تقويم وقايع كامپيوتري


سلام به همه
من نیاز به یک سایت دارم که روزانه وقایع کامیپوتری در گذشته را شرح بده. مثل همون برنامه تقویم تاریخ بود از رادیو پخش میشدا. یادتون هست. میگفت در سال مثلا 1375 در چنین روزی فلان اتفاق افتاده.
یه همیچن سایتی میخوام که یا اطلاعات بصورت آرشیو درش وجود داشته باشه. یا همچین چیزی داشته باشه که به صورت ارائه بده. با هر زبانی هم که شد مشکلی نیست( البته زبان سومالیایی پذیرفته نیستا )


Active Member
behsa گفت:
سلام به همه
من نیاز به یک سایت دارم که روزانه وقایع کامیپوتری در گذشته را شرح بده. مثل همون برنامه تقویم تاریخ بود از رادیو پخش میشدا. یادتون هست. میگفت در سال مثلا 1375 در چنین روزی فلان اتفاق افتاده.
یه همیچن سایتی میخوام که یا اطلاعات بصورت آرشیو درش وجود داشته باشه. یا همچین چیزی داشته باشه که به صورت ارائه بده. با هر زبانی هم که شد مشکلی نیست( البته زبان سومالیایی پذیرفته نیستا )
نگفتي در چه موردي ميخواهي
اكر مال ايران را بخواهي متاسفم
اگر بصورت عمومي بخواهي اين يه مثال


سامان جان من عرض كرده ام كه با موضوع كامپيوتر باشه. مثلا در سال 1950 در چنين روزي مثلا موس اختراح شد . يا شركت ماكروسافت ورشكست شد :wink: . در ضمن منظورم هم ايراني نبوده دوست من.
متشكر از پاسخ شما


Active Member
behsa گفت:
سامان جان من عرض كرده ام كه با موضوع كامپيوتر باشه. مثلا در سال 1950 در چنين روزي مثلا موس اختراح شد . يا شركت ماكروسافت ورشكست شد :wink: . در ضمن منظورم هم ايراني نبوده دوست من.
متشكر از پاسخ شما

شماره 1
Who was Alan Turing?
Founder of computer science, mathematician, philosopher,
codebreaker, strange visionary and a gay man before his time:
1912 (23 June): Birth, Paddington, London
1926-31: Sherborne School
1930: Death of friend Christopher Morcom
1931-34: Undergraduate at King's College, Cambridge University
1932-35: Quantum mechanics, probability, logic
1935: Elected fellow of King's College, Cambridge
1936: The Turing machine, computability, universal machine
1936-38: Princeton University. Ph.D. Logic, algebra, number theory
1938-39: Return to Cambridge. Introduced to German Enigma cipher machine
1939-40: The Bombe, machine for Enigma decryption
1939-42: Breaking of U-boat Enigma, saving battle of the Atlantic
1943-45: Chief Anglo-American crypto consultant. Electronic work.
1945: National Physical Laboratory, London
1946: Computer and software design leading the world.
1947-48: Programming, neural nets, and artificial intelligence
1948: Manchester University
1949: First serious mathematical use of a computer
1950: The Turing Test for machine intelligence
1951: Elected FRS. Non-linear theory of biological growth
1952: Arrested as a homosexual, loss of security clearance
1953-54: Unfinished work in biology and physics
1954 (7 June): Death (suicide) by cyanide poisoning, Wilmslow, Cheshire.


Active Member
شماره 2



In Tunisia, after his limited success at the Kasserine pass, Rommel turns on the Eighth Army at Médenine. But forewarned by BP, Montgomery is fully prepared for Rommel’s attack on the 6th March. That evening Rommel orders his men and remaining tanks back to the strongly built Mareth Line. On 20th March Montgomery attacks and after fierce fighting over seven days the Mareth line falls and the Germans and Italians fall back to El Hamma. The battles demonstrate the difficulty of using Intelligence in defensive battles, for the two great Allied Generals, Montgomery and Patton, are both in their different ways subsequently accused of endangering the Ultra secret. Hitler rejects Rommel’s plea for the Axis forces to leave Tunisia. In Russia Kharkov is recaptured on 14th March after a ferocious battle but Field Marshal von Manstein’s remarkable winter offensive in the South is slowing as the spring thaw begins. The German Army regains some self-respect from this proof that they can still mount a successful winter offensive, but further north the Russians have pushed them back a hundred miles further away from Moscow, and the Russian advances round Kursk create a huge salient that threatens the German gains in the South; Hitler determines that the elimination of this bulge must be the prime subject of his summer offensive. Over Germany the almost continuous day air offensive by the US Eight Air Force, which started regularly on 6th March, and the night air offensive by the British Bomber Command is creating havoc which forces the Germans to pull back aircraft from Russia to stem the systematic destruction of their industrial cities. But the casualties amongst the Allied aircraft, especially by day, are a heavy price to pay. At sea in the first three weeks of March 107 Allied merchant ships are sunk by U-boats, mainly in the mid-Atlantic gap. Unknown to the Germans, they are benefiting from the difficulty that BP is having in decrypting Shark, due to a change in the German codebooks. The outlook for the Allied supply-lines looks very worrying, but in a remarkable feat the codebreakers overcome this difficulty before the month is out. Though those involved could not foresee this during those grim days of March, within weeks the danger will have passed and the Battle of the Atlantic will be won. And though the Allies did not know about it at the time, in the German Army the first signs that some senior officers recognise the great damage that Hitler is reeking on them came when two plots by members of the Officer Corps to blow up Hitler are set up, but both fail.


آقا سامان دستت درد نكنه ليستي كه تهيه كردي مثل هميشه حرف نداشت.
هميشه همينجور پركار بموني


دوستان عزيز سامان جان زحمت كشيدن مواردي را پيدار كردند. اما كسي سايتي را سراغ دار كه مثلا به اين صورت جامع به اين مهم بپردازه؟
من نميتونم توي اين سايت و آن سايت جستجو كنم. نياز به يك جايي به عنوان مرجع دارم
دوست عزيز حتما بايد سايت يا محيط اينترنتي باشه
اگه براتون رسيدن به اطلاعات مهمه من مي تونم كتابي در اين مورد براتون پيشنهاد كنم.اگه خواستين بفرمايين تا عرض كنم
موفق ومويد باشين


60733 گفت:
دوست عزيز حتما بايد سايت يا محيط اينترنتي باشه
اگه براتون رسيدن به اطلاعات مهمه من مي تونم كتابي در اين مورد براتون پيشنهاد كنم.اگه خواستين بفرمايين تا عرض كنم
موفق ومويد باشين

آقا بهتر از اين نميشه. لطف كنيد بفرماپيد.

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