مشکل mb_internal_encoding در whm


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Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_internal_encoding() in /home/XXXXX/public_html/install/index.php on line 541

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باید آپاچی رو دوباره کامپایل کنی همراه با پشتیبانی php از mbstring
از بخش apache update در whm اینکار امکان پذیره


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اگر براتون امکان داره میشه یه راهنمایی کنید که من از این بخش
apache update

چه جوری این کار را انجام بدم. چون خیلی گزینه جهت انتخاب داره


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گزینه هاش ایناست که خودش روی دیفالت هست
[B]Previously Saved Config (** DEFAULT **) [/B]
 ↑ This option loads the last saved configuration. If the configuration is missing, then default values will be provided.
          [B]     Basic (If your previous build has failed, please use this option) [/B]
 ↑ This configuration includes a very basic set of Apache and PHP options. Key modules include: mod_access, mod_alias, mod_auth, mod_cgi, mod_env, mod_include, mod_rewrite, mod_suexec, mod_userdir. Key PHP options include: Bcmath, Calendar, Sockets, With Mysql, With Zlib. This build will prevent users from reading each others webroots.
               [B]No PHP[/B]
 ↑ This is probably not an option for many web hosts since their users will ask for PHP support for one reason or another. However, if its feasable (or even a seperate hosting product you offer) it will result in better performance and less security issues.
               [B]PHP Encryption / E-commerce[/B]
 ↑ This uses the Basic configuration and adds the mcrypt encryption library to PHP. This library is often used for encryption for e-commerce
               [B]PHP Encryption and Image Manipulation[/B]
 ↑ Basic and adds mcrypt, GD and FreeType to PHP along with the Basic configuration options.
               [B]PHP Image Manipulation[/B]
 ↑ This uses the Basic configuration and adds the GD and FreeType libraries to PHP. GD and FreeType are used for image and font manipulation.
              [B] PHP Security[/B]
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