این پدینگ اضافه ماله چیه ؟


من از قالب آماده خوده دریم ویور استفاده میکنم
این ستون سمت راست (sidebar 1 ) با اینکه تو دریم ویور بدونه مشکل و فضای اضافی هستش و توی ff هم همینطور نشون داده میشه ولی تو ie مشکل داره یه فضای اضافی بالاش میفته مشکل از چیه ؟


 body  {
    font: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background: #666666;
    margin: 0; /* it's good practice to zero the margin and padding of the body element to account for differing browser defaults */
    padding: 0;
    text-align: center; /* this centers the container in IE 5* browsers. The text is then set to the left aligned default in the #container selector */
    color: #000000;
.twoColFixRtHdr #container {
    width: 780px;
    margin: 0 auto; /* the auto margins (in conjunction with a width) center the page */
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    text-align: left; /* this overrides the text-align: center on the body element. */
    background-color: #F93;
.twoColFixRtHdr #header { 
    background: #DDDDDD; 
    padding: 0 10px 0 20px;  /* this padding matches the left alignment of the elements in the divs that appear beneath it. If an image is used in the #header instead of text, you may want to remove the padding. */
.twoColFixRtHdr #header h1 {
    margin: 0; /* zeroing the margin of the last element in the #header div will avoid margin collapse - an unexplainable space between divs. If the div has a border around it, this is not necessary as that also avoids the margin collapse */
    padding: 10px 0; /* using padding instead of margin will allow you to keep the element away from the edges of the div */
[B].twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 {
    float: right; /* since this element is floated, a width must be given */
    width: 200px; /* the actual width of this div, in standards-compliant browsers, or standards mode in Internet Explorer will include the padding and border in addition to the width */
    background: #EBEBEB;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
.twoColFixRtHdr #mainContent { 
    margin: 0 250px 0 0; /* the right margin on this div element creates the column down the right side of the page - no matter how much content the sidebar1 div contains, the column space will remain. You can remove this margin if you want the #mainContent div's text to fill the #sidebar1 space when the content in #sidebar1 ends. */
    padding: 0 20px; /* remember that padding is the space inside the div box and margin is the space outside the div box */
.twoColFixRtHdr #footer { 
    padding: 0 10px 0 20px; /* this padding matches the left alignment of the elements in the divs that appear above it. */
.twoColFixRtHdr #footer p {
    margin: 0; /* zeroing the margins of the first element in the footer will avoid the possibility of margin collapse - a space between divs */
    padding: 10px 0; /* padding on this element will create space, just as the the margin would have, without the margin collapse issue */


خدمت شما کد کامل صفحه

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css"> 
body  {
    font: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background: #666666;
    margin: 0; /* it's good practice to zero the margin and padding of the body element to account for differing browser defaults */
    padding: 0;
    text-align: center; /* this centers the container in IE 5* browsers. The text is then set to the left aligned default in the #container selector */
    color: #000000;
.twoColFixRtHdr #container {
    width: 780px;
    margin: 0 auto; /* the auto margins (in conjunction with a width) center the page */
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    text-align: left; /* this overrides the text-align: center on the body element. */
    background-color: #F93;
.twoColFixRtHdr #header { 
    background: #DDDDDD; 
    padding: 0 10px 0 20px;  /* this padding matches the left alignment of the elements in the divs that appear beneath it. If an image is used in the #header instead of text, you may want to remove the padding. */
.twoColFixRtHdr #header h1 {
    margin: 0; /* zeroing the margin of the last element in the #header div will avoid margin collapse - an unexplainable space between divs. If the div has a border around it, this is not necessary as that also avoids the margin collapse */
    padding: 10px 0; /* using padding instead of margin will allow you to keep the element away from the edges of the div */
.twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 {
    float: right; /* since this element is floated, a width must be given */
    width: 200px; /* the actual width of this div, in standards-compliant browsers, or standards mode in Internet Explorer will include the padding and border in addition to the width */
    background: #EBEBEB;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
.twoColFixRtHdr #mainContent { 
    margin: 0 250px 0 0; /* the right margin on this div element creates the column down the right side of the page - no matter how much content the sidebar1 div contains, the column space will remain. You can remove this margin if you want the #mainContent div's text to fill the #sidebar1 space when the content in #sidebar1 ends. */
    padding: 0 20px; /* remember that padding is the space inside the div box and margin is the space outside the div box */
.twoColFixRtHdr #footer { 
    padding: 0 10px 0 20px; /* this padding matches the left alignment of the elements in the divs that appear above it. */
.twoColFixRtHdr #footer p {
    margin: 0; /* zeroing the margins of the first element in the footer will avoid the possibility of margin collapse - a space between divs */
    padding: 10px 0; /* padding on this element will create space, just as the the margin would have, without the margin collapse issue */
.fltrt { /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
    float: right;
    margin-left: 8px;
.fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page */
    float: left;
    margin-right: 8px;
.clearfloat { /* this class should be placed on a div or break element and should be the final element before the close of a container that should fully contain a float */
    font-size: 1px;
    line-height: 0px;
</style><!--[if IE 5]>
<style type="text/css"> 
/* place css box model fixes for IE 5* in this conditional comment */
.twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { width: 220px; }
<![endif]--><!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css"> 
/* place css fixes for all versions of IE in this conditional comment */
.twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }
.twoColFixRtHdr #mainContent { zoom: 1; }
/* the above proprietary zoom property gives IE the hasLayout it needs to avoid several bugs */

<body class="twoColFixRtHdr">

<div id="container">
  <div id="header">
  <!-- end #header --></div>
  <div id="sidebar1">
  <!-- end #sidebar1 --></div>
  <div id="mainContent">
    <h1> Main Content </h1>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam,  justo convallis luctus rutrum, erat nulla fermentum diam, at nonummy quam  ante ac quam. Maecenas urna purus, fermentum id, molestie in, commodo  porttitor, felis. Nam blandit quam ut lacus. Quisque ornare risus quis  ligula. Phasellus tristique purus a augue condimentum adipiscing. Aenean  sagittis. Etiam leo pede, rhoncus venenatis, tristique in, vulputate at,  odio. Donec et ipsum et sapien vehicula nonummy. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce  varius urna id quam. Sed neque mi, varius eget, tincidunt nec, suscipit id,  libero. In eget purus. Vestibulum ut nisl. Donec eu mi sed turpis feugiat  feugiat. Integer turpis arcu, pellentesque eget, cursus et, fermentum ut,  sapien. Fusce metus mi, eleifend sollicitudin, molestie id, varius et, nibh.  Donec nec libero.</p>
    <h2>H2 level heading </h2>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam,  justo convallis luctus rutrum, erat nulla fermentum diam, at nonummy quam  ante ac quam. Maecenas urna purus, fermentum id, molestie in, commodo  porttitor, felis. Nam blandit quam ut lacus. Quisque ornare risus quis  ligula. Phasellus tristique purus a augue condimentum adipiscing. Aenean  sagittis. Etiam leo pede, rhoncus venenatis, tristique in, vulputate at, odio.</p>
    <!-- end #mainContent --></div>
    <!-- This clearing element should immediately follow the #mainContent div in order to force the #container div to contain all child floats --><br class="clearfloat" />
  <div id="footer">
  <!-- end #footer --></div>
<!-- end #container --></div>


Active Member
مشکل شما مربوط به کد زیر در لاین 73 کدتون هست :

.twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 0px; }

میزان پدینگ رو با مقدار دلخواه عوض کنید ...


خب میخام پدینگ 0 باشه دیگه و 0 هنم گزاشتم ولی توی ie پدینگ داره .

pouya saadeghi

Active Member
یه نگاهی به اینجا بندازید!

<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css"> 
/* place css fixes for all versions of IE in this conditional comment */
.twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }
.twoColFixRtHdr #mainContent { zoom: 1; }
/* the above proprietary zoom property gives IE the hasLayout it needs to avoid several bugs */

این قسمت:
.twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }

این کد میگه اگه مرورگر IE بود ، پدینگ بالا 30 پیکسل باشه!!! :wink:پدینگ رو صفر کنید (همین)


Active Member
خب میخام پدینگ 0 باشه دیگه و 0 هنم گزاشتم ولی توی ie پدینگ داره .

عزیز ماله شما 30 بود که من 0 کردم .

این کد میگه اگه مرورگر IE بود ، پدینگ بالا 30 پیکسل باشه!!! پدینگ رو صفر کنید (همین)

من این رو که بالاتر نهاده بودم عزیز :green:


ممنون دوستان
دو دریم ویور این کد ها رو به رنگ خاکستری میزاره مثل توضیحات میشه من هیچوقت بهشون دقت نکرده بودم


New Member
خود جسم رو تغییر بده ...

فقط padding رو تو قسمت css <style> عوض نکن رو خود اون شی که می خوای پدینگ صفر بشه برو و این عبارت رو وارد کن


مثلا اگر تگ a هست این میشه :

<a style="paddign:0px" href=""></a>

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