هركي هرچي درباره كليد هاي ميانبر IE مي دونه بياد تو


هركي هرچي درباره كليد هاي ميانبر IE مي دونه بنويسه .
اينكار جند تا منفعت داره كه يكيش بالا رفتن سرعت كار ما با اينترنت است.
قبلا ممنونم :wink:


[marq=left:e5dd070829]اولش رو خودم مي گم:[/marq:e5dd070829]
براي رفتن به آدرس : http://www.site.com
بجاي نوشتن اين همه حرف بعد از نوشتن نام سايت كه در اينجا site است كافيست دكمه تركيبي :
رو فشار بدين.
IE خودش بقيه كار ها رو انجام مي ده.


دوميش رو هم خودم مي گم:
براي سرعت كار شما مي تونيد بجاي كليد back از :
backspace (دكمه بالاي Enter) استفاده كنيد.


Active Member
platina گفت:
دوميش رو هم خودم مي گم:
براي سرعت كار شما مي تونيد بجاي كليد back از :
backspace (دكمه بالاي Enter) استفاده كنيد.
بيا اين چندتا ديگر

F1 Display the Internet Explorer Help, or when in a dialog box, display context help on an item 
F11 Toggle between Full Screen and regular view of the browser window 
TAB Move forward through the items on a Web page, the Address bar, and the Links bar 
SHIFT+TAB Move back through the items on a Web page, the Address bar, and the Links bar  
ALT+HOME Go to your Home page 
ALT+RIGHT ARROW Go to the next page 
BACKSPACE Go to the previous page 
SHIFT+F10 Display a shortcut menu for a link 
F6 Move forward between frames 
SHIFT+CTRL+TAB Move back between frames 
UP ARROW Scroll toward the beginning of a document 
DOWN ARROW Scroll toward the end of a document 
PAGE UP Scroll toward the beginning of a document in larger increments 
PAGE DOWN Scroll toward the end of a document in larger increments 
HOME Move to the beginning of a document 
END Move to the end of a document 
CTRL+F Find on this page 
F5 or
CTRL+R Refresh the current Web page only if the time stamp for the Web version and your locally stored version are different 
CTRL+F5 Refresh the current Web page, even if the time stamp for the Web version and your locally stored version are the same  
ESC Stop downloading a page 
CTRL+O or 
CTRL+L Go to a new location 
CTRL+N Open a new window 
CTRL+W Close the current window 
CTRL+S Save the current page 
CTRL+P Print the current page or active frame 
ENTER Activate a selected link 
CTRL+E Open Search in Explorer bar 
CTRL+I Open Favorites in Explorer bar 
CTRL+H Open History in Explorer bar 
CTRL+click In History or Favorites bars, open multiple folders


Active Member
بقيه اش

ALT+D Select the text in the Address bar 
F4 Display the Address bar history 
CTRL+LEFT ARROW When in the Address bar, move the cursor left to the next logical break (. or /) 
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW When in the Address bar, move the cursor right to the next logical break (. or /) 
CTRL+ENTER Add "www." to the beginning and ".com" to the end of the text typed in the Address bar 
UP ARROW Move forward through the list of AutoComplete matches  
DOWN ARROW Move back through the list of AutoComplete matches 

CTRL+D Add the current page to your favorites 
CTRL+B Open the Organize Favorites dialog box 
ALT+UP ARROW Move selected item up in the Favorites list in the Organize Favorites dialog box 
ALT+DOWN ARROW Move selected item down in the Favorites list in the Organize Favorites dialog box 
CTRL+X Remove the selected items and copy them to the Clipboard 
CTRL+C Copy the selected items to the Clipboard 
CTRL+V Insert the contents of the Clipboard at the selected location 
CTRL+A Select all items on the current Web page
اينم يه سايت در اين مورد



اي بابا مهلت بده نفس بكشيم تورو خدا
تو كه همه رو گفتي كه
من خودم يكي دوتا گفتم كه همه بنويسن و استفتده كنن. ولي ايول من بيشتر از نصفشو بلد نبيدم:wink:

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