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کسی هست از شم ا ها ک ه با Powepint کار کرده باشه هو flash توش گذاشته باشه >>؟؟


آره من زیاد استفاده کردم البته embed نشده ولی از بیرون به راحتی لود میشه خیلی راحته
ولی طولانیه حال ندارم فارسی بنویسم
تورو خدا دعوام نکنین که چرا فارسی ننوشتم باور کنید حال تایپ کردن نداشتم
اگه کسی ناراحت شد لطفا با ترجمه کردن ناراحتی خودش رو ابراز کنه :D
این برای 2007
[*]Install the Flash Player on your computer.
[*]In PowerPoint, in Normal view, display the slide on which you want to play the animation.
[*]Click the [B]Microsoft Office Button[/B] [IMG][/IMG], and then click [B]PowerPoint Options[/B].
[*]Click [B]Popular[/B], and then under [B]Top options for working with PowerPoint[/B], select the [B]Show Developer tab in the Ribbon[/B] check box, and then click [B]OK[/B].[B] Note [/B]  The Ribbon is a part of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface
[*]On the [B]Developer[/B] tab, in the [B]Controls[/B] group, click [B]More Controls[/B][IMG][/IMG].
[*]In the list of controls, click [B]Shockwave Flash Object[/B], click [B]OK[/B], and then drag on the slide to draw the control. Resize the control by dragging the sizing handles.
[*]Right-click the Shockwave Flash Object, and then click [B]Properties[/B].
[*]On the [B]Alphabetic[/B] tab, click the [B]Movie[/B] property.
[*]In the value column (the blank cell next to [B]Movie[/B]), type the full drive path, including the file name (for example, C\:MyFile.swf) or uniform resource locator (URL) to the Flash file that you want to play.
[*]To set specific options for how the animation plays, do the following, and then close the [B]Properties[/B] dialog box:[LIST]
[*]To play the file automatically when the slide is displayed, set the [B]Playing[/B] property to [B]True[/B]. If the Flash file has a Start/Rewind control built into it, you can set the [B]Playing[/B]propertyto [B]False[/B].
[*]If you don't want the animation to play repeatedly, set the [B]Loop[/B] property to[B] False[/B].[/LIST] [/LIST]
اینم برای 2003
[*]Install the Macromedia Flash Player on your computer.
[*]In normal view in PowerPoint, display the slide on which you want to play the animation.
[*]On the [B]View[/B] menu, point to [B]Toolbars[/B], and then click [B]Control Toolbox[/B].
[*]In the [B]Control[/B] [B]Toolbox[/B], click [B]More Controls[/B] (the button with the hammer and wrench icon).
[*]In the list, scroll down and click [B]Shockwave Flash Object[/B], then drag on the slide to draw the control. You can resize the control at any point by dragging the sizing handles if you need to adjust it to the size of the animation.
[*]Right-click the Shockwave Flash Object, and then click [B]Properties[/B].
[*]On the [B]Alphabetic[/B] tab, click the [B]Movie[/B] property.
[*]In the value column (the blank cell next to [B]Movie[/B]), type the full drive path including the file name (for example, C\:My Documents\MyFile.swf) or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to the Flash file that you want to play.
[*]To set specific options for how the animation plays, do the following, and when you're done, close the [B]Properties[/B] dialog box:[LIST]
[*]Make sure the [B]Playing[/B] property is set to [B]True[/B]. This plays the file automatically when the slide is displayed. If the Flash file has a Start/Rewind control built into it, the [B]Playing[/B] setting can be set to [B]False[/B].
[*]If you don't want the animation to play repeatedly, in the [B]Loop[/B] property, select [B]False[/B] (click the cell to get a down arrow, click the arrow, and select [B]False[/B]).
[*]To embed the Flash file so you can pass this presentation on to others, in the [B]EmbedMovie[/B] property, click [B]True[/B]. (In order for the Flash file to run, however, the Shockwave Flash Object control must be registered on any computer that runs this presentation.)[/LIST] 
[*]To run the animation: With the slide displayed in normal view, click the [B]Slide Show[/B] button in the lower left of the PowerPoint window (or press F5, or, on the [B]Slide Show[/B] menu, click [B]View Show[/B]).
[*]To exit the slide show and return to normal view, press ESC.[/LIST]
بعدش هم شما(مدیران) به همه میگید وقتی میخواید تاپیک بزنید یه اسم مناسب براش انتخاب کنیید
اگه این اسم مناسب نیست که هیچ ولی اگه مناسبه پس من چی میگم؟؟؟؟:D
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