arash kardanpoor
براي نمايش تاريخ در ASP به صورت--- مثال: دوشنبه 2 آذر 1383--- چكار بايد كنيم
با تشكر
با تشكر
<META http-equiv=CONTENT-TYPE content="text/html; charset=windows-1256">
D = Array (20, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 21, 21)
P = Array (11, 12, 10, 12, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 9, 10, 10)
U = 0
Rp = 0
wDays = Array ("íßÔäÈå", "ÏæÔäÈå", "Óå ÔäÈå", "åÇÑÔäÈå", "äÌÔäÈå", "ÌãÚå", "ÔäÈå")
Months = Array ("ÝÑæÑÏíä", "ÇÑÏíÈåÔÊ", "ÎÑÏÇÏ", "ÊíÑ", "ãÑÏÇÏ", "ÔåÑíæÑ", "ãåÑ", "ÂÈÇä", "ÂÐÑ", "Ïí", "Èåãä", "ÇÓÝäÏ")
myDay = Day(Date)
myMonth = Month(Date)
myYear = Year(Date)
if (myYear Mod 4) = 0 Then U = 1
if ((myYear Mod 100) = 0 AND (myYear Mod 400) <> 0) Then U = 0
Ys = myYear - 622
X = Ys - 22
X = X Mod 33
if ((X Mod 4) = 0 AND X <> 32) Then Rp = 1
I = Not(Rp-2) + NOT(U - 2) * 2
X = 0
if (I = 0 AND myMonth = 3) Then X = 1
if I = 0 Then I = 3
Ms = (9 + myMonth) Mod 13
if Ms < 10 Then Ms = Ms + 1
D1 = D(myMonth - 1)
if (I = 1 AND myMonth > 2) Then D1 = D1 - 1
if (I = 2 AND myMonth < 3) Then D1 = D1 - 1
P1 = P(myMonth - 1)
if (I = 1 AND myMonth > 2) Then P1 = P1 + 1
if (I = 2 AND myMonth < 4) Then P1 = P1 + 1
if (myDay > 0 AND myDay <= D1) Then
Ds = P1 + myDay + X - 1
X = 1
Ds = myDay - D1
Ms = Ms + 1
if Ms = 13 Then Ms = 1
X = 2
End if
if ((myMonth = 3 AND X = 2) OR myMonth > 3) Then Ys = Ys + 1
Farsi_Date = wDays(WeekDay(Date) - 1) & " " & Ds & " " & Months(Ms - 1) & " " & Ys
mazoolagh گفت:فكر ميكنم اين كه آقاي برزو نوشته مطلق حساب ميكنه
جناب mazoolagh اين كه vb هستش
// ===================================================================
// Author: Matt Kruse <[email protected]>
// WWW:
// NOTICE: You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or
// private, without any further permission from the author. You may
// remove this notice from your final code if you wish, however it is
// appreciated by the author if at least my web site address is kept.
// You may *NOT* re-distribute this code in any way except through its
// use. That means, you can include it in your product, or your web
// site, or any other form where the code is actually being used. You
// may not put the plain javascript up on your site for download or
// include it in your javascript libraries for download.
// If you wish to share this code with others, please just point them
// to the URL instead.
// Please DO NOT link directly to my .js files from your site. Copy
// the files to your server and use them there. Thank you.
// ===================================================================
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// These functions use the same 'format' strings as the
// java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, with minor exceptions.
// The format string consists of the following abbreviations:
// Field | Full Form | Short Form
// -------------+--------------------+-----------------------
// Year | yyyy (4 digits) | yy (2 digits), y (2 or 4 digits)
// Month | MMM (name or abbr.)| MM (2 digits), M (1 or 2 digits)
// Day of Month | dd (2 digits) | d (1 or 2 digits)
// Hour (1-12) | hh (2 digits) | h (1 or 2 digits)
// Hour (0-23) | HH (2 digits) | H (1 or 2 digits)
// Hour (0-11) | KK (2 digits) | K (1 or 2 digits)
// Hour (1-24) | kk (2 digits) | k (1 or 2 digits)
// Minute | mm (2 digits) | m (1 or 2 digits)
// Second | ss (2 digits) | s (1 or 2 digits)
// AM/PM | a |
// NOTE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MM and mm! Month=MM, not mm!
// Examples:
// "MMM d, y" matches: January 01, 2000
// Dec 1, 1900
// Nov 20, 00
// "M/d/yy" matches: 01/20/00
// 9/2/00
// "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ssa" matches: "January 01, 2000 12:30:45AM"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
var MONTH_NAMES=new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December','Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
function LZ(x) {return(x<0||x>9?"":"0")+x}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// isDate ( date_string, format_string )
// Returns true if date string matches format of format string and
// is a valid date. Else returns false.
// It is recommended that you trim whitespace around the value before
// passing it to this function, as whitespace is NOT ignored!
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
function isDate(val,format) {
var date=getDateFromFormat(val,format);
if (date==0) { return false; }
return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// compareDates(date1,date1format,date2,date2format)
// Compare two date strings to see which is greater.
// Returns:
// 1 if date1 is greater than date2
// 0 if date2 is greater than date1 of if they are the same
// -1 if either of the dates is in an invalid format
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function compareDates(date1,dateformat1,date2,dateformat2) {
var d1=getDateFromFormat(date1,dateformat1);
var d2=getDateFromFormat(date2,dateformat2);
if (d1==0 || d2==0) {
return -1;
else if (d1 > d2) {
return 1;
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// formatDate (date_object, format)
// Returns a date in the output format specified.
// The format string uses the same abbreviations as in getDateFromFormat()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
function formatDate(date,format) {
var result="";
var i_format=0;
var c="";
var token="";
var y=date.getYear()+"";
var M=date.getMonth()+1;
var d=date.getDate();
var H=date.getHours();
var m=date.getMinutes();
var s=date.getSeconds();
var yyyy,yy,MMM,MM,dd,hh,h,mm,ss,ampm,HH,H,KK,K,kk,k;
// Convert real date parts into formatted versions
var value=new Object();
if (y.length < 4) {y=""+(y-0+1900);}
if (H==0){value["h"]=12;}
else if (H>12){value["h"]=H-12;}
else {value["h"]=H;}
if (H>11){value["K"]=H-12;} else {value["K"]=H;}
if (H > 11) { value["a"]="PM"; }
else { value["a"]="AM"; }
while (i_format < format.length) {
while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) {
token += format.charAt(i_format++);
if (value[token] != null) { result=result + value[token]; }
else { result=result + token; }
return result;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility functions for parsing in getDateFromFormat()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
function _isInteger(val) {
var digits="1234567890";
for (var i=0; i < val.length; i++) {
if (digits.indexOf(val.charAt(i))==-1) { return false; }
return true;
function _getInt(str,i,minlength,maxlength) {
for (var x=maxlength; x>=minlength; x--) {
var token=str.substring(i,i+x);
if (token.length < minlength) { return null; }
if (_isInteger(token)) { return token; }
return null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// getDateFromFormat( date_string , format_string )
// This function takes a date string and a format string. It matches
// If the date string matches the format string, it returns the
// getTime() of the date. If it does not match, it returns 0.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
function getDateFromFormat(val,format) {
var i_val=0;
var i_format=0;
var c="";
var token="";
var token2="";
var x,y;
var now=new Date();
var year=now.getYear();
var month=now.getMonth()+1;
var date=now.getDate();
var hh=now.getHours();
var mm=now.getMinutes();
var ss=now.getSeconds();
var ampm="";
while (i_format < format.length) {
// Get next token from format string
while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) {
token += format.charAt(i_format++);
// Extract contents of value based on format token
if (token=="yyyy" || token=="yy" || token=="y") {
if (token=="yyyy") { x=4;y=4; }
if (token=="yy") { x=2;y=2; }
if (token=="y") { x=2;y=4; }
if (year==null) { return 0; }
i_val += year.length;
if (year.length==2) {
if (year > 70) { year=1900+(year-0); }
else { year=2000+(year-0); }
else if (token=="MMM"){
for (var i=0; i<MONTH_NAMES.length; i++) {
var month_name=MONTH_NAMES[i];
if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+month_name.length).toLowerCase()==month_name.toLowerCase()) {
if (month>12) { month -= 12; }
i_val += month_name.length;
if ((month < 1)||(month>12)){return 0;}
else if (token=="MM"||token=="M") {
if(month==null||(month<1)||(month>12)){return 0;}
else if (token=="dd"||token=="d") {
if(date==null||(date<1)||(date>31)){return 0;}
else if (token=="hh"||token=="h") {
if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>12)){return 0;}
else if (token=="HH"||token=="H") {
if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>23)){return 0;}
else if (token=="KK"||token=="K") {
if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>11)){return 0;}
else if (token=="kk"||token=="k") {
if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>24)){return 0;}
else if (token=="mm"||token=="m") {
if(mm==null||(mm<0)||(mm>59)){return 0;}
else if (token=="ss"||token=="s") {
if(ss==null||(ss<0)||(ss>59)){return 0;}
else if (token=="a") {
if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="am") {ampm="AM";}
else if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="pm") {ampm="PM";}
else {return 0;}
else {
if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+token.length)!=token) {return 0;}
else {i_val+=token.length;}
// If there are any trailing characters left in the value, it doesn't match
if (i_val != val.length) { return 0; }
// Is date valid for month?
if (month==2) {
// Check for leap year
if ( ( (year%4==0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400==0) ) { // leap year
if (date > 29){ return false; }
else { if (date > 28) { return false; } }
if ((month==4)||(month==6)||(month==9)||(month==11)) {
if (date > 30) { return false; }
// Correct hours value
if (hh<12 && ampm=="PM") { hh=hh-0+12; }
else if (hh>11 && ampm=="AM") { hh-=12; }
var newdate=new Date(year,month-1,date,hh,mm,ss);
return newdate.getTime();
كسي نبود مشكل ما رو حل كنه ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟alireza_a4 گفت:عزيزم اين برنامه روز رو يه روز كمتر حساب مي كنه
مشكلش كجاس؟
ايام هفته درسته
فقط روز يه كم ( يه روز ) كمتره !!!!!!!!