برنامه براي داونلود كل سايت


من به يه برنامه اي احتياج دارم كه بتونم از طريق اون تمام يه سايت رو داونلود كنم.


رفيق شفيق من خودم از Webzip استفاده ميكردم. خوب هم بود. اما يادت باشه اسكريپتهاي Server Side را برات دانلود نميكنه ها.

خوش باشي :wink:


سلام ..

منم Web Copyer رو البته با كمي بالا پايين كردن Spell اسم برنامه :wink: :roll: پيشنهاد ميكنم ...

اگه به گير دادناش بر نخوري به نظر من از Web Zip هم بهتره 8) كار كردن باهاش هم آسونه .



از راهنماي هاتون ممنونم. :wink:
ولي من نتونستم crack برنامه webzip رو پيدا كنم. :cry: :cry:


Active Member
mahyar_nel گفت:
اقا شما مي توانيد از فرانت پيج هم استفاده كنيد
آقا مهيار عزيز برام خيلي حالبه بدونم شما چطوري مي توننيد از front page براي اينكار استفاده كنيد
شايد من اشتباه ميكنم ولي تا اونحا كه من ميدونم فرانت پيج برنامه دان لود نيست


سلام من فكر كنم بدونم جواب شما رو ! هر چند ميدونم شما هم ميدونيد !!!! 8O عجب دون دون شد اين جمله :roll: :lol:
Import > web كه روش مضحك و غير عملي ايه ولي فكر كنم منظورش همين بود

bye bye .....


با سلام

آقا به نظر من هيچ نرم افزاري به اندازهOffline.Explorer.Enterprise.Edition.v2.8.Build.1188

باحال تر نيست من خودم همه ورژنهاشو دارم و حدود يك سال است كه ازش استفاده ميكنم ورژن2.9هم آمده كه كركش رو هم دارم آقا اين نرم افزار اسكريپتها.asp.php.....رو هم دانلود مي كنه!!

مجيد( 8O )


magid گفت:
با سلام

آقا به نظر من هيچ نرم افزاري به اندازهOffline.Explorer.Enterprise.Edition.v2.8.Build.1188

باحال تر نيست من خودم همه ورژنهاشو دارم و حدود يك سال است كه ازش استفاده ميكنم ورژن2.9هم آمده كه كركش رو هم دارم آقا اين نرم افزار اسكريپتها.asp.php.....رو هم دانلود مي كنه!!

مجيد( 8O )

چي؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ 8O 8O 8O


باور كن اين برنامه قدرتش خيلي زياده !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
مجيد( 8O )


آقا چطوري مي تونيم گيرش بياريم
اگر امكان داره و مي توني يك جا آپلودش كن ما هم ببينيمش البته به قول خودت با كركش :roll: :roll:


با سلام
آقا اين هم توضيحات شركتش:

Offline Explorer Enterprise 2.9 Release notes Changes list in the

- Improved links Level detection
- Improved links translation
- Improved MS Word files export
- Improved Java parameters parsing
- Added internal Web server requests logging
- Improved frames navigation in Flash files
- Improved Projects and Map files delete speed
- Improved Project size feature in the Export dialog
- Added "X button minimizes main window" to the Options | Advanced
- Improved Queue Manager operations performance
- Improved script links recognition
- Find Contents dialog can be docked now
- Projects are now placed in the Application Data directory by default
- Improved Macromedia Director files parsing

Offline Explorer Enterprise 2.8 Service Release 2

- Improved selecting Project from Messages Panel
- Improved recursive directories detection
- Added backups of the Templates file
- Improved Flash links detection
- Improved Projects restore
- Find Contents dialog now remembers its size and position
- Improved links translation in RAM and ASX files
- Improved export to MHT format
- Improved searching HTML file contents for keywords
- Improved loading some IIS-driven sites
- Added IgnoreLogOutLinks URLs parameter
- Added ability to sort top-level folders by name
- Improved WML tags support
- Improved URL Macros support for Cookie= lines
- Improved WML files export
- Added /Browse command-line parameter
- Improved very long URLs processing
- Added ability to load Server-Side Image Maps
- Added Additional=FinalizeAllFilesOnStop parameter
- Added support for MP3 files via RTSP protocol
- Added ability to select Queue URLs by mask
- Improved MIME-encoded forms processing in Internal browser
- Added support for web.archive.org site
- Added DeleteAfterParsing= URLs field parameter
- Improved Flash files parsing
- Improved XML files parsing
- Improved RTSP redirects handling

Bug Fixes Changes list in the Offline Explorer Enterprise 2.8 Service Release 1

- Improved pasting multiple URLs
- Improved loading MMS streams via proxy servers
- Added drag-and-drop to the Sequencer
- Improved Java script links recognition
- Enhanced URL Macros format
- Added /CloseNoCountdown and /Minimize command line parameters
- Added ability to schedule on several weekdays at once
- Added ability to suspend download to file when a limit is reached
- Improved Java class codebase processing
- Improved extended style tags processing
- Improved Meta Refresh tags support
- Improved Flash files links detection
- Added JSP Session IDs handling
- Added GlobalReferer= URLs field parameter
- Improved loading MMS streams
- Added automatic registration from E-mails in MS Outlook
- Added /FindContents command line parameter
- Added support for comma-separated Java links
- Added RTSP resume support
- Improved restore backups from command-line
- Improved SMIL files parsing

Changes list in the Offline Explorer Enterprise 2.8 Release

- Added Statistics dialog to the Project context menu
- Improved broadcast MMS streams MIME type assignment
- Improved handling levels when parsing RAM files
- Improved Download Resume when delay between downloads is used
- Added extra compatibility shutdown mode
- Added support for LAN links on shared disk drives
- Improved FTP listing parsing
- Improved downloading from Washington Post site
- Improved Java script decryption
- Added multiselect to the Tools | Restore dialog
- Added /SuspendToFile=c:.wdq command line parameter
- Added ability to delete files in the Find Contents dialog
- Improved exporting relative links when overload protection is enabled
- Improved CRC modification checks
- Improved pasting or dropping Javascript links
- Improved URLs processing
- Improved RTSP downloads
- Added PHP session IDs handling
- Improved XML files parsing

Changes list in the Offline Explorer Enterprise 2.7 Service Release 3

- Improved Java script parameters parsing
- Improved export to MHT files
- Improved PowerPoint files export
- Added JPEG and GIF files integrity check
- Improved moved URLs processing
- Internal server doesn't allow to cache its files now
- Added RTSP Proxy authentication settings
- Improved loading MMS URLs with ";" symbols
- Added Mozilla browser autodetect
- Added WAX files parsing
- Added MMS downloads via proxy with NTLM authorization
- Improved parsing scripts on Lycos sites
- Improved handling levels when parsing ASX files

Offline Explorer Enterprise 2.7 Service Release 2

- Improved downloading sites with SessionIDs
- Improved PDF and progressive JPEG files export
- Improved parsing of Java applet links in Javascripts
- Improved {:setdate=} URL macro processing
- Added GetLinksFromHTML, GetFileInformation and IBNavigate method to IMainOE
- Added /MaximizeIB command line parameter
- Added command line parameter to restore Project(s) from backup file (.boe)
- Added workaround for RealMedia files on HTTP servers
- Added Additional=AbsoluteURLs parameter
- Added Ctrl-A keys support in the Properties | URLs, Project name, etc.
- Added random "Delay between downloads" in the format 2-10
- Improved FTP downloads when file name ends with a space symbol
- Added external dialer to the Options dialog
- Added sequencer scheduler
- Added Opera 7 support
- Added countdown when exiting or shutting down the computer
- Added "/delay=50" external dialer command line parameter
- Improved RTSP indexer
- Improved Java script links recognition
- Improved .ram files redirection processing
- Improved stored HTML form cookies handling
- Improved OnClick= script support
- Added recursive directories workaround
- Added more Export | Contents file macros
- Added smart RTSP finalization when connection breaks
- Added RTSP connection retries

مجيد( 8O )


در اين مورد توي Goolge به دنبال BackStreet Browser بگرد. اونهم نرم افزار بدرد بخوري است!


با سلام
آقا مجيد (magid) من اين برنامه Offline Explorer Enterprise v2.9 رو دانلود كردم و اونو بر روي يك سايت هم امتحان كردم ولي اون جوري كه شما مي گفتيد كدهاي asp رو نمي تونه dn كنه شايد من بد متوجه شدم اگر واقعا اين امكان رو داره منو راهنمايي كنيد :?: :?: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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