; assemble with NBASM 00.24.94 or above
; ( http://www.frontiernet.net/~fys/newbasic.htm )
; NBASM playwav
PgPort equ 83h
AddPort equ 02h
LenPort equ 03h
ModeReg equ 49h
Channel equ 01h
BasePort equ 220h
Freq equ 11000
.model tiny
org 100h
start: push cs ; make sure ds=es=cs
push cs ;
pop ds ;
pop es ;
mov dx,offset StartIt
mov ah,09
int 21h
mov di,offset Buffer ; clear buffer contents
mov cx,51200 ;
xor al,al ;
rep ;
stosb ;
mov ax,3D00h ; open file
mov dx,offset File1 ;
int 21h ;
jnc short File1OK ; if no error then cont.
mov dx,offset FileErr ; else print error msg and exit
mov ah,09 ;
int 21h ;
jmp short Done ;
File1OK: mov bx,ax ; put handle in bx
mov cx,43 ; read it
mov dx,offset Buffer ; save into buffer
mov ah,3Fh ;
int 21h ;
mov cx,51200 ; read it
mov dx,offset Buffer ; save into buffer
mov ah,3Fh ;
int 21h ;
mov Length1,ax ; save len of file
mov ah,3Eh ; close the file
int 21h ;
call ResetDSP
or ax,ax
jz short RstOK
mov dx,offset ResetErrS
jmp short RstOK1
RstOK: mov dx,offset ResetOKS
RstOK1: mov ah,09
int 21h
mov al,0DDh ; Left = 13, Right = 13 (15-highest)
call MstrVol ; L = Hi Nibble, R = Lo Nibble
mov al,0D1h ; turn speaker(s) on
call WriteDSP
xor eax,eax
xor edx,edx
mov ax,cs
mov dx,offset Buffer
shl eax,04h
add eax,edx
mov MemLoc,eax
call DMAPlay
mov dx,offset AnyKey
mov ah,09
int 21h
xor ah,ah
int 16h
Done: mov ah,4Ch ; exit to DOS
int 21h ;
DMAPlay proc near uses eax ebx edx
dec word Length1
mov byte Page1,00h
mov al,(Channel+4)
mov dx,0Ah
out dx,al
xor al,al
mov dx,0Ch
out dx,al
mov al,ModeReg
mov dx,0Bh
out dx,al
mov eax,MemLoc
mov dx,AddPort
out dx,al
xchg al,ah
out dx,al
mov eax,MemLoc
mov edx,eax
and eax,65536
jz short MemLocN1
inc byte Page1
MemLocN1: mov eax,edx
and eax,131072
jz short MemLocN2
add byte Page1,02
MemLocN2: mov eax,edx
and eax,262144
jz short MemLocN3
add byte Page1,04
MemLocN3: mov eax,edx
and eax,524288
jz short MemLocN4
add byte Page1,08
MemLocN4: mov dx,PgPort
mov al,Page1
out dx,al
mov dx,LenPort
mov ax,Length1
out dx,al
xchg al,ah
out dx,al
mov dx,0Ah
mov al,Channel
out dx,al
mov al,40h
call WriteDSP
xor edx,edx
mov eax,1000000
mov ebx,Freq
div ebx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,256
sub eax,ebx
call WriteDSP
mov al,14h
call WriteDSP
mov ax,Length1
call WriteDSP
xchg al,ah
call WriteDSP
DMAPlay endp
MstrVol proc near uses ax dx
push ax
mov dx,(BasePort+4)
mov al,22h
out dx,al
pop ax
inc dx
out dx,al
MstrVol endp
ResetDSP proc near uses cx dx
mov dx,(BasePort+6)
mov al,01
out dx,al
mov cx,50
WaitIt1: in al,dx
loop WaitIt1
xor al,al
out dx,al
mov cx,50
WaitIt2: in al,dx
loop WaitIt2
mov ah,0FFh ; part of Return Code
mov dx,(BasePort+14)
in al,dx
and al,80h
cmp al,80h
jne short ResetErr
mov dx,(BasePort+10)
in al,dx
cmp al,0AAh
jne short ResetErr
ResetOK: xor ax,ax ; return ax = 0 if reset ok
ResetErr: ret
ResetDSP endp
WriteDSP proc near uses ax dx
push ax
mov dx,(BasePort+12)
WaitIt: in al,dx
and al,80h
jnz short WaitIt
pop ax
out dx,al
WriteDSP endp
StartIt db 13,10,'PlayWav A utility for Playing WAV files Version 1.03'
db 13,10,'Forever Young Software(r) (C)opyright 1984-2007',13,10,36
File1 db 'test.wav',0
FileErr db 13,10,'Error opening file...',36
ResetOKS db 13,10,'Reset DSP was successful.',36
ResetErrS db 13,10,'Error Reseting DSP...',36
AnyKey db 13,10,'Press a key to exit.',36
Length1 dw 00h
MemLoc dd 0000h
Page1 db 00h
Buffer dup 51200,? ; 50k buffer at the end of our code