سیستمهای عامل!


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saman_sweden گفت:
NextWorld IT گفت:
saman_sweden گفت:
من سیستمهای عامل be6 را ميخواهم نداري

الان بچه ها ميگن اين ديگه كدوم سيستم عامل است
در ضمن خودم BeOS5 را دارم اما دنبال 6 ميگردم

اينهم اضافه كنم هزار مرتبه از ويندوز بهتره

توي ملتي مديا و اديو و ويديو بسيار قوي هست و شايد از ويندوز هم قويتر اما نميشه گفت از هر نظر از ويندوز بهتره؟ميشه سامان جان؟؟؟

حرف شما درسته من شوخي كردم

اما سالار جان

از اين آدرس ميتونيد اطلاعات كسب كنيد
درضمن لينك تمام سيستمهاي عامل رايگان را هم داره خيلي سليت توپي است

ممنون سامان جان، اگه شما بخواین بین لینوکس و این یکی رو انتخاب کنی کدوم رو انتخاب میکنی؟


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NextWorld IT گفت:
Alioffline گفت:
اقا پرسيدم منظور از اين كد ها چيه خوب نمي دونم تازه كارم گناه است لطفا مسخره نكنيد

سلام دوست من
اونها كد نيستند بلكه ادرس سيستم عامل ها بر روي ftp هستند شما ميتوانيد با نوشتن ادرس انها در مرورگر خود وارد شويد و ان فايل ها رو دانلود كنيد

همونطور كه NextWorld IT عزيز گفتن اونا لينك هستن...من قصد جسارت نداشتم! فکر کردم شوخی میکنید :wink:


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Alioffline گفت:
اولا ftpچيه و بعدش كاربرد اين اين كد ها چيه بعد دانلود چه كارشان كنم

What is FTP?
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the simplest and most secure way to exchange files over the Internet.

شما ميتوانيد با نوشتن ادرس انها در مرورگر خود وارد شويد و ان فايل ها رو دانلود كنيد


Active Member
فرق کد با آدرس:

Code (computer), in computer science, as a noun, a generic term for program instructions, used in two general senses. The first sense refers to human-readable source code, that is, the instructions written by the programmer in a programming language. The second refers to executable machine code, the instructions of a program that have been converted from source code to instructions that the computer can understand. As a verb, to code is to write program instructions in a programming language.

آدرس هم آدرس

Address, in computer science, as a noun, the value that represents an individually accessible storage location.

همین http://forum.majidonline.com یک آدرس است
ftp://majidonline.com آدرس محلی که این فایلهایی که روی سایت مجید آنلاین هست قرار گرفته.

File Transfer
Most office computers have a file transfer program (FTP). This enables the PC to connect as a client to FTP hosts, to view directories of files (in much the same way as a DOS dir *.* command or Windows file manager) and download them, if they choose.

There is usually some form of access control for FTP access—you have to provide a user name and password, just as if you were logging on to any computer. Some FTP servers allow anonymous login. This entails giving the user name “anonymous” and supplying either your IP address or your Internet email address as the password. This is useful in allowing access to stored information.


WWW pages are formatted using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), and WWW communication among computers uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), or Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) for mobile phones. This communication is usually through the Internet via Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections, but almost any kind of connection can be used.

و در آخر


This is a network of computer networks that share a common set of protocols and address space. It works by passing data using the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) communications protocol, which can be used on many types of computer and which works over almost any network, both local and wide area. TCP/IP offers a simple naming and addressing scheme, whereby resources (and this covers services and people as well as information) on the Internet can be readily located. It is a de facto standard and comes as a standard package on most computers (Versaterm, Telnet, Attachmate, and Reflections are examples).


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