Active Member
گروه امنيتي آشيانه:
اين هم متني كه موقع ديفيس قرار دادند:
Your website is hacked with Iranian hackers!
However we are dominant on your server complete but we haven?t down any sabotage on it !& we just defaced your main page. We are going to send our idea & speech to you &all of people in the world:
Moslems are not terrorists! & Iraq war is not a war contrary terrorism &dictatorship!
If USA government really wants democracy in the world ,it didn?t support the governments like Israel that have chemical & nuclear weapon or Arabic countries like Saudi Arabia,
that exist inheritable kingship in it, it doesn?t exist any parliament ,woman has not right to vote & driving ,every one is allowed to have several wife & guIranians contrary what is shown
Ashiyane Digital Security Team
Behrooz_Ice - Q7x - ActionSpider
[email protected]
Greetz to My Best Fly : ehsan va mehrtash va aliwishstar
Hey Bush We Start Cybar To All American Website ... wE Fuck U Bush And All Amercan Website ...
All Iranian Hackers NoW Start War TO uSA wEBSITE ... Fuck U aND yOUR Govermenet...
اين هم متني كه موقع ديفيس قرار دادند:
Your website is hacked with Iranian hackers!
However we are dominant on your server complete but we haven?t down any sabotage on it !& we just defaced your main page. We are going to send our idea & speech to you &all of people in the world:
Moslems are not terrorists! & Iraq war is not a war contrary terrorism &dictatorship!
If USA government really wants democracy in the world ,it didn?t support the governments like Israel that have chemical & nuclear weapon or Arabic countries like Saudi Arabia,
that exist inheritable kingship in it, it doesn?t exist any parliament ,woman has not right to vote & driving ,every one is allowed to have several wife & guIranians contrary what is shown
Ashiyane Digital Security Team
Behrooz_Ice - Q7x - ActionSpider
[email protected]
Greetz to My Best Fly : ehsan va mehrtash va aliwishstar
Hey Bush We Start Cybar To All American Website ... wE Fuck U Bush And All Amercan Website ...
All Iranian Hackers NoW Start War TO uSA wEBSITE ... Fuck U aND yOUR Govermenet...