يه اسكريپت جالب مخصوص سايت هاي بازي و ايمكانات بسيار جديد كه درش هست قيمتش هم 50 دلاره اما شما ميتونيد رايگان دانلود كنيد .
اينم امكاناتش
Ad System
-Ad co-ordination
-User Level / Permission system
-Create your own user levels and set user permissions
-Allow access to admin panel, specifiy what they can do and enable / disable ads for different user levels
-Console home pages
-Console specific latest news, top games, articles, latest media
-User System
-Admin Control Panel
-CCMS Forum System
-News System
-Cheats System
-File Database
-Blog System
-Media Section
-Upload up to 20 images at a time
-Optional image watermarking with 1 click
-Links Database
-Custom Pages
-For creating pages with any content you like
-Submit System
-Users can submit news, files, articles and media
-Rating System
-Top Games and game ranks & worst games (optional)
-Game Index / Profile Page
-Game collection / wishlists, links to articles, files, news and images
-Company profiles with games developed / published and company info
-Now Playing
-Members Online
-Who's online page, and last page viewed
-Private Message System
-Comment System for articles, news, files and media
-Image thumbnailer for fast loading images (Powered by GD2)
-RSS News Output
-Member List
-Easy integration into VBulletin/PHPBB
-css style sheets for easier customization
-Unique page titles for better Search Engine Optimization
-Language friendly
-All phrases are located in a single file so changing from English to x is easy.
براي ديدن دموش هم به آدرس زير بريد
فقط تشكر يادتون نره ببينيم چه قدر طرفدار داشته
براي دانلود هم تشريف ببريد اينجا