يك سي دي بوت چند كاره توپ!!!!!


با سلام
يك توصيه براي كسانيكه تو كارهاي پارتيشن بندي-fdiskكردن-.........
اين سي دي رو حتما دانلود كنيد تو ش پر از ابزارهاي مفيد براي اين كاراست حجمش هم 20مگابايت است. 8)
اين هم ليست برنامه هاش:

[align=left:605b25e86d]This is terrific boot CD which can certainly save you in emergency. The details of awesome CD contents are given below. A MUST FOR ALL (I strongly recommend).

All in one Dos Bootable CD which has all these utilities

Partition Tools

Partition Magic 8.1
Best software to partition hard drive

Paragon Partition Manager 5.5
Universal tool for partitions

Partition Commander 8.01
The safe way to partition your hard drive, with undo feature

Ranish Partition Manager 2.43
a boot manager and hard disk partitioner.

Smart Fdisk 2.05
a harddisk partition manager

Disk Clone Tools

Drive Image 2002
Best software to clone hard drive (with Image Explorer for windows)

Norton Ghost 2003
Similar to Drive Image (with Image Explorer for windows)

Antivirus Tools

F-Prot Antivirus 3.13a
Very good virus scanner (with ntfs support and easy to use for all)

Norton Antivirus 2003
For emergency when you cant boot to windows because of a virus

Recovery Tools

Active Partition Recovery 2.1
To Recover a Deleted partition.

Ontrack Easy Recovery Pro 6.1
To Recover data that has been deleted/virus attack

Winternals Disk Commander 1.1
more than just a standard deleted-file recovery utility

Memory Testing Tools

DocMemory 2.0
RAM Test utility

GoldMemory 5.07
another RAM Test utility

Hard Disk Tools

Hard Disk Diagnostic Utilities
Hard Disk Testing tools Supports Fujitsu, IBM/Hitachi, Maxtor, Samsung, Seagate, Western Digital, (easy to use with menu) + low level format

HDD Regenerator 1.31
to recover a bad hard drive

Ontrack Disk Manager 9.57
Disk Test/Format/Maintenance tool

SpinRite 5.0
Tool to diagnose Harddrive.

Dos File Manager

Volkov Commander 4.99
Dos File Manager with LongFileName support
(Similar to Norton Commander)

Other Tools

Aida16 2.06
a system information tool, extracts details of all components of the PC

PCI and AGP info Tool
The PCI System information & Exploration tool.

DosCDroast beta 2
Dos CD Burning Tools

Bootmagic 8.0
This tool is for multi boot operating systems

Picture Viewer
Picture viewer for dos, supports more then 40 filetypes.

QuickView Pro 2.50
movie viewer for dos, supports many format including divx.

Dos Tools

NTFS Dos Pro 4.03
To access ntfs partitions from Dos

if you have

Interlnk support at COM1
To access another computer from COM port

Interlnk support at LPT1
To access another computer from LPT port

and too many great dos tools
very good collection of dos utilities (with LongFileName tools)

extract, pkzip, pkunzip, pkzipfix, unrar, rar, ace, scandisk, scanreg, attrib, deltree, xxcopy, diskcopy, filecopy, diskimage, edit, fdisk, find, hex, LowFormat(LF), format, regedit, sort, split, label, move, more, mem, debug, mscdex, duse, killdisk, cmos, bios, bootsave, bootrest, smartdrv, sys, intersvr, mouse, doskey, lfndos, doslfn, ...[/align:605b25e86d]

اين هم لينك براي دانلود(يك ايميج از روي سي دي است)حجمش حدود20 مگابايت است
قسمت اول:
قسمت دوم:
اين هم يك لينك ديگه براي دانلودش:
حتما دانلود كنيد يك روزي بدرتون مي خوره :wink:

با تشكر

مجيد( 8O )


آقا دارم پايت مي شم اساسي.اين چيزايي كه مي نويسي واقعا مختصر و خيلي مفيده.
هميشه پاينده باشي.


drritalin گفت:
آقا دارم پايت مي شم اساسي.اين چيزايي كه مي نويسي واقعا مختصر و خيلي مفيده.
هميشه پاينده باشي.

قربون آقا

شرمنده كردي بابا :oops:

با تشكر
مجيد( 8O )


drritalin گفت:
آقا دارم پايت مي شم اساسي.اين چيزايي كه مي نويسي واقعا مختصر و خيلي مفيده.
هميشه پاينده باشي.
من هم تاييد ميكنم.كلي وقت بود دنبال يه سي دي بوت ماه! ميگشتم.مردم از بس با ديسكت و سي دي پارسا سيستم بوت كردم 8)


مي گم بهتره مجيد جان منبع اين لينك ها رو هم بگه !
خودت مي دوني magid چي مي گم !

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