root.HUDscore = _root.HUDscore + starPoints * _root.enemyCombo;
_root.pointArt._xscale = _root.pointArt._xscale + _root.enemyCombo * 4;
this.world.building1.diamond._x = this.world.building1.diamond._x + 15;
this.world.building1.diamond._rotation = this.world.building1.diamond._rotation + 10;
_root.deathStyle = 3;
} // end else if
else if (this.world.building1.diamond.hitbox.hitTest(this.butterflybox))
_root.diamondCombo = 0;
this.world.building1.diamond._visible = false;
} // end if
} // end if
} // end else if
if (this.world.building2.diamond._visible == true)
if (this.world.building2.diamond._currentframe == 1)
if (this.player.hitbox.hitTest(this.world.building2.diamond.hitbox))
if (this.player.animState == "charge" || this.player.chargeEndTime > 0)
_root.cameraShake = 4;
_root.HUDdiamonds = _root.HUDdiamonds + 1;
_root.enemyCombo = _root.enemyCombo + 1;
_root.showPoints("Big", 2);
_root.HUDscore = _root.HUDscore + starPoints * _root.enemyCombo;
_root.pointArt._xscale = _root.pointArt._xscale + _root.enemyCombo * 4;
this.world.building2.diamond._x = this.world.building2.diamond._x + 15;
this.world.building2.diamond._rotation = this.world.building2.diamond._rotation + 10;
_root.deathStyle = 3;
} // end else if
else if (this.world.building2.diamond.hitbox.hitTest(this.butterflybox))
_root.diamondCombo = 0;
this.world.building2.diamond._visible = false;
} // end if
} // end if
} // end else if
if (this.world.building1.butterfly._currentframe == 1)
if (this.world.building1.butterfly._visible)
this.world.building1.butterfly._x = this.world.building1.butterfly._x + 3;
if (this.player.hitbox.hitTest(this.world.building1.butterfly.art.wings))
_root.butterflyCombo = _root.butterflyCombo + 1;
this.player.colorUp = 3;
_root.HUDscore = _root.HUDscore + butterPoints * _root.butterflyCombo;
_root.pointArt._xscale = _root.pointArt._xscale + _root.butterflyCombo * 2;
_root.showPoints("Small", 1);
} // end if
if (this.world.building1.butterfly.hitbox.hitTest(this.butterflybox))
if (this.world.building1.butterfly._currentframe == 1)
_root.butterflyCombo = 0;
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
if (this.world.building2.butterfly._currentframe == 1)
if (this.world.building2.butterfly._visible)
this.world.building2.butterfly._x = this.world.building2.butterfly._x + 3;
if (this.player.hitbox.hitTest(this.world.building2.butterfly.art.wings))
_root.butterflyCombo = _root.butterflyCombo + 1;
this.player.colorUp = 3;
_root.HUDscore = _root.HUDscore + butterPoints * _root.butterflyCombo;
_root.pointArt._xscale = _root.pointArt._xscale + _root.butterflyCombo * 2;
_root.showPoints("Small", 2);
} // end if
if (this.world.building2.butterfly.hitbox.hitTest(this.butterflybox))
if (this.world.building2.butterfly._currentframe == 1)
_root.butterflyCombo = 0;
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
if (enemyCombo > bestStarCombo)
bestStarCombo = enemyCombo;
} // end if
if (butterflyCombo > bestFairyCombo)
bestFairyCombo = butterflyCombo;
} // end if
} // End of the function
function F_checkOddLanding(landDirection)
if (checkDot("BottomRoot"))
for (count = 1; count < 10; count++)
if (checkDot("BottomStick") == 0)
} // end if
count = 10;
} // end of for
for (count = 1; count < 10; count++)
if (checkDot("BottomStick") == 0)
setProperty("", _x, _x + 1 * landDirection);
} // end if
applyGravity = 0;
touchGround = 1;
count = 10;
} // end of for
} // end else if
} // End of the function
function F_travelx(movex)
this._x = this._x + movex;
} // End of the function
function F_travely(movey)
this._y = this._y + movey;
} // End of the function
function F_moveWorldx(movex)
for (count = 1; count < 3; count++)
if (count == 1)
otherBuilding = this.world.building2;
otherBuilding = this.world.building1;
} // end else if
building = this.world["building" + count];
building._x = building._x - movex;
_root.HUDscore = _root.HUDscore + int(movex / 8);
if (_root.HUDscore > 5000)
if (dolphinLevel == 1)
dolphinLevel = 2;
} // end if
} // end if
if (_root.HUDscore > 10000)
if (dolphinLevel == 2)
dolphinLevel = 3;
} // end if
} // end if
if (_root.HUDscore > 15000)
if (dolphinLevel == 3)
dolphinLevel = 4;
} // end if
} // end if
if (_root.HUDscore > 20000)
if (dolphinLevel == 4)
dolphinLevel = 5;
} // end if
} // end if
if (_root.HUDscore > 25000)
if (dolphinLevel == 5)
dolphinLevel = 6;
} // end if
} // end if
if (_root.HUDscore > 30000)
if (dolphinLevel == 6)
dolphinLevel = 7;
} // end if
} // end if
if (building.diamond._visible)
_root["diamondEdgeTime" + count] = int(engine._x - 640 + building._x + building.diamond._x) / 20;
diamondTriggerTime = 25 + (movex - 14) / 1.500000;
if (_root["diamondSpawn" + count] != 1 && _root["diamondEdgeTime" + count] < diamondTriggerTime)
_root["diamondSpawn" + count] = 1;
} // end if
} // end if
if (building._x < -1500)
movexBuilding = int(movex / 1.500000);
if (movexBuiling > 20)
movexBuilding = 20;
} // end if
building.gotoAndStop(random(movexBuilding) + 1);
building.solid._visible = false;
building._x = otherBuilding._x + otherBuilding._width / 2 + building._width / 2 + 400 + movex * 8 + random(100);
building._y = 300 + random(100);
_root["diamondSpawn" + count] = 0;
if (random(movex - 10) > 2)
building.diamond._visible = true;
if (building.diamond._currentframe == 1)
_root.enemyCombo = 0;
} // end if
targetnum = random(2) + 2;
targetdot = building["dot" + targetnum];
building.diamond._x = targetdot._x;
building.diamond._y = targetdot._y;
building.diamond._visible = false;
} // end else if
targetdot = building.dot1;
building.butterfly._x = targetdot._x - (400 + movex * 2);
building.butterfly._y = targetdot._y - 150 + random(30);
} // end if
building = this.world["backa" + count];
building._x = building._x - movex / 2;
building._y = 500 - this._y / 2;
if (building._x < -700)
building._x = building._x + (1400 + random(100));
buidling.inside._y = -50 + random(100);
if (random(2) == 0)
building._xscale = building._xscale * -1;
} // end if
} // end if
building = this.world["backb" + count];
building._x = building._x - movex / 8;
building._y = 500 - this._y / 1.500000;
if (building._x < -700)
building._x = building._x + (1400 + random(100));
buidling.inside._y = -25 + random(50);
if (random(2) == 0)
building._xscale = building._xscale * -1;
} // end if
} // end if
} // end of for
} // End of the function
function setCamera()
if (engine.player.dead != 1)
engine._y = engine._y - (playerPointy - 200) / 10;
if (engine._y < 0)
engine._y = 0;
} // end if
} // end if
if (cameraShake > 0)
engine._y = engine._y + random(cameraShake * 3) * cameraShakeDir;
engine._x = engine._x + random(cameraShake * 3) * cameraShakeDir;
cameraShakeDir = cameraShakeDir * -1;
cameraShake = cameraShake - 0.100000;
cameraShake = 0;
} // end else if
if (engine._x > 321)
engine._x = engine._x - 0.250000;
else if (engine._x < 319)
engine._x = engine._x + 0.250000;
} // end else if
} // End of the function
function showPoints(psize, pnum)
pointFX = _root["points" + psize];
fxy = _root.engine._y + (_root.engine.player._y - 10);
with (pointFX)
_visible = true;
_x = 100;
_y = fxy;
} // End of with
} // End of the function
function dashWarning()
if (dashWarn < 3)
dashWarn = dashWarn + 1;
} // end if
} // End of the function

function F_movePlayer()
with (engine.player)
if (dropTime > 0)
dropTime = dropTime - 1;
} // end if
if (airChargeMeter < 100)
airChargeMeter = airChargeMeter + 1;
} // end if
_root.rainbowBar._xscale = airChargeMeter - 30;
if (_root.rainbowBar._xscale < 0)
_root.rainbowBar._xscale = 0;
} // end if
prevAnimState = animState;
rot4 = rot3;
rot3 = rot2;
rot2 = rot1;
rot1 = rotationTarget;
rotationTarget = 0;
art._rotation = (rot1 + rot2 + rot3 + rot4) / 4;
if (art._rotation > 20)
art._rotation = 20;
else if (art._rotation < -20)
art._rotation = -20;
} // end else if
if (_root.xDown || Key.isDown(_root.p1r) || Key.isDown(_root.p1rCase))
if (chargeCoolDown > 20)
if (airChargeMeter > 40)
_y = _y - 8;
airChargeMeter = airChargeMeter - 70;
chargeOffset = 15;
airCharged = 1;
airChargeCount = airChargeCount + 1;
chargeCoolDown = 0;
applyGravity = 0;
animState = "charge";
art.blurMe(30, 0);
colorUp = 4;
art.colorMe(colorUp, colorUp, colorUp);
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
if (chargeCoolDown < 21)
chargeCoolDown = chargeCoolDown + 1;
} // end if
if (chargeEndTime > 0)
chargeEndTime = chargeEndTime - 1;
} // end if
if (animState != "charge")
if (_root.zDown || Key.isDown(_root.p1u) || Key.isDown(_root.p1uCase))
if (applyGravity == 0 || dropTime > 0 || jumpNum == 0)
if (!upPress)
jumpNum = 1;
dropTime = 0;
touchGround = 0;
applyGravity = 1;
thrusty = jumpVel;
gravity = 0;
colorUp = 2;
airCharged = 0;
animState = "jump";
} // end if
if (!upPress && gravity > 6)
if (jumpNum == 1)
jumpNum = 2;
applyGravity = 1;
thrusty = jumpVel;
gravity = 2;
animState = "jump";
colorUp = 3;
art.colorMe(colorUp, colorUp, colorUp);
} // end if
} // end if
gravity = gravity - 0.750000;
} // end else if
upPress = 1;
upPress = 0;
} // end if
} // end else if
speedx = maxspeedx;
if (maxspeedx < 50)
maxspeedx = maxspeedx + 0.010000;
} // end if
_root.testVar6 = maxspeedx;
_x = (speedx - 14) / 2 - 260 + offsetx;
if (offsetx > 0)
offsetx = offsetx - 5;
offsetx = 0;
} // end else if
if (applyGravity && animState != "charge")
fallSpeed = thrusty - gravity;
if (fallSpeed > 10)
fallSpeed = 10;
} // end if
gravity = gravity + 1.200000;
} // end if
touchCeiling = 0;
if (checkDot("Top"))
touchCeiling = 1;
for (count = 1; count < 20; count++)
if (checkDot("Top"))
} // end if
count = 21;
} // end of for
} // end if
if (checkDot("Bottom"))
touchGround = 1;
for (count = 1; count < 20; count++)
if (checkDot("Bottom"))
rotationTarget = rotationTarget - (rotationStep + 1);
} // end if
count = 21;
} // end of for
} // end if
if (checkDot("Right"))
_root.deathStyle = 2;
return (0);
} // end if
if (applyGravity)
art._rotation = 0;
rotationTarget = 0;
if (checkDot("TopRight"))
touchCeiling = 1;
while (checkDot("TopRight"))
} // end while
} // end if
if (checkDot("BottomLeft"))
if (gravity > thrusty)
if (touchGround == 0)
} // end if
} // end if
if (touchGround == 0)
while (checkDot("BottomLeft"))
} // end while
} // end if
} // end if
if (checkDot("BottomRight"))
if (gravity > thrusty)
if (touchGround == 0)
} // end if
} // end if
if (touchGround == 0)
while (checkDot("BottomRight"))
} // end while
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
if (touchCeiling)
if (applyGravity)
thrusty = thrusty / 2;
} // end if
} // end if
if (touchGround)
applyGravity = 0;
gravity = 0;
if (animState != "charge")
animState = "run";
airCharged = 0;
airChargeCount = 0;
} // end if
if (applyGravity == 0 && animState != "charge")
if (checkDot("BottomRoot"))
for (count = 1; count < 10; count++)
if (checkDot("BottomStick") == 0)
rotationTarget = rotationTarget + rotationStep;
} // end if
count = 10;
} // end of for
} // end if
} // end if
if (animState != "charge")
if (checkDot("BottomStick") == 0)
if (checkDot("BottomRightStick") == 0)
if (checkDot("BottomLeftStick") == 0)
touchGround = 0;
airCharged = 0;
dropTime = 10;
jumpNum = 1;
applyGravity = 1;
thrusty = jumpVel;
gravity = jumpVel;
animState = "jump";
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
} // end if
var playerPoint = {x: _x, y: _y};
_root.playerPointx = playerPoint.x + 300;
_root.playerPointy = playerPoint.y;
if (colorUp > 1.200000)
colorUp = colorUp - 0.100000;
art.colorMe(colorUp, colorUp, colorUp);
} // end if
if (_y < -600)
_y = -600;
} // end if
if (this.dead != 1)
if (animState == "run")
if (prevAnimState != "run")
airChargeMeter = 100;
} // end if
jumpNum = 0;
prevAnimFrame = animFrame;
animFrame = art.runanim._currentframe;
art.runanim.gotoAndStop(animFrame + int(speedx * 2));
if (animFrame > 450)
art.runanim.gotoAndStop(animFrame - 450);
} // end if
if (prevAnimFrame < 90 && animFrame > 90)
} // end if
if (prevAnimFrame < 150 && animFrame > 150)
} // end if
if (prevAnimFrame < 180 && animFrame > 180)
} // end if
else if (animState == "jump")
art.jumpanim.gotoAndStop(int(gravity * 8.750000));
else if (animState == "charge")
_root.engine.moveWorldx(speedx / 2);
offsetx = offsetx + chargeOffset;
chargeOffset = chargeOffset - 1;
if (chargeOffset < 0)
chargeOffset = 0;
} // end if
} // end else if
} // end else if
if (_y > 700)
_root.deathStyle = 1;
} // end if
} // End of with
} // End of the function
function F_endCharge()
with (engine.player)
touchGround = 0;
if (jumpNum == 0)
dropTime = 10;
jumpNum = 1;
} // end else if
chargeEndTime = 10;
applyGravity = 1;
thrusty = jumpVel;
gravity = jumpVel;
animState = "jump";
art.jumpanim.gotoAndStop(int(gravity * 8.750000));
} // End of with
} // End of the function
function F_deathTime(deathMethod)
this.dead = 1;
if (deathMethod == 1)
_root.cameraShake = 6;
else if (deathMethod == 2)
} // end else if
} // End of the function

function initialize()
setProperty("", _quality, "medium");
_root.p1u = 90;
_root.p1uCase = 122;
_root.p1d = 83;
_root.p1l = 65;
_root.p1r = 88;
_root.p1rCase = 120;
_root.p1ps = 32;
_root.score = 0;
_root.HUDscore = 0;
_root.HUDdiamonds = 0;
_root.HUDbutterflies = 0;
_root.HUDfinalScore = 0;
_root.cameraShakeDir = 1;
_root.cameraShake = 0;
_root.butterflyCombo = 0;
_root.enemyCombo = 1;
_root.butterPoints = 10;
_root.starPoints = 100;
_root.dolphinLevel = 1;
_root.dashWarn = 0;
_root.deathStyle = 1;
if (_root.scoreTurn == 0)
_root.score1 = 0;
_root.score2 = 0;
_root.score3 = 0;
_root.bestFairyCombo = 0;
_root.bestStarCombo = 0;
_root.scoreTurn = 1;
} // end if
with (engine)
originx = 320;
originy = 240;
player.thrusty = 0;
player.offsetx = 0;
player.gravity = 0;
player.applyGravity = 1;
player.maxspeedx = 14;
player.jumpVel = 14;
player.speedx = player.maxspeedx;
player.speedstep = 0.250000;
player.dead = 0;
player.airCharged = 0;
player.airChargeCount = 0;
player.airChargeMeter = 100;
player.chargeCoolDown = 100;
player.chargeEndTime = 0;
player.dropTime = 0;
player.rotationStep = 2;
player.rotationTarget = 0;
player.rot1 = 0;
player.rot2 = 0;
player.rot3 = 0;
player.animState = "run";
player.colorUp = 4;
} // End of with
engine.player.checkDot = F_checkDot;
engine.player.endCharge = F_endCharge;
engine.player.deathTime = F_deathTime;
engine.player.checkOddLanding = F_checkOddLanding;
engine.player.travelx = F_travelx;
engine.player.travely = F_travely;
engine.engineLoop = F_engineLoop;
engine.moveWorldx = F_moveWorldx;
engine.movePlayer = F_movePlayer;
engine.checkDiamonds = F_checkDiamonds;
engine.world.building1.diamond._visible = false;
engine.world.building2.diamond._visible = false;
} // End of the function
stop ();
scoreTurn = 0;

// [Action in Frame 3]
_root.tourneyHolder._visible = false;

stopAllSounds ();
if (!_root.isMusicMute)
musicStarted = 1;
} // end if

// [Action in Frame 4]
stop ();
_root.tourneyHolder._visible = false;

// [Action in Frame 5]
function setScoreScreen()
scoreArt1._visible = true;
scoreArt1.scoreText = score1;
if (scoreTurn > 1)
scoreArt2._visible = true;
scoreArt2.scoreText = score2;
} // end if
if (scoreTurn > 2)
scoreArt3._visible = true;
scoreArt3.scoreText = score3;
} // end if
if (scoreTurn == 1)
else if (scoreTurn == 2)
} // end else if
if (scoreTurn == 3)
endOK = 1;
scoreTurn = scoreTurn + 1;
} // end else if
} // End of the function
function showFinalScore()
scoreArtFinal._visible = true;
finalbox._visible = true;
HUDfinalScore = score1 + score2 + score3;
scoreArtFinal.scoreText = HUDfinalScore;
scoreTurn = 0;
pressztext._visible = true;
presszreflection._visible = true;
} // End of the function
function scoreScreenCounter()
if (scoreTurn != 0)
screenTime = screenTime - 1;
pressztext.timeText = int(screenTime / 30);
presszreflection.timeText = int(screenTime / 30);
if (screenTime <= 0)
_root.HUDscore = 0;
} // end if
} // end if
} // End of the function
endOK = 0;
_root["score" + scoreTurn] = HUDscore;
if (scoreTurn == 1)
pressztext._visible = true;
presszreflection._visible = true;
scoreArt1._visible = false;
scoreArt2._visible = false;
scoreArt3._visible = false;
} // end if
if (scoreTurn == 2)
scoreArt1.scoreText = score1;
scoreArt2._visible = false;
scoreArt3._visible = false;
} // end if
if (scoreTurn == 3)
scoreArt3._visible = false;
scoreArt1.scoreText = score1;
scoreArt2.scoreText = score1;
pressztext._visible = false;
presszreflection._visible = false;
} // end if
scoreArtFinal._visible = false;
finalbox._visible = false;
screenTime = 270;

switchbtn2.onRelease = function ()

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