كمك فلش

دایی محسن

Active Member
سلام دوستان من يه فلش ساختم و داخلش يه دكمه كار گذاشتم حالا چه طوري دكمه را لينك بدم مرسي


New Member
من فرمي طراحي كردم با فلش و php
ولي نمي دونم چرا تو بعضي سرورها كار نمي كنه ولي تو بيشتر سورهاي كانادا كار مي كنه
اگه كسي php رو كامل ياد داره ....به اين آي دي pm بده
id : nllu


Well-Known Member
دایی محسن گفت:
سلام دوستان من يه فلش ساختم و داخلش يه دكمه كار گذاشتم حالا چه طوري دكمه را لينك بدم مرسي
دوست عزيز چند بار پست ميدين شما؟
شما بايد وارد قسمت Action بشيد و به قسمت لينك ها از اونجا لينك مور نظرتون بدين


Well-Known Member
nllu گفت:
من فرمي طراحي كردم با فلش و php
ولي نمي دونم چرا تو بعضي سرورها كار نمي كنه ولي تو بيشتر سورهاي كانادا كار مي كنه
اگه كسي php رو كامل ياد داره ....به اين آي دي pm بده
id : nllu
شايد اون سرور php رو پشتيباني نميكونه
موقعي كه داري فضا ميخري يه information از اون هاست به شما نشون ميده كه ايا php رو حمايت ميكونه يا نه

موفق باشي


New Member
نه دوست من php هم ساپورت مي كنه
اين سايت من هستش
نمونه كار خودمو داخل اين سايت گذاشتم كار مي كنه ولي نمي دونم اين باز چه مشكليه
اگه كسي phph رو كامل مي دونه ----لطفا منو كمك كنه
من فرم php رو براتون مي ذارم ....اگه مي تونيد بگيد مشكل اين فرم چيه كه تو يك سرور مثل www.mashhadamico.com كار ميكنه ...ولي تو host سايت www.shatoot.net كار نمي كنه

** Flash Mx PHP Mailer
** powered by: iman zamanian


Enter your site details below!


// Enter your contact email address here
$adminaddress = "[email protected]";

// Enter the address of your website here include http://www.
$siteaddress ="http://www.shatoot.net";

// Enter your company name or site name here
$sitename = "";


No need to change anything below ...


$date = date("m/d/Y H:i:s");

if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") $ip = "no ip";
else $ip = getHostByAddr($REMOTE_ADDR);

if ($action != ""):
mail("$adminaddress","Info Request",
"A visitor at $sitename has left the following information\n
First Name: $fname
Last Name: $lname
Email: $email
Telephone: $telno\n
The visitor commented:

Logged Info :
Hostname: $ip
IP address: $REMOTE_ADDR
Date/Time: $date","FROM:$adminaddress");

mail("$email","Happy New Year 1384 $sitename",
"Hi $fname,\n
--------------- $sitename!\n
--------------- ,

$sendresult = "------------------ <a href = \"$siteaddress\" target = \"_blank\"><u>$sitename</u></a>. You will receive a confirmation email shortly. ";
$send_answer = "answer=";
$send_answer .= rawurlencode($sendresult);
echo "$send_answer";




New Member
ادامه مشكل قبليه من
من به مدير سروري كه از اون فضا گرفتم ميل زدم اين فرم رو به من داد و گفت كه بايد اين طوري فرم رو بنويسي
$form = new CGI;

$domain = $ENV {'SERVER_NAME'};
$referer = $ENV {'HTTP_REFERER'};
$url = $referer;
$url =~ s/^http:\/\///i;
$url =~ s/^www\.//i;
$domain =~ s/^www\.//i;

Next we set up the mail object,

$Sender = "noreply\@$domain";
$SMTPServer = "smtp.$domain:25";
$Subject = "JMail Example";
$Body = "This test mail sent from: $ENV{'LOCAL_ADDR'} using the JMail
component on the server via Perl.";
$Header = "Originating-IP", $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};

$jmail->{ServerAddress} = $SMTPServer;
$jmail->{Sender} = $Sender;
$jmail->{Subject} = $Subject;
$jmail->AddRecipient ($Recipient);
$jmail->{Body} = $Body;
$jmail->{Priority} = $Priority;
$jmail->AddHeader ($Header);

and then check the referrer to ensure that the posting page is on the
site as the script. This prevents others using your script for bulk
activities - see the note at the bottom of this page.

if ($url =~ m/^$domain/)
$mailmessage = "mail sent";
$mailmessage = "mail was not sent.? Incorrect Referer";
اگه كسي ميتونه مشكل منو حل كنه به اين آي دي pm بديد my id : nllu


New Member
اينم متن كامل ميلي كه به من شده بود

Not directly, but your code may be using globals that wont be

Anyway, for mailing from a PHP page on a fasthosts server, you are
creating the Perl Jmail script using the example given in the White
section of this support site. (Click on White Papers above)

This is the supported method of generating emails on FH servers.

Create the script in your cgi-bin directory, and just have PHP write
form (given as an example in the white paper) with the perl script as
action command.

Oh - and note that the perl script given as an example in the White
doesn't work immediately, I had to make some mods, so if you dont know
and it doesn't work for you, reply to this and I'll post a working

Perl Scripting With JMail

General Scripting Information

??? The scripting information provided here is aimed at Fasthosts'
customers. Much of the code is applicable to any Windows based Web
However some parameters, such as the methods used to derive the names
of the
SMTP servers, may not be valid.
Perl users should now use the JMail object in place of BLAT for sending
from their scripts. If you currently use Blat, please change it.

The code uses JMail version 3. This is the current version installed on
servers. Detailed component information can be obtained from the Dimac
- http://www.dimac.net.

Before we go into detail on how to get your form working, let's look at
ground rules that will ensure your mail isn't blocked:

Fasthosts redirects all web based mail to an SMTP Filter System. Mails
have either a valid "from" or "to" address which is a domain hosted
Fasthosts. Any mail that doesn't fulfil these criteria is dropped. If
are sending mail to a customer who has given you his email address, you
to use the domain name of the site (note that it does not need to be a
mailbox on the account) [email protected] is a fairly common one to
Remember to use a valid account if you want the customer to reply to

Fasthosts' SMTP Filter System rate limits outgoing mail from any
This prevents bulk emailing. Our limits are set to allow normal form
email activity to pass unhindered, but stop any persistent attempt to
bulk mail.

Do not use your site for mass emailing (spam). The SMTP Filter System
prevent this, and the information gets logged. Attempting to bulk email
lead to your site being closed by our abuse department.

Using JMail in Perl to Provide Email on Your Site

??? First make sure your form in the submitting page is correct. In its
simplest form it should look like:

??????? <form action="cgi-bin/jmail.pl" method="post" name="mailform">
????????? <input name="email" type="text" size="40">
????????? <input name="email_submit" type="submit" value="send mail">
??????? </form>
Now to the real scripting.

Using the example submit form above, this is the code in the jmail.pl
Note that this script is placed in the cg-bin directory because it has
necessary permissions to execute perl scripts.

First, initialize the necessary units and set up the JMail object,

use OLE;
use CGI;
$jmail = CreateObject OLE "JMail.SMTPMail";

output the HTML headers,

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

and get the recipient and header information from the post page. Note
we get the referrer page here, and extract the domain name.

$form = new CGI;

$domain = $ENV {'SERVER_NAME'};
$referer = $ENV {'HTTP_REFERER'};
$url = $referer;
$url =~ s/^http:\/\///i;
$url =~ s/^www\.//i;
$domain =~ s/^www\.//i;

Next we set up the mail object,

$Sender = "noreply\@$domain";
$SMTPServer = "smtp.$domain:25";
$Subject = "JMail Example";
$Body = "This test mail sent from: $ENV{'LOCAL_ADDR'} using the JMail
component on the server via Perl.";
$Header = "Originating-IP", $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};

$jmail->{ServerAddress} = $SMTPServer;
$jmail->{Sender} = $Sender;
$jmail->{Subject} = $Subject;
$jmail->AddRecipient ($Recipient);
$jmail->{Body} = $Body;
$jmail->{Priority} = $Priority;
$jmail->AddHeader ($Header);

and then check the referrer to ensure that the posting page is on the
site as the script. This prevents others using your script for bulk
activities - see the note at the bottom of this page.

if ($url =~ m/^$domain/)
$mailmessage = "mail sent";
$mailmessage = "mail was not sent.? Incorrect Referer";

Finally we output the results.

print "Result: $mailmessage? Recipient: $Recipient";
print "Sender: $Sender? SMTP Server: $SMTPServer";
print "Subject: $Subject? Referer: $referer";
print "Domain: $domain? url: $url ";

With Perl, all resources used are destroyed at the end of the script,
so we
don't need to close and destroy objects we have used.

Note - If you don't protect your scripts by checking the referrer, you
leave them open to abuse by bulk mailers. If this happens you site may
closed by our abuse department.

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