نيازمندم Microsoft Money 2004 Premium

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تا شب براتون پي ام ميدم

خيلي ممنون سامان جان.
الان يكي دانلود كردم اما متاسفانه 2003 بود. :roll:
لطف ميكني اگر 2004 رو پيدا كني.
بازهم تشكر ميكنم. :arrow:

دو سه تا فرستادم اگر نشد تا شب پيدا مي كنم چون قبلا ديده بودم ولي در كجا اونو نميدونم بايد از بين 480 لينك بگردم
a Truth Seeking گفت:
كارش چيه؟بگين ما هم بدونيم.

بدرد شما نميخوره

ايران چي چيش درست است كه سيستم مالياتي درست وحسابي داشته باشد
يكي از موارد استفاده اين برنامه همون سيستم مالياتي و فرم مالياتي پر كردن و حسابداري ......

NextWorld IT

Active Member

Save Time Organizing and Managing Your Finances. Download checking, credit card and other transactions from your bank automatically for up-to-date information. 
Consolidated View of Financial Information. View and access information from multiple financial institutions in one place so you always know your overall financial health. 
Achieve Financial Goals. Whether your goal is to get out of debt, save for retirement, or for a major purchase. Money provides easy-to-use tools to help you achieve your financial goals. 
Maximize tax-savings opportunities. Money can help you optimize your investments to help maximize tax-savings. 

Microsoft® Money 2004 builds on what is available in Money Deluxe, but offers even more benefit to the personal finance customer! Money Premium comes with everything in Money Deluxe, plus….

NEW: Our most complete package of investment tools. Money 2004 Premium is all new and designed for investors! Get in-depth stock and investment information at your fingertips, including quick access to stock quotes, news, and powerful online tools to help your investments grow. 
NEW: Sophisticated portfolio tracking. Integrated GainsKeeper provides comprehensive investment tracking and account integration. 
NEW: Automated investment analysis. Robust decision-making and analysis tools help you minimize year-end taxes. “Double-down” strategy tools, asset allocation, and much more to help optimize tax-savings opportunities. 
PLUS! Money Premium includes over $365 in Complimentary Financial Services, FREE! 
Pay Bills online with two years of Bill Pay from MSN® Bill Pay 
File taxes online through H&R Block 
Receive credit report and ongoing monitoring from Experian 
Personal financial consultation with an American Express financial planner 
Capital Gains Tax Optimizer from GainsKeeper

درسته ...كلا كارهاي مالي شما را مديريت ميكنه. از حساب هاي بانكي شما گرفته تا قبض هاي پرداختي و كارتهاي اعتباري و مالياتها و و و و ...

a Truth Seeking

Active Member
بابا دمت گرم سامان جان حالا چرا تو ذوق مي زني پرسيدن مگه عيب داره؟
دمتون گرم يه چيز بيشتري ياد گرفتم.


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Microsoft Money 2004 

Microsoft Money 2004 Small Business

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