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و ديگه اين كه كار اين گزينه چيه؟
اگه ترجمه كنيد اينو هم دزسته:
If the Texture Each Tip checkbox is selected, then each time you paint a mark a new instance of the texture will be applied (consider a brush stroke as many marks). If this is unchecked the texture will remain flowing through the stroke as a whole.
دو تا سوال دارم
فرق اين دو تا چيه؟
و ديگه اين كه كار اين گزينه چيه؟
If the Texture Each Tip checkbox is selected, then each time you paint a mark a new instance of the texture will be applied (consider a brush stroke as many marks). If this is unchecked the texture will remain flowing through the stroke as a whole.