يه سكريپت باحال(PHP)


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سلام من تازه واردم و به دعوت روزبه اومدم اينجا, ميخواستم يكي از سكريپت هايي رو كه چند وقت پيش براي سايت خودم نوشته بودم رو اينجا بزارم كه همه استفاده كنن.

|(C)2001-2003 Alireza .... [email][email protected][/email]  http://www.iran-teens.com
|   Iran Teens Services is part of  Uk based Pars Media, Inc
|   This script has been released under GPL lisence.
|   You don't require any link back to Iran-Teens.com However 
|   it will be appreciated if you give us credit in your website.
|   Feel free to edit this script for you OWN need but you are NOT 
|   alowed to delet this copyright, re-distribute or sell this 
|   with out written permission from Pars media, Inc.
|  This script is for use AS-IT-IS, Pars media, Inc is not responsible 
|  for providing any help and support however send me an email and if 
|  is was on mood I probably would help you. We ARE NOT responsible for 
|  any data loss or server problem cuased by this script. we have teste 
|  it on our dedicated server and has answered correctly 
|   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 


//This is a PATH NOT URL to the directory that you have put this script
//I strongly recommend you use unusual name such as "ghjkj" and CHMOD it 777

$base_datapath = "/home/ali-onli/public_html/data";


//How many seconds different between webserver time and the real time in your place,
//3600 means 3600 seconds / 1 hour.




Copy and paste this to your PHP page
$visitors = daily_count("","");
echo "Visitors today: ".$visitors[0]." from total: ".$visitors[1]." visitors, since ".$visitors[2];

 * ============================================================
 * function offset_time()
 * Return updated Unix timestamp after recalculate with $offset
 * ------------------------------------------------------------
function offset_time() {
	global $offset;
	$offsettime	= time()+$offset;
	$localtime = getdate($offsettime);
	$i = 0;
	while(list($k,$v) = each($localtime)){
		if($i == 0){
			$detik = $v;
			if($detik < 10){ $detik = "0".$detik; }
		}elseif($i == 1){
			$menit = $v;
			if($menit < 10){ $menit = "0".$menit; }
		}elseif($i == 2){
			$jam = $v;
			if($jam < 10){ $jam = "0".$jam; }
		}elseif($i == 3){
			$tanggal = $v;
			if($tanggal < 10) { $tanggal = "0".$tanggal; }
		}elseif($i == 5){
			$bulan = $v;
			if($bulan < 10) { $bulan = "0".$bulan; }
		}elseif($i == 6){
			$tahun = $v;
	$offset_time = "$tahun$bulan$tanggal$jam$menit$detik";
	return $offset_time;

 * ============================================================
 * function daily_count($counter_file_name, $visitor_file_name)
 * Display how many visitors get in!
 * ------------------------------------------------------------
function daily_count($counter_file_name, $visitor_file_name){

	global $base_datapath, $REMOTE_ADDR, $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $HTTP_REFERER;

	if(empty($counter_file_name)){ $counter_file_name = "daily_count.wmn"; }
	if(empty($visitor_file_name)){ $visitor_file_name = "daily_visitors.wmn"; }
	$counter_file_path = $base_datapath."/".$counter_file_name;
	$visitor_file_path = $base_datapath."/".$visitor_file_name;

	$get_visitors = 0;
	$get_total = 0;
	$new = 1;
	$newday = 0;
	$visitor_found = 0;
	$elap_time = 3600;
	$visitor_host = gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR);
	if(!$visitor_host){ $visitor_host = $REMOTE_ADDR; }

	$offset_time = offset_time();
	$currTime = time() + $offset;
	$tahun = substr($offset_time,0,4);
	$bulan = substr($offset_time,4,2);
	$hari = substr($offset_time,6,2);
	$currDate = $tahun."-".$bulan."-".$hari;
	$firstDate = $currDate;

	if(file_exists($counter_file_path) && file_exists($visitor_file_path)){

		$new = 0;
		$f_c_contents = file("$counter_file_path");
		while(list($lineno,$row) = each($f_c_contents)){
			$row_content = explode("|",$row);
			if($row_content[0] == $currDate){
				$f_v_contents = file("$visitor_file_path");
				$get_visitors = $row_content[1];
				while(list($v_lineno,$v_row) = each($f_v_contents)){
					$row_v_content = explode("|",$v_row);
					if(($row_v_content[1] == $REMOTE_ADDR) && (($row_v_content[0] + $elap_time) > $currTime)) {
						$visitor_found = 1;
				$newday = 1;
			$firstDate = $row_content[3];
			$get_total = $row_content[2];



		$get_visitors = $get_visitors + 1;
		$get_total = $get_total + 1;

		if($newday || $new){
			$fo = fopen($visitor_file_path,"w");
			$fo = fopen($visitor_file_path,"a");

		$fo = fopen($counter_file_path,"w");

	$return = array("$get_visitors","$get_total","$firstDate");
	return $return;




هری مرسی که اومدی.
این هری ما خیلی پی اچ پی حالیشه، و همیشه هم به من کمک میکنه. تشکر بابت اسکریپت


اسكريپت كاملتر وجود نداره كه مثلا تعداد بازديدها در هفته-ماه- سال و ميانگين بازديدها رو نشون بده؟

جدیدترین ارسال ها
