سيستم وبلاگ دهي


يه سيستم وبلاگ دهي رايگان مي خوام با قابليت نشون دادن آخرين وبلاگ هاي به روز شده


Active Member
من سعی می کنم هرچه زودتر یه خوبشو برات پیدا کنم !
البته یکم باید صبر داشته باشی!


نگاه كنيد ساده باشه Mt نه
از آفتاب گردون هم متشكرم . ولي اين و دارم اگه بشه ساده تر و سبك تر


Well-Known Member
نميدونم اين به كارت مياد يا نه !

[B]WebEngine 2.0 - Feature-rich web publishing system[/B] 

A highly flexible, feature-rich web publishing system that empowers individuals, organizations, and companies around the world to create dynamic, content-driven websites. 

The most compelling set of features of any publishing sytem on the market. We think you'll agree... 

Web Publishing Features : 

Multiple Weblogs/Sections 
WebEngine supports an unlimited number of weblogs. You can separate your weblogs into independent pages, or you can put multiple weblogs on the same page. 

Custom Entry Fields 
Each weblog can have its own unique set of entry fields. These can be input boxes, pull-down menus or textareas. 

Custom Statuses 
Create editorial work-flow by creating statuses that you can assign your entries to, like "first draft", "revision", "final edit", etc. You can color-code them too. 

Multiple Categories 
Each entry can be assigned to multiple categories, and you can create as many unique category groups as you want. 

RSS Syndication 
With RSS, your content can be made available for syndication. WebEngine supports all major RSS formats, including the new Atom format. 

Moblog Module 
Email weblog entries and photos to WebEngine using your mobile phone or email program. 

You can create relationsihps between entries in different weblogs, enabling information to be shared. 

Entry Versioning 
The Entry Versioning feature lets you save previous revisions of your weblog entries, so you never lose any edits you make. 

Multi-entry Editing 
This feature permits multiple entries to be edited at one time. 

Entry View Tracking 
You can track up to four "zones" per entry so see where your entries are being viewed. 

Ping Servers 
Each user can define their own servers to ping when new entries are added. 

HTML Formatting Buttons 
Each user can store their own formatting elements that are available at the click of a button. 

Search-Engine Friendly URLs 
The URLs produced by WebEngine do not contain query strings which are disliked by search engines. Rather, they mimic the directory structure of static sites. 

URL Titles 
Each weblog entry can be given a "human friendly" title for use with your comments or your permalink page. 

Sticky Topics 
Weblog entries can be made "sticky", forcing them to always show up at the top of the page. 

Future Entries 
You can post entries into the future and they won't appear on your site until that date. 

Expiring Entries 
You can set an expiration date and your entries will be removed from your site automatically on that date. 

Weblog Pagination 
This feature allows your users to view older entries by clicking "next" and "previous" page links. 

Article Pagination 
You can split your articles into multiple pages. 

Image and File Uploading 
Upload to multiple destinations, and limit uploads to specific user groups. 

Image Resizing and Thumbnailing 
WebEngine lets you resize images and create thumbnails, with support for the three major image manipulation protocols: GD, NetPBM, and ImageMagick. 

Image and File Browsing 
View your uploaded images in the convenient File Browser 

Add "smileys" to your weblog entries and comments. 

Post weblog entries using a convenient bookmarklet. 

And Many More ...





لطف كن لينك دانلود رو بزار دانلود كنيم اين سه تا لينكت كه چيزي توش نبود


لطف كنيد و زودتر آماده كنيد اگه چيزي داريد
ممنون مي شم


Well-Known Member
ولی صادق جان
اونی که شما دادی موتور جستجویه که
نه بابا ... وبلاگه ! جست و جو كجا بود . من تست كردم !
خيلي جالبه كنترول پنلش خيلي پيشرفته هست و شبيه VB هست !

لطف كن لينك دانلود رو بزار دانلود كنيم اين سه تا لينكت كه چيزي توش نبود
يعني چي چيزي توش نبود !
اين سايت ها مخصوص هستند !
يعني وقتي شما http://www.megaupload.com/dl.php?d=ZDXZHKRS&l=en رو ميزني در سمت راست بالا يه كادري داره ثانيه كم ميكنه ... بايد صبر كني تا ثانيه ها تموم بشه بعد دگمه Download ظاهر ميشه براي دانلود .
( اينم بگم توي .megaupload وقتي ثانيه تموم شد يك بنر تبليغاتي روي دگمه Downlaod مياد كه بايد اونو غير فعال كني تا بتوني روي Download كليك كني )


Well-Known Member
اي بابا !‌مگه ميشه عزيز !

خدايي از اين توضيح واضح تر نميشد !

پس صبر كن ازش عكس بگيرم تا نشونت بدم !


با سلام خبري نشد آقا البته ( بچه )
آقا صادق لطف كني لينك مستقيم مستقيم بزاري ممنونت مي شم


Well-Known Member
sadeghkhafan گفت:
نه بابا ... وبلاگه ! جست و جو كجا بود . من تست كردم !
خيلي جالبه كنترول پنلش خيلي پيشرفته هست و شبيه VB هست !

يعني چي چيزي توش نبود !
اين سايت ها مخصوص هستند !
يعني وقتي شما http://www.megaupload.com/dl.php?d=ZDXZHKRS&l=en رو ميزني در سمت راست بالا يه كادري داره ثانيه كم ميكنه ... بايد صبر كني تا ثانيه ها تموم بشه بعد دگمه Download ظاهر ميشه براي دانلود .
( اينم بگم توي .megaupload وقتي ثانيه تموم شد يك بنر تبليغاتي روي دگمه Downlaod مياد كه بايد اونو غير فعال كني تا بتوني روي Download كليك كني )
صادق جان ایشون راست میگن
لینک مشکل داره من خودم 1000000000000 بار با مگاآپلود و ... کار کردم لینک شما یا به انقضا رسیده یا اینکه لینکت ناقصه
ممنون میشم در جای دیگه آپلودش کن
خیلی ممنون

bache +

Well-Known Member
اقا جستجو چیزی بدی نیستها
سایان عزیز یه مقاله مفصل در این مورد نوشته مطالعه کنید سوالاتتون برطرف میشه همچنین لینک دانلود هم هست

جدیدترین ارسال ها
