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يك مشكلي داشتم . وقتي تو ويندوز xp مودم را با com 2 نصب ميكنم هنكام وصل شدن به اينترنت اين بيغام را مي دهد:
Your modem (or other device) is not responding because of the following:
The modem is turned off, malfunctioning, or is not securely connected to your computer.
To resolve this problem, do the following:
Reset your modem. For more information, consult your modem documentation.
If you are using an external modem, ensure that you are using a proper serial cable and that it is connected securely. You may want to try replacing the modem cable. Also, if you are using an adapter to connect your external modem to your serial port, ensure that the adapter is wired properly for modem communication. For example, a 9-to-25 pin adapter for a mouse does not work properly with a serial network connection.
Test the serial port or multiport adapter, and replace it if necessary.
Ensure that the handshaking options for the modem are configured properly. Consult your modem documentation for information about different handshaking options available for your modem.
If your modem is not supported by Network Connections, switch to a supported modem.
Verify that another application, such as HyperTerminal, is not using the communications port. If the port is being used, subsequently starting Network Connections may cause this message to appear.
For more information, see Microsoft Product Support Services.
لطفا راهنماييم كنيد...
يك مشكلي داشتم . وقتي تو ويندوز xp مودم را با com 2 نصب ميكنم هنكام وصل شدن به اينترنت اين بيغام را مي دهد:
Your modem (or other device) is not responding because of the following:
The modem is turned off, malfunctioning, or is not securely connected to your computer.
To resolve this problem, do the following:
Reset your modem. For more information, consult your modem documentation.
If you are using an external modem, ensure that you are using a proper serial cable and that it is connected securely. You may want to try replacing the modem cable. Also, if you are using an adapter to connect your external modem to your serial port, ensure that the adapter is wired properly for modem communication. For example, a 9-to-25 pin adapter for a mouse does not work properly with a serial network connection.
Test the serial port or multiport adapter, and replace it if necessary.
Ensure that the handshaking options for the modem are configured properly. Consult your modem documentation for information about different handshaking options available for your modem.
If your modem is not supported by Network Connections, switch to a supported modem.
Verify that another application, such as HyperTerminal, is not using the communications port. If the port is being used, subsequently starting Network Connections may cause this message to appear.
For more information, see Microsoft Product Support Services.
لطفا راهنماييم كنيد...