این دیگه چیه؟؟؟تاحالا به همچین چیزی برخوردنکردم!!کمکم کنیدنمی تونم نامه هام


وقتی میرم توی باکس وبمحض اینکه بخوام نامه ای روبازکنم یابفرستم این پیغام میاد
Temporary problem accessing your mailbox.

We recommend clicking the "Refresh" or "Reload" button on your browser's toolbar. If this doesn't correct the problem, re-login to your account. If the problem persists, click here to send us a report.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

توی صفحه ای که لینک داده هم میرم وتکمیلش هم می کنم وپیغام تشکرهم میاد.
ولی وقتی دوباره برمیگردم بازهمون آش وهمون کاسه!!!!!!!!!
جون من کمکم کنید چون نامه های مهمی برام رسید!!!!!!!!!



Active Member
شما تموم كوكي هاي رو كامپيوترتون رو delet كنيد
من فكر ميكنم ياهو كوكي هاش قاطي كرده كه اينم دليلش اينه كه يا خودت اديتش كردي و يا يه برنامه يا سايت ديگه خرابش كرده.
اينو امتحان كن شايد درست بشه


آقاطبق گفته شماعمل کردم ایندفعه این پیام روداد .ومشکل هنوزهم حل نشده!!!

Your login session has expired.
Why does my session expire?

Login sessions expire for two reasons.
For your security, your Yahoo! Mail session expires a maximum of eight hours after you have logged in. If you have chosen in your Yahoo! User Information to be prompted for a password more frequently than every eight hours, your session will expire after the specified amount of time.
If you do not accept the cookies set on login or your computer is not configured to accept cookies, your session will expire almost immediately. We use cookies (small pieces of site information) to assist us in user authentication and in saving configuration information. Cookies are required for Yahoo! Mail.

If you see this message immediately after logging in, you should check the following:
Check to see that your computer system time is accurate. Cookies are time sensitive and may not work if your computer date is incorrect by a large amount.
Make sure that your browser is configured to accept cookies or that you agree to accept cookies during the login process.
Turn off any third party programs or control panels that automatically reject cookies.

Re-login to Yahoo! Mail

بابایکی بگه معنی ایناچیه وچیکاربایدبکنم!!!!!!


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