روش نصب Renderman (فقط حرفه اي ها)


New Member
How to install RAT (Renderman Artist Tools) 6.0 with RenderMan Pro Server 11.5.3 :

1- Run Pixar_RenderManProServer_11.5.3_Win32.intelP3.msi.
During the installation, just change your Server Location to your "Full computer name". (your computer name is under a tab in properties of your
My Computer icon, Note that there is a "." at end of your computer name, Remove it!), DON'T RESTART.

2- Run Pixar_RAT_6.0.msi and change Server Location to your Computer Name. Don't change Maitre-d
Name, Leave it to localhost. Check On the box which says "Install Maitre-d Locally", DON'T RESTART.

3- Install Pixar_License.msi & Pixar_RATdocs_6.0.msi, once again DON'T RESTART.

4- Copy and replace pixard.exe & license.dat from "Crack" to "License" folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Pixar\license-2.0 ).
, Open license.dat & change "your_server" to your Computer name.

5- Restart (Very Important!).

Warning : Using Crack is just for testing or educational purposes.



bahman3d گفت:
How to install RAT (Renderman Artist Tools) 6.0 with RenderMan Pro Server 11.5.3 :

1- Run Pixar_RenderManProServer_11.5.3_Win32.intelP3.msi.
During the installation, just change your Server Location to your "Full computer name". (your computer name is under a tab in properties of your
My Computer icon, Note that there is a "." at end of your computer name, Remove it!), DON'T RESTART.

2- Run Pixar_RAT_6.0.msi and change Server Location to your Computer Name. Don't change Maitre-d
Name, Leave it to localhost. Check On the box which says "Install Maitre-d Locally", DON'T RESTART.

3- Install Pixar_License.msi & Pixar_RATdocs_6.0.msi, once again DON'T RESTART.

4- Copy and replace pixard.exe & license.dat from "Crack" to "License" folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Pixar\license-2.0 ).
, Open license.dat & change "your_server" to your Computer name.

5- Restart (Very Important!).

Warning : Using Crack is just for testing or educational purposes.


نرم افزارش را از كجا ميشه گرفت ؟داري خودت ؟در ايم مورد هم توضيح بده لطفا .


New Member
samoel_love گفت:
نرم افزارش را از كجا ميشه گرفت ؟داري خودت ؟در ايم مورد هم توضيح بده لطفا .

Renderman narmafzare pixar baraye render animation hash hast:
va hamchenin bozorgtarin raghibe mentalray va az dalayele entekhabe maya dar projehaye bozorg hast chon felan ba maya behtarin sazgari ro dare,
(be khatere RAT"Rnederman Artist tools" ke pixar baraye userhaye maya zade)

age khastid mitoonid be rahati az bazar tahiye konid, ama in ro ham bedonid ke dar iran felan kasi natooneste bahash projeye herfeyi bebande chon kheily takhasosie.


bahman3d گفت:
Renderman narmafzare pixar baraye render animation hash hast:
va hamchenin bozorgtarin raghibe mentalray va az dalayele entekhabe maya dar projehaye bozorg hast chon felan ba maya behtarin sazgari ro dare,
(be khatere RAT"Rnederman Artist tools" ke pixar baraye userhaye maya zade)

age khastid mitoonid be rahati az bazar tahiye konid, ama in ro ham bedonid ke dar iran felan kasi natooneste bahash projeye herfeyi bebande chon kheily takhasosie.

عزيزم مرسي . اما من ميتونم چون خوراكم همين است فقط مايا . بذار بگيرمش بعد با هم گپ ميزنيم چون تا حالا با اين نرم افزار كار نكردم نميتونم حرف بزنم .
مرسي از راهنمايت .


سلام من نرم افزار رندر من را دارم این محصول که ساخت شرکت پیکسار است به صورت یک پالگین در قسمت رندرینگ مایا نصب میشود و قابلیتهای زیاد وامکانات خوبی را در اختیار شما قرار میده البته نقطه ضعف هم دارد ولی در کل خوب است
بخصوص در دینامیک وبرای سیستمهای ذرهای خیلی کاربرد داره البته چون من بیشتر در قسمت مدلینگ و دینامیک کار میکنم اینو گفتم حتما در سایر بخشها هم کار برد دارد
راستی هر کس این نر م افزار را می خاهد با من تماس بگیرد
عالیه! رندر من حدود 950 دلار قیمت داره اونوقت اینجا داره رایگان خرید و فروش می شه!!


New Member
Salam man RAT 6.5.1 ro ba in ravesh install kardam va kar mikone

Okey Dokey, Here is how to install your new RAT6.5.1 with Renderman Pro Server 12.5.2 (I am nothing to do with the crack, i am just a RAT user)

First of all the files, there are distributions for Maya6.0 6.5 and 7. Note: The version for 7 is just a compatibility release, it doesn't handle the new features or attributes used in maya7. It's just the 6.5 version recompiled for the V7 API

ok, there is also, for each of the above 3 windows releases, 2 CPU versions. One for older CPUs (AMDs and pre P4's) But I can't be bothered to upload those or even find a machine to see if the crack works) I have uploaded only the P4 and newer AMD versions.

onto business:

IMPORTANT** In every install screen which asks for a servername, it is already listed as LOCALHOST - leave this as it is, EXCEPT on the matre-d install page. This should be changed to your hostname and the 'install matre-d locally' tick box checked.

1) install licence dont reboot
2) Install RAT6.5.1 dont reboot
3) Install Renderman Pro Server 12.5.2 dont re... ok you get it
4) Extract both the DOCS to the same location - i.e. c:\program files\pixar\docs
5) Run the keygen. Enter your computer name in the top, and your etthenet address (without the '-')
6) click Patch Renderer - and browse to "pixar\RenderManProServer-12.5.2\bin" you should get a 'patch ok' message
7) Click Patch RAT - and browse to "\pixar\rat-6.5.1-mayaX\bin"
8) Click Generate and this will create a licence.dat file which you need to put in your \pixar\license-3.0 directory.

NOW you may reboot ;)

NOw, you *MAY* hit a problem when rendering, and get an error in alfred something like Hungroup not found. You can either ask in the chan as to how to fix this (you need to edit the schedule and add new crew an renderers) or, you can just open ALFRED.SCHEDULE and replace the contents of the file with the one included. REMEMBER* Replace the 2 entries of XXX with your hostname.

You should be able to render Pixar Animation Studios quality images.

good luck.​


New Member
man oonro az edonkey 2000 va emule downlaod kardam. ina 2 ta barnameye p2p hastesh ke mitooniaz site download.com oonaro bardari.


agh shoma midonei chetori renderman 7 crak mishe
akhe hich chiz nadareh faghat ye faile instal ast ba lisence

midonei chetori mishe in ra crack kard


New Member
آقا اين پوشه license-3.0 كجاست و فايلهاي lmgrd و Pixar كجاست.
بعد حتما بايد كارت شبكه داشته باشي يا همون شبكه مجازي هم مشكلي نداره.
آقا سعيد اگر راهنمايي كنيد ممنون ميشم.:cry:


New Member
اقا دمت گرم مثل اينكه رندرمني كه من گرفتم مشكل داره پوشه license-3 رو نداره لينكي نداره كه رندرمن و بشه دانلود كرد.


New Member
اخر فهميدم مشكل از كجاست اين برنامه licenseشو كه سروره رندر منو راه ميندازه رو نداشتم كه گيرش اوردم حا لا هم دارم با رندر من كار ميكنم از راهنمايهات ممنون.


اقا مبارکه به راحتی هر چه تمام تر این رندر من را نصب کردم حالا میخوام برم حالش راببرم


این رندر من 7 اون امکانات قبلی ها را ندراه که متریال میساختیم و غیره ؟


New Member
ghodrate aslie renderman dar sorate bala dar rendere dipsplacement - motion-blur - curved surface rendering (yanii tesselation dar renderman vojood nadare sotooh nurbs hamoon jori ke hastand render mishavand va nyazi be in nadrand ke be poly tabdil shavand) va material hay pichide ast, va tanha narmafzariye ke mishe bahash sahnehaye sangin mesle jamiyat (Lord of the rings) va shahr (king kong) ro render kard AMA renderman dar barabar mental ray fagaht yek zafe bozorg dare va oon sorate payinesh dar global_illumination - Final gatthering va photon mapping hast.(yani raytarcing is slow)

agar shoma mikhahid animation hayetan ra ba etminan render konid bande renderman ro pishnahad mikonam ama
agar ehtiaj darid tasavire sabet ke besyar be vagheyat shabih hastand ro render konid mental-ray gozine behtar ast.

movafagh bashid.

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