خطا در نصب جوملا(بخاطر خدا کمک)


با سلام .
ممن جوملا نسخه 1.0.15 رو نصب کردم که بعد از نصب اررور های زیر نمایش داده می شود.
حال من برای رفع این اررور ها چکار کنم
با سپاس
86 queries executed

SET sql_mode = 'MYSQL40'2
SELECT folder, element, published, params
 FROM jos_mambots
 WHERE published >= 1
 AND access <= 0
 AND folder = 'system'
 ORDER BY ordering3
SELECT * FROM jos_jguard_options Where id = 14
select count(`type`) from jos_jguard_block_list where  (`type` = 'ip' and `value` = '')  or (`type` = 'referer' and `value` = 'allofcms.org')5
select count(`type`) from jos_jguard_block_list where  (`type` = 'ip' and `value` = '')  or (`type` = 'referer' and `value` = 'allofcms.org')6
select * from jos_jguard_options7
DELETE FROM `jos_jguard_flood_monitor` WHERE `time` < (now() - INTERVAL 1 DAY)8
SELECT * FROM jos_jfw_rules WHERE `published` = '1' and (`update` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or `update` <= '2008-06-04 00:01:45') and (`downdate` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or `downdate` >= '2008-06-04 00:01:45') ORDER BY `ordering` ASC9
SELECT params
 FROM jos_mambots
 WHERE element = 'jombackup.systembot'
 AND folder = 'system'10
SELECT folder, element, published, params
 FROM jos_mambots
 WHERE published >= 1
 AND access <= 0
 AND folder = 'sefpatch'
 ORDER BY ordering11
SELECT file, title FROM jos_sefexts WHERE title != ''12
SELECT name, link, id FROM jos_menu WHERE published > 0 AND link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_%'13
SELECT * FROM jos_redirection WHERE `oldurl` = 'new-listing.html' AND `newurl` != '' LIMIT 114
UPDATE jos_redirection SET cpt=(cpt+1) WHERE `newurl` = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listnew'15
SELECT template
 FROM jos_templates_menu
 WHERE client_id = 0
 AND ( menuid = 0  OR menuid = 99999999 )
DELETE FROM jos_session
 ( time < '1212536085' )
 AND guest = 0
 AND gid > 0
 ) OR (
 ( time < '1212536085' )
 AND guest = 1
 AND userid = 0
 FROM jos_session
 WHERE session_id = 'cdef6aa0e71e46a581fbd298857702b9'18
UPDATE jos_session SET `time`='1212536985',`userid`='63',`usertype`='Registered',`username`='firefox',`gid`='1',`guest`='0' WHERE session_id='cdef6aa0e71e46a581fbd298857702b9'19
SELECT id FROM jos_mambots WHERE element = 'joomsef_metabot' AND folder = 'system'20
 FROM jos_mambots
 WHERE id = '30'21
SELECT template
 FROM jos_templates_menu
 WHERE client_id = 0
 AND ( menuid = 0  OR menuid = 99999999 )
SELECT id FROM jos_mambots WHERE element = 'bb2_bot' AND folder = 'system'23
 FROM jos_mambots
 WHERE id = '29'24
SELECT id FROM jos_mambots WHERE element = 'bb2_bot' AND folder = 'system'25
 FROM jos_mambots
 WHERE id = '29'26
SELECT * FROM jos_jguard_options27
SELECT id, name, email, block, sendEmail, registerDate, lastvisitDate, activation, params
 FROM jos_users
 WHERE id = 6328
select count(`type`) from jos_jguard_block_list where  `type` = 'login' and `value` = '63'29
select count(`type`) from jos_jguard_block_list where  `type` = 'login' and `value` = '63'30
SELECT id, name, email, block, sendEmail, registerDate, lastvisitDate, activation, params
 FROM jos_users
 WHERE id = 6331
 FROM jos_menu
 WHERE published = 1 AND
 link LIKE 'index.php?option=com\_mtree&task=listnew%'32
SELECT `varname`, `value`, `default` FROM jos_mt_config33
SELECT cat_name FROM jos_mt_cats WHERE cat_id = '0' || cat_parent = '-1' LIMIT 134
SELECT l.*, u.username, cat.cat_id, img.filename AS link_image FROM (jos_mt_links AS l, jos_mt_cl AS cl, jos_mt_cats AS cat) 
 LEFT JOIN jos_mt_images AS img ON img.link_id = l.link_id AND img.ordering = 1 
 LEFT JOIN jos_users AS u ON u.id = l.user_id WHERE link_published='1' && link_approved='1' 
 AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '2008-06-04 00:01:45'  ) 
 AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '2008-06-04 00:01:45' ) 
 AND l.link_id = cl.link_id 
 AND cl.main = 1 
 AND cl.cat_id = cat.cat_id ORDER BY link_created DESC LIMIT 0, 1535
 FROM jos_mt_cats
 WHERE cat_id = '0'36
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (jos_mt_links AS l, jos_mt_cl AS cl) WHERE link_published='1' && link_approved='1' 
 AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '2008-06-04 00:01:45'  ) 
 AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '2008-06-04 00:01:45' ) 
 AND l.link_id = cl.link_id 
 AND cl.main = 137
SELECT CONCAT( 'cust_', cf_id ) AS name, caption AS value, field_type FROM jos_mt_customfields38
SELECT cf.*, cfv.link_id, cfv.value, cfv.attachment, ft.ft_class FROM jos_mt_customfields AS cf 
LEFT JOIN jos_mt_cfvalues AS cfv ON cf.cf_id=cfv.cf_id 
LEFT JOIN jos_mt_fieldtypes AS ft ON ft.field_type=cf.field_type
WHERE cf.published = '1' AND cf.summary_view = '1' 
AND cfv.link_id IN (38) 
ORDER BY cf.ordering ASC, link_id DESC39
SELECT cf. * , NULL AS link_id, '' AS value, NULL AS attachment, ft.ft_class 
FROM jos_mt_customfields AS cf 
LEFT JOIN jos_mt_fieldtypes AS ft ON ft.field_type=cf.field_type 
WHERE cf.published = '1' 
AND cf.summary_view = '1' 
AND cf.iscore = '1' 
ORDER BY cf.ordering ASC40
SELECT folder, element, published, params
 FROM jos_mambots
 WHERE access <= 1
 AND folder = 'content'
 ORDER BY ordering41
SELECT id FROM jos_mambots WHERE element = 'JoomSEO' AND folder = 'content'42
 FROM jos_mambots
 WHERE id = '31'43
SELECT * from jos_menu WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu' AND published = '1' ORDER BY ordering LIMIT 144
SELECT r.link_id, COUNT( * ) AS total FROM jos_mt_cl AS cl 
 LEFT JOIN jos_mt_reviews AS r ON cl.link_id = r.link_id 
 WHERE cl.link_id IN ('38') AND r.rev_approved = '1' AND cl.main = '1'
 GROUP BY r.link_id45
 FROM jos_sefexts
 WHERE file = 'com_mtree.xml'46
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&link_id=38&task=viewlink'47
SELECT params FROM jos_mt_templates WHERE tem_name = 'm2' LIMIT 148
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&link_id=38&task=viewlink'49
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&link_id=38&task=viewlink'50
SELECT cat_name, cat_id, lft, rgt FROM jos_mt_cats WHERE cat_id = 4251
SELECT cat_id FROM jos_mt_cats WHERE lft < 3 AND rgt > 12 AND cat_id > 0 AND cat_parent >= 0 ORDER BY lft ASC52
SELECT cat_name FROM jos_mt_cats WHERE cat_id = '1' LIMIT 153
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&link_id=38&task=viewlink'54
SELECT * FROM jos_menu
WHERE menutype='mainmenu' AND published='1' AND parent=0
ORDER BY ordering55
SELECT * FROM jos_menu
WHERE menutype='mainmenu' AND published='1'56
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree'57
 FROM jos_sefexts
 WHERE file = 'com_linx.xml'58
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_linx'59
 FROM jos_menu 
 WHERE type = 'content_item_link'
 AND published = 160
 FROM jos_menu
 WHERE type = 'content_item_link'
 AND published = 1
 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4'61
 FROM jos_sefexts
 WHERE file = 'com_content.xml'62
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_content&id=4&task=view'63
 FROM jos_menu
 WHERE type = 'content_item_link'
 AND published = 1
 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5'64
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_content&id=5&task=view'65
SELECT * FROM jos_menu
WHERE menutype='mainmenu' AND published='1'
AND parent > 0
ORDER BY parent,ordering66
SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params
 FROM jos_modules AS m
 INNER JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = m.id
 WHERE m.published = 1
 AND m.access <= 1
 AND m.client_id != 1
 AND ( mm.menuid = 0 OR mm.menuid = 99999999 )
 ORDER BY ordering67
 FROM jos_components AS a
 WHERE ( a.admin_menu_link = 'option=com_syndicate' OR a.admin_menu_link = 'option=com_syndicate&hidemainmenu=1' )
 AND a.option = 'com_syndicate'68
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listnew'69
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listnew'70
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listnew'71
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listnew'72
 FROM jos_sefexts
 WHERE file = 'logout.xml'73
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=logout'74
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listnew'75
SELECT id, name, link, parent, type, menutype, access
 FROM jos_menu
 WHERE published = 1
 AND access <= 1
 ORDER BY menutype, parent, ordering76
SELECT id FROM jos_menu
WHERE link='index.php?option=com_mtree'
AND published='1'
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listnew'78
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listupdated'79
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listfavourite'80
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listfeatured'81
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listpopular'82
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listmostrated'83
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listtoprated'84
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&cat_id=0&task=listmostreview'85
SELECT id FROM jos_menu
WHERE link='index.php?option=com_mtree'
AND published='1'
SELECT oldurl FROM jos_redirection WHERE newurl = 'index.php?option=com_mtree&task=advsearch'


Well-Known Member
آيا شما كامپوننتي براي بهينه سازي لينك ها (سئو) نصب كردين ؟ اگه آره لطفا اونو غير فعال كنيد.

تو صفحه اول نصب تمامي مواردي كه براي نصب لازم هست چك ميشه.مطمئن هستيد كه نسحه Mysql شما مورد قبول بود.

اميد وارم كه مشكلتون بر طرف بشه..


Active Member
آيا شما كامپوننتي براي بهينه سازي لينك ها (سئو) نصب كردين ؟ اگه آره لطفا اونو غير فعال كنيد.

تو صفحه اول نصب تمامي مواردي كه براي نصب لازم هست چك ميشه.مطمئن هستيد كه نسحه Mysql شما مورد قبول بود.

اميد وارم كه مشكلتون بر طرف بشه..


این جواب صحیح نیست دوست من


در واقع این مشکل نیست . برای حل این موضوع وارد مدیریت سایت بشید . روی تنظیمات کلی کلیک کنید و گزینه خطا یابی سایت رو غیر فعال کنید

با فعال کردن این گزینه تمام query ها نشون داده میشه که برنامه نویس بتونه مشکلی اگر وجود داشت رو حل کنه ... کدهایی که در بالا قرار دادین همین query هاست که نمایش داده میشه ...

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