بانک همه آموزشهای Softimage|XSI

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آموزش از شکرت I3D هست در باره ICE و Lagoa سافت امیج بهترین آموزشها هستند سری یک و دو


I3D Tutorials: Mastering the Art of ICE Vo1 - Breaking the ICE

his training series dives deep into the inner workings of the new Interactive Creative Environment (ICE) in Autodesk Softimage 7. ICE is explained in depth; starting with the technical fundamentals and a breakdown of ICE trees, how they work, and how to use ICE to create effects for production.

After learning the technical details of ICE and the tools that we can use to control ICE effects and simulations, you will learn to use this powerful new feature within Softimage 7 to expand the possibilities that are available to you. We will cover everything from the ICE tree, nodes, compounds, workflow, caching, optimizing particle effects, and using the new powerful volume shaders for use with ICE particle systems that will take your particle effects to a completely new level of quality that wasn’t possible before with the old particle system in previous versions of Softimage.

Once you have learned all of the basics and fundamental details of ICE and its workflow, we will go over a production example scene that will require all the skills you have just learned, to pull off a complex and difficult shot. See first hand how to apply ICE and its amazing features to complete a challenging scene and learn how to solve and overcome problems that can appear when working on a real project. This training product includes all project files and assets needed to follow along with the instructor. Project files require Softimage 7.0 and up.

Video Breakdown:

• Intro
• Project Manager
• Interface and Tools
• ICE Creation
• Anatomy of ICE
• Working with ICE
• ICE Particles
• Particle Emissions
• Particles from Groups
• Particle Display
• Coloring Particles
• Texture Maps
• Particle Rendering
• Particle Volume
• Shader Compounds
• Forces Part 01
• Forces Part 02
• Simulation
• Caching Part 01
• Caching Part 02
• Caching Part 03
• Flame Thrower Part 01
• Flame Thrower Part 02
• Flame Thrower Part 03
• Flame Thrower Part 04
• Flame Thrower Part 05
• Flame Thrower Part 06
• Flame Thrower Part 07
• Flame Thrower Part 08
• Flame Thrower Part 09
• Conclusion






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آموزش سری دو ICE ,Lagoa سافت امیج از شرکت I3D این یکی جدیداً در سایت ها پخش شد...


I3d - Mastering the Art of ICE Volume II: Lagoa Multiphysics

When the need arises to create complex effects and custom setups within your Softimage project, many artists elect to use ICE, a visual programming environment included with Softimage that allows artists and technical directors to create custom solutions for many of the challenges associated with working on visual effects and animation for production.​

One of the latest features to be integrated into Softimage, is the amazing Lagoa Multiphysics system. Lagoa can perform many tasks that are useful for achieving complex effects and projects. It can be used to simulate breakable materials, cloth, advected meshes, fluids, and more. Lagoa is completely integrated within Softimage via ICE, in fact, you use it within ICE, making it as much a part of Softimage as any other compounds or effects created inside ICE. Lagoa is not a plugin and there is no additional installation necessary, simply open Softimage as usual and start creating effects immediately.
In this training product, you’ll be shown how to work with Lagoa from start to finish. We’ll begin your journey into Lagoa by getting started with the basics of Lagoa and understanding all the nodes and properties that comprise a typical range of Lagoa effects. From there, following a healthy series of example projects, you will be shown; creating and working with complex fluid simulations, implementing motion blur with Lagoa correctly, creating soft body effects, creating cloth and mesh advection effects, creating and implementing Lagoa Post Sim Effects, creating multi-phase systems, working with and creating substance materials, using emPolygonizer to mesh your Lagoa effects, creating realistic effects both through physical accuracy and visual aesthetics, and more. As if that wasn’t enough, you’ll also learn tricks and techniques for optimizing and caching your Lagoa effects and meshes in order to speed things up and get the best interaction with Lagoa that you can. This training product includes all project files and assets needed to follow along with the instructor. Project files require Autodesk Softimage 2012.

· 01_Overview
· 02_Your_First_Lagoa_Effect
· 03_Anatomy_of_Lagoa
· 04_Lagoa_Particle_Emission
· 05_Lagoa_Forces
· 06_Lagoa_Materials_Pressure
· 07_Lagoa_Materials_Elasticity
· 08_Lagoa_Collisions
· 09_Fluid_Example_Part_01
· 10_Fluid_Example_Part_02
· 11_Fluid_Example_Part_03
· 12_Caching_Lagoa_Particles
· 13_Caching_Polygonizer_Meshes
· 14_Rendering_with_Motion_Blur
· 15_Soft_Bodies_Example_Part_01
· 16_Soft_Bodies_Example_Part_02
· 17_Soft_Bodies_Example_Part_03
· 18_Lagoa_Cloth
· 19_Lagoa_Mesh_Advection
· 20_Advanced_Lagoa_Example_Part_01
· 21_Advanced_Lagoa_Example_Part_02
· 22_Lagoa_Post_Sim_Effects_Part_01
· 23_Lagoa_Post_Sim_Effects_Part_02
· 24_Lagoa_Multi-Phase_Systems_Part_01
· 25_Lagoa_Multi-Phase_Systems_Part_02




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سلام دوستان یه آموزش دیگه از شرکت دیجیتال تورس که در این آموزش طریق روتوسکوبی رو یاد میگیرید که همون امیج پلان توی مایا هست........


Digital Tutors - The Beginner's Guide to Rotoscopes in Softimage 2012

35 min. 3 sec. | Released on September 1, 2011 | Project Files Included (5 MB) Required Software: Softimage 2012

In this collection of lessons, we will be teaching you how Rotoscope images can be used for modeling an animation reference within Softimage.

We will start off by learning how to properly set up and align your Rotoscope images in something like Photoshop. From there, we will learn how to begin importing your Rotoscopes into Softimage, we will learn how to resize and reposition your Rotoscope images within the Softimage viewports to make sure they are properly aligned in all your views, we will learn how to import animated Rotoscopes, as well as other tools and features that will allow you to use image references effectively in Softimage.

1. Introduction and project overview
2. Preparing rotoscope images in Photoshop
3. Adding and removing rotoscope images in Softimage
4. Resizing and positioning rotoscopes in Softimage
5. Viewing rotoscopes through Softimage geometry
6. Adding rotoscopes to additional Softimage cameras
7. Using movies as rotoscopes


Project File


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یه آموزش انیمیشن کردن کراکترهای گیم در XSI از شرکت Noise برای اونهای که میخوان گیم سازی رو یاد بگیرند....................


Noesis Interactive - Custom Props & Animation with XSI | ISO | 4.16Gb

Custom Props & Animation for Source™ Powered Games>, part of the Noesis Interactive™ MOD Your World™ training series, allows you to further "Activate Your World". You’ll learn the basics of 3D animation in SOFTIMAGE®|XSI®, build an animation library and create dynamic props that can be walked on, picked up, broken apart and brought to life within Source powered games.

DVD contents include:
* Learn the fundamentals of 3D Animation
* Create custom static, physics and dynamic props using XSI 6
* Introduction to Non Linear Animation
* Import custom props and animations into Source® powered games
* Learn the power of physically simulated breakable objects and gibs
* Trigger custom actions and animations in Valve's Hammer™ level editor
* Create advanced worlds populated with custom objects and functionality





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آموزش رندر تری سافت امیج از شرکت دیجیتال تورس .................................


Digital-Tutors - Softimage Render Tree Reference Library: Illumination Nodes
2 hrs. 56 min. | July 2, 2011 | Softimage 2012 and up | Author: Kyle Green​

In this collection of lessons we will discuss the various nodes found in the Illumination section of the Render Tree. We will be discussing topics such as creating realistic car paint, exploring subsurface scattering materials to simulate translucent surfaces, overriding shadow color and transparency on individual objects, shading hair strands created in Softimage, rendering soft-shadowing effects using ambient occlusion, as well as many other tips, tricks, and techniques for using the Softimage Illumination nodes.

[URL]http://www.fileserve.com/file/6A2qWXM/_DT_Softimage.Render.Tree[/URL] Refer.Library_Illumination.Nodes.part1.rar
[URL]http://www.fileserve.com/file/hvNCyRv/_DT_Softimage.Render.Tree[/URL] Refer.Library_Illumination.Nodes.part2.rar

[URL]http://www.filesonic.com/file/2681154864/_DT_Softimage.Render.Tree[/URL] Refer.Library_Illumination.Nodes.part1.rar
[URL]http://www.filesonic.com/file/2681148744/_DT_Softimage.Render.Tree[/URL] Refer.Library_Illumination.Nodes.part2.rar

[URL]http://www.wupload.com/file/621468426/_DT_Softimage.Render.Tree[/URL] Refer.Library_Illumination.Nodes.part1.rar
[URL]http://www.wupload.com/file/621464936/_DT_Softimage.Render.Tree[/URL] Refer.Library_Illumination.Nodes.part2.rar

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آموزش دیگری رندر تری سافت امیج از شرکت دیجیتال تورس ........................


Digital-Tutors - Softimage Render Tree Reference Library: Texture Nodes
2 hrs. 36 min. | July 2, 2011 | Softimage 2012 and up | Author: Kyle Green​

  • In this collection of lessons, we will be exploring the various nodes found within the Texture category of the Softimage Render Tree. We will be exploring topics such as creating bump-mapping effects, using the Sprite node to add transparency maps to Softimage particles, rendering complex displacement effects using the Vector Displacement Map node, and using the Camera Map node to render 3D objects directly over a live-action background, just to name a few of the nodes we will be exploring.





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یه آموزش کاملاً حرفه ای از شرکت cmiVFX که در این آموزش طریق استفاده حرفه ای از رندر تری سافت امیج یاد داده میشه توضیحات کامل به زبان انگلیسی از شرکت سازنده...........................



cmiVFX - Softimage Render Tree
3h 25min 11sec | .avi | 1.28GB | English | 07/12/2011 | Gustavo Eggert Boehs

cmiVFX launches its latest training for the Autodesk Softimage Animation Package. Learn how to wrangle your own renders with the powerful Softimage Render Tree. This training video will unlock the mysteries of the delicate nuances of great digital imagery.

No cubes, balls or teapots found in this project! We go deep into this production ready scene to learn the most fundamental rendering tool in Softimage, the Render Tree. Render Tree is the nodal interface for dealing with shaders in Softimage and it is the right tool for the job in Mental Ray and third party renders alike. With some great promises on the rendering horizon for SI there is no better time to jump on the bandwagon and Demystify the Render Tree yourself!

The Basics
All good training videos start with a good recap of the basic workflow. We will continue this trend by showing you the UI, the node environment, and how to go about using plugin shaders and textures. We will also cover some other little do's and dont’s, as well as your new best friend (if you are using Mental Ray) the Architectural Shader.

Mixing Procedurals, Images and Decals
There are many great things to learn when working with procedurals. The endless repetition, the limitless resolution, and how customizable it is. But there are some times when that is just not enough and you are going to need a image. Let’s learn how to mix the best of both worlds, and while we are at it, we will place some decals on top of all that!

Displacements And Bump Maps
In this chapter we will discus what displacement maps and bump maps are, when to use each, and how to optimize your displacement renderings.

Complex Shading Trees
Complexity is where the Render Tree really shines by mixing materials that layer on top of each other. Remapping your textures so that they affect many aspects of your shader, or even adding them on top of your existing bump maps will let you create the rich look only found in natural photography. This chapter will give you the knowledge to tackle very complex materials in a production environment.

SSSkin(Subsurface Scattering)
The effect of light going through a surface and scattering inside it is also known in CG as SSS (sub surface scattering). This will be most important to you while creating organic stuff like skin, fruits, flesh, flowers, and others waxy materials. Even some harder materials like marble have their share of SSS. Let’s learn what this is all about, get to know the main SSS shader in Mental Ray (the Fast Skin) and let’s learn how to mix what we love from the SSS shader with what we love from others shaders in our toolbox.

So you’ve created some very nice looking materials, or some heavily complex trees and you know you could re-use them at some point. Compounds will let you wrap trees in a single node, and expose one or many parameters for later tweaking. Thus enabling for powerful customization with little effort.





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این بار آموزش ابتدای سافت امیج از شرکت بزرگ دیجیتال تورس گذاشتم برای اونهای که تازه میخوان با سافت امیج شروع کنند خیلی خیلی مفید هستش..............


Digital -Tutors - Introduction to Softimage 2012
10 hrs. 43 min. | November 1, 2011 | Softimage 2012 | Author: Multiple Authors

In this tutorial, we will help you get a strong understanding of Softimage and how it works. You will get the chance to work with many of the Softimage instructors here at Digital-Tutors who will show you how to use some of the major components of this powerful application. We'll start by giving you the foundational skills and vocabulary you'll need in order to move around within Softimage, and then we'll jump right into the Modeling section of the tutorial. After completing the Modeling section, you'll get the chance try your hand at Texturing, Rigging, Animation, ICE Dynamics, and finally, Lighting and Rendering your own animation. Our goal is not to weigh you down with technical information, but rather to help you develop good workflow habits and allow you to reach a point where you can be very comfortable using Softimage.

[URL]http://www.fileserve.com/file/hvga2xV/_DT_Introd_to_Softimage_2012.part01.rar[/URL] [URL]http://www.fileserve.com/file/tXE3Xjh/_DT_Introd_to_Softimage_2012.part02.rar[/URL]

[URL]http://www.filesonic.com/file/3411187584/_DT_Introd_to_Softimage_2012.part01.rar[/URL] [URL]http://www.filesonic.com/file/3411187394/_DT_Introd_to_Softimage_2012.part02.rar[/URL]

[URL]http://www.uploadstation.com/file/SPGphBt/_DT_Introd_to_Softimage_2012.part01.rar[/URL] [URL]http://www.uploadstation.com/file/b9Sg6Fs/_DT_Introd_to_Softimage_2012.part02.rar[/URL]

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این هم یه آموزش حرفه ای از شرکت cmiVFX که در این آموزش نور پردازی ، رندر و پاس رندر رو یاد داده میشه این آموزش از دست ندهید که خیلی بدرد میخوره و توضیح کامیل به زبان انگلیسی ....................


cmiVFX releases Softimage - Lights, Rendering and Passes
File .WebM | Genre: Video Training | 1017.27 MB
This course focus on a physically correct approach to lighting inside of Softimage. As the viewer, you will learn important concepts like Linear Workflow, Light Decay, Hard and Soft Shadowing, and the different kinds of lights we have in real life so you never have to use ugly hacks in rendering again. The use of a real production scene will be a great opportunity for everyone to understand how lighting can set the mood of the scene, and how to avoid common rendering bottlenecks. As the cherry on top of our CG cake, you will understand how the use of Softimage’s powerful passes system can leverage your work in the compositing stage, and how you can use Softimage's FXTree to solve preComp issues in your pipeline.
Although some content in this course is Mental Ray specific we try to make it as broad as possible and teach tools that can be used with any render engine available to SI out there.

User Interface
Before learning the concepts we need first to get acquainted with the tool itself. We will learn how to navigate around the UI and inspect the tools that we will be using all while learning the shortcuts that can speed up our process.

Linear Workflow
Have you heard about linear workflow? It is kind of a hot topic these days, but do you know how and why one should use it? We will investigate this topic,learning why this is so crucial to photo-realistic 3d rendering and how it functions inside of Autodesk Softimage.

Lights And Lightshaders
Softimage has many different light objects we can use to illuminate our scene. In this chapter, we will understand how these different types of lights work, what are they're counterparts in real life and how to use lights in a photo-realistic way. We also learn about light shaders and how they change the behavior of your lights.

Scene Preparation
Before placing our lights we will learn how to set up environments, for both Image Based Lighting and Reflections. We will also learn how to set up Mental Ray in order to get fast preview and maximize the number of iterations in your work.

Scene Lighting
The fun stuff! Here is where we use all the knowledge so far to give mood to our scene. We will choose, place and color our lights learning some artistic and technical tricks along the way.

Setting Up For Rendering
Before pushing the Render button, there are a few things we need to know. Let’s learn about all the customizable parameters available to us in the way Softimage outputs images, and some good practices on following through.

Render Channels And Render Passes
There is much more to rendering than the “Beauty Pass”. Softimage has a robust render pass system which allows for the output of many frame buffers per rendering (render channels). We will understand these two workflows, use them in our scene, and check/composite our images in Softimage’s built in compositor called the FXTree.

About The Artist
Gustavo E Boehs is a generalist 3d artist from Brazil. He started his career as a Graphic Designer, but soon became very interested in 3d. He moved to São Paulo (Brazils financial capital) looking for good education in this field. The institution he attended used Softimage as its main tool, and what a tool it is to start your 3d venture! Having created a short film, and many advertisement pieces, he has dealt with most aspects of 3d and compositing and gained a deep all around knowledge of SI's tools and workflow, as well as some experience in other packages like Maya, Max and Cinema 4d.





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سلام بچا این بار یه آموزش توپ از cmiVFX گذاشتم که در این آموزش 12 قانون انمیشن رو یاد میده که در نرم افزار سافت امیج هستش اومیدوارم این آموزش کمک تون کنه تا طریق انیمیشن رو قانونی بیاموزید.......................


cmiVFX – Softimage Animation Principles

This video is geared to train everyone and anyone in the Computer Graphics and Visual Effects industries. The principles of animation are static rules that have worked since the beginning of the invention of movement itself. If your an artist that even questions if they know these principles completely, then this video is for you, even if you do not use Softimage as your tool of choice. This video is extremely agnostic to any particular features, but makes great use of the tools Softimage has become famous for.

Strong Poses

From superhero poses to subtle elegant moments frozen in time, understanding the human form in space is one of the cornerstones of animation. With a special thanks to the explorations by Keith Lango, we explore these poses using some very powerful rigging systems in Softimage. The user will see how easy it is to examine the subtle and powerful aspects of the human form, and compose it in dimensional space.


Strong poses with great timing makes up 90 percent of great animation. We will be using the technique of pose-to-pose animation while getting familiar with the Animation Editor and Dope Sheet. Follow along as we set our poses, then move the keys to adjust the timing, blocking out the action quickly and efficiently.


Here's the windup, and there's the pitch! We'll talk about the windup, or anticipation in this chapter. Before the action can start, there is a moment of preparation. This serves to create a realistic feeling of power, and as a storytelling device, as it prepare the audience for the action itself.


We will begin working in layers, tweaking and refining the motion we have created, using Softimage's "plot to curve" tool to analyze motion paths through space. We will make sure the arcs are strong and natural, and that they show the proper speed and acceleration.

Squash and Stretch

We will use the "bouncing ball" scene, a favorite of almost every animator working in the industry, to explore squash and stretch. We will also integrate this concept into the human body using some of the powerful rigs available in Softimage.

Line of Action

As we move deeper into some of the more subtle tweaks, we can use the principles of Strong Poses and Arcs, and begin to study "Line of Action". Professional animators talk about "animating the action, not the object". Line of action allows us to practice this principle, and we can practice using a squirrel, whose very movement illustrates this principle nicely.

Ease-In Ease-Out

We will look more deeply into the Animation Editor, and use it to illustrate the concept of acceleration and deceleration, or "Ease-In and Ease-Out", the interpolation of motion between the keys.

Breaking Joints

The keys we create in pose-to-pose animation seem very mechanical and robotic without some much needed attention. We will offset some of the motion keys to add some naturalism. Human motion and movement in nature follow a flow, delaying a little bit from the center of the body through the limbs, or the tip of the tail.

Mass and Scale

No discussion about animation would be complete without talking about mass and scale. We will use our principles of timing and poses to create the illusion of light and heavy, youth and age, and gender differences. We will also go through some techniques to show how to lift heavy and light objects and the differences it has on the body.

Secondary Motion - Overshoot

The final principle is generally handled at the end of the animation process, but is no less important. Overshoot and Secondary Motion is the principle that nothing in nature comes to a dead stop. There is almost always a slight "bounce". at the end of a motion. We will also cover some of the amazing ICE Syflex tools in Softimage to simulate cloth.

Christopher Tedin

Born in Sitka, Alaska, Chris started his career as a painter and sculptor. He has been working as an illustrator, graphic designer, and most recently as an art director in Chicago, Illinois. He has been teaching game design and animation for over 15 years. His students now work as animators and professional game designers at Blue Sky Studios, Digital Domain, Aardman/Sony, Microsoft, and as freelance independent artists. Many of his students are now college teachers themselves. He started in the early days with Strata StudioPro, then 3ds Max version 1.0, Maya 2.0, Softimage 3.8, Houdini, before finally settling on Softimage XSI, beginning with version 4.0 Foundation. Chris still sculpts and paints and teaches part time at Tribeca/Flashpoint Academy in Chicago.

Project Contents

All cmiVFX videos come with all the training materials you can need right from our website. No matter what time of day, your location, or how your feeling, cmiVFX will be there waiting for you!

http://www.filesonic.com/file/4085914405/_cmiVFXSoftimageAnimationPrinciples.part1.rar http://www.filesonic.com/file/4085922265/_cmiVFXSoftimageAnimationPrinciples.part2.rar

[URL]http://www.fileserve.com/file/jZGQvtg/_cmiVFXSoftimageAnimationPrinciples.part1.rar[/URL] [URL]http://www.fileserve.com/file/Wp7v6MQ/_cmiVFXSoftimageAnimationPrinciples.part2.rar[/URL]
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آخرین ویرایش:
این بار آموزش مدل کردن کراکتر باری ریگ و انیمیت در سافت امیج رو میذارم مال شرک دیجیتال تورس هستش اومیدوارم به درد دوستانیکه میخوان مدل سازی رو یاد بگیرند بخوره ......................


Digital - Tutors - Modeling a Character for Rigging and Animation in Softimage
3 hrs. 8 min. | June 1, 2010 | Softimage 2010 | Author: Justin Marshall​

In this series of lessons, we will learn how Softimage can be used to model an appealing, cartoony character in a way that allows for a wide range of movement and emotions when animating. When rigging and animating, it's always nice to have an appealing character to work with. In these lessons, we'll cover the building of a simple character with emotive eyes and eyebrows which you can then rig and animate. We will look at methods for building the head, body, arms, and legs and methods for connecting them all together. During the modeling process, we will emphasize the use of proper topology and discuss how topology and edge flow can impact the outcome of the rigging and animation process.


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Noori 3D

سلام بر سافت امیج کاران عزیز
آموزشی از شرکت دیجیتال تورس که دراین آموزش طریق ریگ کردن صورت در نرم افزار سافت امیج رو یاد میگیرید......................................


Digitaltutors - Facial Rigging in Softimage
Release Date: October 1, 2012 | Author: Delano Athias | Required Software: Autodesk Softimage 2013 | Project File: 21MB | 1.14GB

In this series of Softimage tutorials we will learn facial rigging techniques in Softimage. Throughout the tutorial we’ll focus on providing animators with the control they need to create believable expressions with a control rig that computes fast. We’ll creatively explore several techniques and tools that can be used to create natural deformations.

We’ll learn everything from how to simulates fleshy eyes to learning how to create and rig Shape Keys to automate specific deformations. We'll learn how to pin objects to a deforming surface, and we’ll also become familiar several of Softimage's amazing rigging tools. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have the knowledge you need to create facial rigs that produce natural and entertaining results.


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Noori 3D

آموزش سری دوم سیستم Lagoa در سافت امیج توسط ای جک تردی آموزش داده میشه یه آموزش آلی که کلی راهنمای داره در باره سیستم Lagoa اومیدوارم که بدردتون بخوره ...........................................


i3D - Mastering the Art of ICE Volume II: Lagoa Multiphysics
English | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, 274 kb/s | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 29 kb/s | 441Mb
Genre: Video Training

When the need arises to create complex effects and custom setups within your Softimage project, many artists elect to use ICE, a visual programming environment included with Softimage that allows artists and technical directors to create custom solutions for many of the challenges associated with working on visual effects and animation for production.

One of the latest features to be integrated into Softimage, is the amazing Lagoa Multiphysics system. Lagoa can perform many tasks that are useful for achieving complex effects and projects. It can be used to simulate breakable materials, cloth, advected meshes, fluids, and more. Lagoa is completely integrated within Softimage via ICE, in fact, you use it within ICE, making it as much a part of Softimage as any other compounds or effects created inside ICE. Lagoa is not a plugin and there is no additional installation necessary, simply open Softimage as usual and start creating effects immediately.

In this training product, you’ll be shown how to work with Lagoa from start to finish. We’ll begin your journey into Lagoa by getting started with the basics of Lagoa and understanding all the nodes and properties that comprise a typical range of Lagoa effects. From there, following a healthy series of example projects, you will be shown; creating and working with complex fluid simulations, implementing motion blur with Lagoa correctly, creating soft body effects, creating cloth and mesh advection effects, creating and implementing Lagoa Post Sim Effects, creating multi-phase systems, working with and creating substance materials, using emPolygonizer to mesh your Lagoa effects, creating realistic effects both through physical accuracy and visual aesthetics, and more. As if that wasn’t enough, you’ll also learn tricks and techniques for optimizing and caching your Lagoa effects and meshes in order to speed things up and get the best interaction with Lagoa that you can. This training product includes all project files and assets needed to follow along with the instructor. Project files require Autodesk Softimage 2012.​
Video Breakdown:
· 01_Overview
· 02_Your_First_Lagoa_Effect
· 03_Anatomy_of_Lagoa
· 04_Lagoa_Particle_Emission
· 05_Lagoa_Forces
· 06_Lagoa_Materials_Pressure
· 07_Lagoa_Materials_Elasticity
· 08_Lagoa_Collisions
· 09_Fluid_Example_Part_01
· 10_Fluid_Example_Part_02
· 11_Fluid_Example_Part_03
· 12_Caching_Lagoa_Particles
· 13_Caching_Polygonizer_Meshes
· 14_Rendering_with_Motion_Blur
· 15_Soft_Bodies_Example_Part_01
· 16_Soft_Bodies_Example_Part_02
· 17_Soft_Bodies_Example_Part_03
· 18_Lagoa_Cloth
· 19_Lagoa_Mesh_Advection
· 20_Advanced_Lagoa_Example_Part_01
· 21_Advanced_Lagoa_Example_Part_02
· 22_Lagoa_Post_Sim_Effects_Part_01
· 23_Lagoa_Post_Sim_Effects_Part_02
· 24_Lagoa_Multi-Phase_Systems_Part_01
· 25_Lagoa_Multi-Phase_Systems_Part_02

موفق باشید.

Noori 3D

آموزشی رندر کردن با موتر منتال ری در نرم افزار سافت امیج که باز توسط شرکت i3D درست شده که نسخه اولیش هست ....................................................


i3D - Rendering with SOFTIMAGE XSI v.I
English | Video: vp6f, yuv420p, 800x600 | Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, 128 kb/s | 1.58Gb
Genre: Video Training

This training series dives deep into the mental ray renderer for Softimage. Advanced techniques are covered for rendering out production scenes, designed to teach the user how to take advantage of the many powerful features of this industry standard renderer. Traditional methods of direct and indirect illumination are shown in explicit detail, including the use of Global Illumination and Final Gathering.

Also covered are new features of the latest version of mental ray that is integrated with Softimage, including new shaders such as Photographic Exposure, Portal Lights, and more. With the release of Softimage 7, mental ray now comes with Importons which are also covered in this training product, as well as how to use Importons for production. You will be shown how to use different professional techniques for lighting both photorealistic scenes, and projects that require more artistic freedom to achieve a desired look. Among the new features also covered in Softimage 7, is the new Ambient Occlusion Caching and much more. This training product includes all project files and assets needed to follow along with the instructor. Project files require Softimage 7.0.​
Video Breakdown:
• 00 Intro
• 01 Project Manager
• 02 Render Region
• 03 Render Preview
• 04 Standard Lights
• 05 Area Lights
• 08 mental ray Options
• 06 Space Part 01
• 07 Space Part 02
• 09 Dungeon Part 01
• 10 Dungeon Part 02
• 11 Dungeon Part 03
• 12 Dungeon Part 04
• 13 Dungeon Part 05
• 14 Dungeon Part 06
• 15 Dungeon Part 07
• 16 Importons Part 01
• 17 Importons Part 02
• 18 ArchViz Part 01
• 19 ArchViz Part 02
• 20 ArchViz Part 03
• 21 FG Exact Mode
• 22 FG Animation
• 23 Ambient Occlusion
• 24 Conclusion

سری دومش رو هم میذارم
موفق باشید.

Noori 3D

و این هم سری دوم آموزش رندربا موتر منتال ری در نرم افزار سافت امیج از شکرت i3D که یه آموزش جامع میباشد ........................................................


i3D - Rendering with SOFTIMAGE XSI v.II
English | Video: vp6f, yuv420p, 800x600 | Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, 128 kb/s | 599Mb
Genre: Video Training

This training series dives deep into the mental ray renderer for Softimage. Advanced techniques are covered for rendering out production scenes, designed to teach the user how to take advantage of the many powerful features of the latest implementation of the mental ray industry renderer within Softimage.

Some topics covered include new shaders, such as the Bokeh lens shader that allows for the rendering of physically accurate depth of field effects, including chromatic aberration. Also covered are more techniques for lighting photo-realistic scenes, HDRI rendering, caustics, new techniques for using the new Photographic Exposure shader, and more.

This training product also is the first of its kind to cover the new Irradiance Particles indirect illumination algorithm that was introduced in the latest version of mental ray for Softimage. Everything you need to know about this mysterious new feature of mental ray is covered with this training product in incredible detail; there is no other training like this available anywhere, except at i3DTutorials. This training product includes all project files and assets needed to follow along with the instructor. Project files require Softimage 7.0.
Video Breakdown:
• 00 Intro
• 01 Irradiance Particles Part 01
• 02 Irradiance Particles Part 02
• 03 Irradiance Particles Part 03
• 04 Brute Force IP Part 01
• 05 Brute Force IP Part 02
• 06 Interpolated IP Part 01
• 07 Interpolated IP Part 02
• 08 Environment IP
• 09 HDRI and IP
• 10 IP and Caustics
• 11 HDRI Part 01
• 12 HDRI Part 02
• 13 HDRI Part 03
• 14 HDRI Part 04
• 15 Conclusion

http://extabit.com/file/27auydvstzngo/07.04.i3D_-_Rendering_With_Softimage_XSI_v.II Mental Ray.part1.rar
http://extabit.com/file/27auydvstze20/07.04.i3D_-_Rendering_With_Softimage_XSI_v.II Mental Ray.part2.rar
http://extabit.com/file/27auydvsxpsns/07.04.i3D_-_Rendering_With_Softimage_XSI_v.II Mental Ray.part3.rar
http://extabit.com/file/27auydvsxq294/07.04.i3D_-_Rendering_With_Softimage_XSI_v.II Mental Ray.part4.rar
http://extabit.com/file/27auydvsx4diw/07.04.i3D_-_Rendering_With_Softimage_XSI_v.II Mental Ray.part5.rar
http://extabit.com/file/27auydvsx3hxk/07.04.i3D_-_Rendering_With_Softimage_XSI_v.II Mental Ray.part6.rar

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